Tartaglia swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked Ying, "In that case, why would you want to become the Seven Stars of Liyue?"

You know, your brother is the prince of the Abyss Order, and it's already good that the countries don't target you.

Moreover, it is not easy to become the Seven Stars of Liyue. "

"Because what my brother did was wrong, I would stop him!

If I want to fight my brother, I need the help of a huge force, Liyue is one of the most powerful countries in Teyvat, if I can become the Seven Stars of Liyue, I can borrow the power of Liyue to fight the Abyss Order..."Ying Wenyan didn't hide much, and explained to Tartaglia.

"Borrowing a powerful force against the Abyss Order?

Do you want to join us Fatui?

I have some knowledge of your strength, and it is not impossible for me to grow into a Fatui executive in the future. Tartaglia was also overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "If you want to join the Fatui, I can introduce you to the Fatui."

Rest assured, the people among us Fatui who often engage in sabotage and evil experiments are dead.

Now we Fatui are a legally compliant organization. "

"In line with the laws of your Solstice Country, and the rules of the Solstice "Eighty-Sixty-Zero" Country?" asked Ying with a complicated expression.

"Ahem, in fact, we are still very friendly in the country of Solstice, we are a country that pursues peace. Tartaglia blushed and breathlessly nonsense.

Ying has an older brother who has become the prince of the abyss, and the other party can also give him a certain sense of threat, and he is also a very powerful warrior.

Tartaglia naturally wanted to draw Yingyu into the Fatui.

"I'm sorry, but I've heard about some of your Fatui things, and even some things I've witnessed with my own eyes.

I've even seen doctors conduct human experiments on innocent people, and I can't identify with your organization. Ying pondered for a moment, then refused in a serious tone.

Maybe the Fatui are powerful, a huge organization.

The other party can help herself, maybe more than Liyue, but Ying still can't approve of the Fatui.

"Is that so? Doctor, that guy really deserves to die!" Tartaglia spread his hands helplessly: "Fortunately, Muyang killed the doctor."

Otherwise, no one knows what the madman Doctor will do.

However, the doors of our Fatui are always open for you, and you are welcome to join us.

If you want to fight against the Abyss Order, we Fatui are the best choice, and besides, the head of our Fatui is the top of Kaurria!

If you've joined the Fatui, he'll not mind telling you that information. "

"I guess it's a little exciting. Paimon couldn't help but mutter.

Liyue Seven Stars is great, but when you think about it, being an Executive Officer of the Fatui doesn't seem like a bad thing either.

After all, the Seven Gods didn't necessarily know much about Sora, but the top leaders of Kanria definitely knew about it.

"No, I still have to work hard to become the Seven Stars of Liyue. Ying's eyes flickered slightly, and then he shook his head and said, "I roughly know his purpose."

Although it is necessary to know some truths, I still have a lot of time to investigate the so-called truths. "

"Really? That's a shame. Tartaglia didn't say much when he heard this.

It's just that he's thinking about whether he wants to destroy Ying and become the Seven Stars of Liyue.

After all, if Ying couldn't become the Seven Stars of Liyue, then she might still join the Fatui.

Immediately afterward, Tartaglia shook his head again, Mu Yang as Ningguang's advisor, Keqing's man, Liyue has some troubles, and Mu Yang will also know.

Since it was Muyang's intention to make Ying the Seven Stars of Liyue, he didn't want to destroy it.

This will offend Muyang.

For the sake of a Ying, offending Muyang, it's not worth it!

Subsequently, several people had a delicious dinner, and during the meal, Tartaglia also told about the things in the abyss.

Tartaglia didn't dare to say these things before, after all, it was an abyss.

But since Muyang has exposed his past, it should be no problem to say a little.

There are some things that he has been holding in his mouth for a long time, but he has not had a chance to say them to others, and now he finally has the opportunity to say them, which is really great.

This time, even Muyang, Zhongli, and Zhong Kui were all quietly listening to Tartaglia tell the story of the abyss.

After all, everyone is actually half-aware of the specific situation of the abyss, and now it is better to have a person like Tartaglia who has been to the abyss to tell it.

Of course, there are also words of Tartaglia promoting their Fatui, but no one cares.

