"The Internet is indeed dangerous, and after the Internet begins to be promoted and popularized, there are bound to be many people who want to use the Internet to do something, so when I enter the Internet, I plan to carry out real-name systems and the like.

When the time comes, everyone will have to pay for what they do. Mu Yang thought of various fraud groups and said in a deep voice.

Damn, those guys are really hateful, but in this world, there is no need to worry about this problem, anyway, there are only four countries, there will be a signal, and if you leave four countries, your phone will not work.

This is not to look down on Fontaine, Nata, and Solstice, but to their leylines, which cannot be moved by Liyue at the moment.

The connection between the Dragon King and the Great Tree King and Nahida allowed the Seven Heavenly Gods of the four countries to act as signal towers, and at the same time, special leylines were built in these four countries, but Fontaine and Solstice were different.

They don't have these big guys to do things.

If they take the initiative to study the leylines of the Solstice Country, then they will die if they try.

Leylines are not something that can be studied by any random person.

Without the approval of heavenly principles, the final outcome of studying the leylines is a dead word, maybe in many cases, Asmodeus they can turn a blind eye, after all, the previous Asmodeus itself is difficult to protect, but now ~ is different.

The abyssal pollution on Asmodeus's own body has almost been purified, and the wear and tear on her body has also been lifted a lot.

Now Asmodeus can make a move at will.

Therefore, Muyang is now very optimistic that the Solstice Kingdom will continue to do things, and he can definitely give them a big surprise.

In the four countries, if someone engages in Internet fraud, as long as Muyang wants to, he can locate them at any time, and they can die very miserably.

"Well, we Sumeru have experience in this, and when the Void System was first introduced, we also encountered a lot of problems. Nahida glanced at the mobile phone in her hand and continued: "Next, the Great Mercy Tree King and I will improve the control system of the mobile phone.

At least not to give others a chance to catch loopholes. "

"Then I'm sorry for you, Nahida!" Mu Yang said softly, stroking Nahida's head.

"You're welcome, now that I have a mobile phone, after I improve the mobile phone system, I will also make some mobile phones, and then teach the production method of mobile phone software, I believe that Sumeru will make achievements in this area in the future. Nahida then continued: "Even nearly one-tenth of Sumeru's people in the future may be able to carry out this work. "

"This is also an opportunity for Sumeru, after all, Sumeru itself is the country with the highest level of culture on the continent of Teyvat. Mu Yang said softly: "Although I feel that the previous Akademiya's behavior of running a country is a bit stupid. "

"That's just a temporary solution, and with the teachings of the Great Mercy Tree King, the Akademiya won't do anything like that. Nahida quickly explained.

Of course, she herself is not very confident.

After all, having read the history of Blue Star, she naturally knows how many problems there are in the Akademiya system.

She wants to build a better system, but at the same time, she can't lose Sumeru's characteristic - knowledge.

As the god of wisdom, Nahida actually has a pursuit in this regard.

"Well, it's up to you next, and I'm sure you can do that. Muyang said softly: "Nahida is a kind god, and she is also a dutiful god, I believe that you can do it in the future." "

One thing to say, Nahida is definitely the most conscientious god Muyang has seen among the seven gods, look at Barbatos's wine Mengzi, Morax's street slicker, and then look at the otaku girl of Lei Movie, Hunada has always wanted to work hard to be a god.

It's just that this god, even if he works hard, is not recognized by his own people.

Thinking about the past 500 years of Nahida, it is indeed quite pitiful.

Moreover, because of the incident, Nahida has also been criticized in various ways, but fortunately, because of her own teachings, Nahida is now also becoming a qualified god, at least those unnecessary kindnesses have disappeared.

This makes Muyang very satisfied, if Nahida still likes to forgive this, forgive that, and want to save this, save that, then Muyang has nothing to say, and will only be cultivated as a cute thing.

As for making Muyang spend a lot of effort to help, it was almost impossible.

"Well, I'll work hard to make Sumeru a better place under my leadership. "Little Nahida also has ambitions in her heart, and she wants to lead Sumeru farther and farther, even beyond the original time of the Great Mercy Tree King.