After eating dinner, Muyang said goodbye to Tartaglia and others, and this meal was naturally invited by Tartaglia.

Anyway, if you have a meal for Tartaglia, Muyang will never feel sorry for Tartaglia, and Tartaglia herself will not care either, and only the rich will feel entangled.

After all, at this time, the person invited by Tartaglia was the most hated god of the rich.

"That Tartaglia..."After Tartaglia and them left, Ying looked at Muyang without saying anything.

"Don't worry, he's a Fatui executive and has a mission in Liyue, so as long as it doesn't contradict his mission, he's still easy to get along with. Mu Yang thought about it and added: "Of course, the premise is that you are worthy of him."

He is a real martial arts idiot who recognizes powerful people. "

"So?" Ying nodded thoughtfully, "Starting tomorrow, I'm going to go on a mission with the Adventurers' Guild to see if there are any interesting missions here in Liyue."

Is there anything I need to do on your side?"

"Is this this?" Mu Yang looked pensive when he heard this.

Let Ying do any tasks, it seems that there is really none, and I can't look down on ordinary tasks.

By the way, does Liyue have any special missions?

Mu Yang really couldn't think of it for a while, so he said to Ying: "You can do it yourself, if you encounter danger, remember to run away." "

"I understand. Ying Wenyan nodded slightly, but she was still a little unconvinced in her heart.

Does Muyang still see himself as the one in Mondstadt?

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, I am no longer the same person I was when I was in Mondstadt.

Her strength has improved significantly!

Although there is still a big difference from the current Muyang, it is........

"By the way, Ying, do you know anything about alchemy?" Suddenly, Mu Yang thought of something and asked Ying.

"My memory recovery is not very complete now, but I should have mastered some alchemy, but I am not particularly good at it. Ying thought for a moment and then said truthfully.

"So do you know about computers, mobile phones, and programming?" Immediately after, Muyang asked again.

"Computer, mobile phone, you don't want to develop on the Teyvat continent, right?" Ying Wenyan was also directly shocked.

As a traveler who has been to many worlds, Ying is naturally no stranger to these.

She didn't expect that Muyang's ambition was so big, and it seemed a little difficult to develop science and technology on the Teyvat continent.

"Well, haven't you noticed that these things are actually very interesting?" Muyang spread his hands and said: "Before I came to this world, my life was inseparable from these things, and if I had a mobile phone and computer, I wouldn't be bored." "

"Yes, but it takes technology. After a moment's thought, she added, "I can't get those things out right now.

However, I believe that with the return of my memories outside of this world, I should know how to code.

When we travel to some worlds, we also try to live like ordinary people.

I usually have some of these skills. "

"So your brother can also help Kanria Mechanic Ascend!" Mu Yang sighed lightly, Sora was definitely not an innocent person.

At least the empty has definitely helped Kanriya's technology to improve by more than one level.

The technology of the ruin guards is likely to come from the sky.

"This..." Ying understood what Muyang meant, thinking of what her brother had done, and she didn't know what to say.

He could only promise Muyang: "I will stop the empty!"

"Well, if you can't stop it, I'll take action, but when the time comes, I'm afraid it won't be so good.

Teyvat is important to me. Mu Yang said to Ying Shen in a serious tone. 4.5

It is not without a price to be paid to become a heavenly principle.

It is true that he can quickly improve his strength through the Teyvat Continent, and he is undoubtedly the first person in the Teyvat Continent.

But if something happens to the Teyvat continent, Muyang will also be greatly affected.

If Kong wants to lead the abyss to invade the Teyvat continent, isn't this to oppose Muyang, or even to dig Muyang's liferoot?

Muyang didn't slap the air, in fact, it was already very good.

Of course, the Abyss Order is actually just like that for the Teyvat Continent, and it is the Abyss that is really threatening.

The Abyss Order is just a pawn of the Abyss, and even if the Abyss is killed, the Abyss will still invade the Teyvat continent.

"I see. Ying Wenyan was stunned, and then said, "Have you already regarded Teyvat Continent as your home?"

I can feel your feelings, in fact, I feel that way too.

If it was before, I might not have felt this way because I had traveled so many worlds, but this time, I lost most of my memories of the past, and I still have this feeling. "

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