Of course, this is not Nahida's disrespect to the Great Cishu King, in fact, the relationship between the two parties is very good, after more than a month of getting along, Nahida herself doesn't know what her feelings for the Great Cishu King are.

It's like a sister's longing for her sister, and it's a bit like a daughter's to her mother.

"Come on!" Mu Yang then said, "I'm going to the World Tree now, do you want to come with Nahida?"

Nahida pondered for a moment and shook her head, "No, I still have a lot of things to deal with. "

Mu Yang didn't say anything when he heard this, but just opened the space passage and directly entered the World Tree.

Nahida didn't know what to say.

After all, she and the Great Mercy Tree King are the incarnations of the World Tree, and as a result, when they come to Muyang's side, they don't need their consent to directly enter the interior of the World Tree.

Should I say, is it worthy of Muyang?


"You're here?" When Muyang just entered the World Tree, the figure of the Great Ci Tree King appeared by Muyang's side.

"Well, I'm here!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, he looked at the Great Cishu King carefully, and seemed to feel that the Great Cishu King had undergone some changes compared to the last time they met: "You seem to have changed, is it brought about by the forbidden knowledge that I deciphered?"

"I am the embodiment of the World Tree myself, and although this knowledge cannot be directly integrated into the World Tree, it will be more or less affected after I see it. King Dacishu patiently explained.

It's just that she is a little flustered in her heart, Muyang, this guy, shouldn't she find anything?

Because of those forbidden knowledge, she grew up, but the Great Cishu King obviously knew something about Muyang.

She was also worried that Mu Yang would deal with herself as if it was shown in the forbidden knowledge.

"Is that so?" Mu Yang nodded thoughtfully: "This time, I'm going to try to integrate some rules into the Teyvat continent." "

"Are you going to start?" asked the Great Mercy Tree King in a heavy tone.

"Well, although the system of elemental power is good, the upper limit is limited after all, and it is still related to the original dragon king. Mu Yang's tone was serious: "In the future, cultivating immortals or something is the future."

Not only human beings, but even the seven gods will also embark on this path. "

"Is that so?" said the Great Mercy Tree King's heart.

Now on the Teyvat continent, the Great Cishu King feels that he may know more about Muyang's ambitions than Lei Movie.

Those themes of cultivating immortals, she learned a lot through those forbidden knowledge.

It is undeniable that if that were the case, the possibilities of human beings would be much greater than they are today.

As a god who loves human beings, the Great Mercy Tree King also hopes that human beings can have a better future.

"You need to try it anyway. Mu Yang spread his hands, "It's just a pity that I don't have the ability to directly rub Pikachu."

Otherwise, you don't need to think about changing it through the World Tree.

Why do you feel that my heavenly principles are a bit of a waste?"

"No, the predecessor's Tianli didn't have such an ability. King Dacishu hurriedly explained. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

According to the understanding of the Great Mercy Tree King, the current source of the seven elemental powers on the Teyvat Continent is all Dragon King.

Therefore, it is really too difficult to change the rules of Teyvat.

But now that there are ready-made rules in front of him, if he is Muyang as the king of the Great Cishu Tree, I'm afraid he also wants to change it!?

This represents a brighter future for Teyvat.

If the current Teyvat Continent only barely has the confidence to maintain itself in the face of the abyss in the future, then after changing the rules of Teyvat Continent and even improving the world system, Teyvat Continent can develop better and better.

"I knew it was just an opportunity, but I didn't know how to do it, so I was a little irritated. Mu Yang rubbed his forehead, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

"It's understandable.

If I could, I'd like to incorporate these rules into Teyvat.

It's just that I can't change the rules of the World Tree alone.

Not to mention the current me, even in my heyday, I can't do that. The Great Mercy Tree King kept reminiscing in his mind.

She thought of everything she was as a grass god, and she thought of her friend Flower God, who sacrificed herself in order to be able to give mankind a possibility, and killed the Red King, even if she was almost fallen.

Although some people don't want to admit it, human beings have indeed developed because of this.

Then you may be able to make some sacrifices, and this is for the sake of the whole world!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!

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