"Actually, I can give you permission to change the World Tree for the time being. After a moment of silence, the Great Mercy Tree King gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Temporarily have the authority to change the World Tree?" Mu Yang was also taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the Great Ci Tree King in surprise.

The look seemed to say, since you have such a solution, why didn't you say it earlier?

Being looked at like this by Mu Yang, the little face of the Great Cishu King also became a little twisted: "It's just that that method is a little weird." "

"What to do?" Mu Yang raised his eyebrows: "If it's too dangerous, then there's no need to try."

Myself, in fact, is still very afraid of danger.

Moreover, the World Tree is crucial, and I will not allow problems with the World Tree. "

If it were for the sake of cultivating immortals, which could not be done at the moment, and harming the World Tree, Mu Yang would probably cry to death directly.

He would rather not change the rules of this world, it is a big deal to shape a world where everyone practices martial arts, and when the time comes, he will study more exercises, and there may really be a few land immortals at that time.

"There will be no danger, but it may be a little too much for you, and it may be a lot for me.

And remember not to change too much at once, otherwise it may be dangerous. "Great mercy" Six-two-three" The Tree King said to Mu Yang in a serious tone.

"This, I understand, please tell me, how to change the rules of the world!" Mu Yang was not dissatisfied when he heard this, but was satisfied with the grammar of the Great Cishu King.

If the world is a computer, then the world tree is the operating system.

Muyang, this guy, is a user, although he has a top permission, but many times, many files in the computer only have the function of reading and writing, but there is no permission to write.

Now Muyang needs an administrator identity, and the Great Cishu King is the administrator of this computer, but without Muyang's help, the Great Cishu King cannot modify these contents.

Therefore, it will fall to the point where both Muyang and the Great Cishu King are entangled.

"Next, I will guide you, and you should also be ready to integrate some rules into the Teyvat Continent!" The Great Cishu King closed his eyes, and then under Mu Yang's shocked gaze, the Great Cishu King gradually grew larger, no longer Lori's figure, but turned into a 20-year-old woman.

"Can you get bigger?" Muyang was dumbfounded.

Before, she thought that the Great Cishu King had lost his divine power and became a little Lori, even in the game.

The Great Mercy Tree King has become like this because of the relationship between forbidden knowledge.

But how did it come to this now?

"The way it was before, save your own strength. The Great Cishu King looked at Mu Yang with a subtle expression and said softly: "But there are some things that can't be done by children after all." "

Muyang raised his eyebrows, and then there was a burst of relief, indeed, if it was the energy-saving mode before, then now it is the performance mode.

In the end, it is to change the World Tree, or even to change the rules of the entire Teyvat continent.

The Great Mercy Tree King needs to adjust himself to performance mode.

"So what am I going to do next?" Mu Yang asked the Great Mercy Tree King with a deep breath.

Even the Great Cishu King needs to adjust his state, and it seems that he also needs to work hard!

I'm afraid it's going to be a tough battle!

The Great Cishu King thought for a moment, approached Muyang step by step and whispered: "Next, I will guide you to change, my state is not good, I can't maintain this state for a long time, I hope you can hurry up." "

"Well, don't worry!" Mu Yang nodded with a serious expression, and at the same time, his heart was also moved.

In order to help himself, the King of the Great Cishu took out all the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

I can't live up to the expectations of the Great Mercy Tree King!

It's just that the next behavior of the Great Ci Tree King made Mu Yang a little confused, and the Great Ci Tree King walked towards him step by step, and then came over to himself, and then began to reproduce the teaching materials of those teachers at the beginning, Rao is Mu Yang, and the whole person was also confused.

That's how to get World Tree permissions!?

I don't read much, don't you lie to me?

However, the Great Cishu King is worthy of being the former god of wisdom, and his learning ability is really powerful, even those moves can be learned perfectly.


The King of the Great Cishu is also an old tree, right?

This is a real old tree root!

"Please seize the opportunity!" Just when Mu Yang's thoughts were flying, the voice of the Great Ci Tree King appeared in Mu Yang's mind.

Muyang woke up in shock, and it seemed that he really had the authority to change the World Tree now.

This is a special U that found the administrator, and then inserted the USB and rewrote the system!

"Write the concept of spiritual veins into the Teyvat Continent!" Mu Yang immediately began to hook up with the World Tree, began to rewrite the rules of the world, and at the same time connected himself with the Teyvat Continent.

If the current purification speed of Muyang is 200m

But many times, everyone's purification speed is all combined, and it does not reach 200m

Maybe it can be done during some peak periods, but most of the time, there is spare purification capacity.

And through Muyang's transformation, these excess broadband speeds will be absorbed and purified by the Teyvat Continent, turning into spiritual veins.

Of course, if the Teyvat Continent absorbed and purified these filths by itself, Muyang would not charge half of the benefits.

After all, if the Teyvat Continent can grow, it will also be beneficial to Muyang itself.

If you want to form a spiritual vein quickly, you need a huge amount of abyssal energy.

And even if the others don't purify the abyssal filth, even if the Teyvat continent absorbs the power of the abyss at a speed of 200m, the people on the other side of the abyss won't find anything.

After all, the Abyss is trying to infiltrate Teyvat all the time.

The abyssal forces that pour into Teyvat every day are innumerable, but they are all sealed.

As long as there is no huge change in a short period of time, there will be no problem, and the generation of spiritual veins is not something that can be done in a while.

Muyang said that there was no problem at all.

The abyss is really a good thing, it's almost like an oil field, and if you need energy on your side, the abyss can continuously expand the Teyvat continent.

At the same time, Muyang also felt that the rules of this world were changing, and the consumption of himself was indeed quite large, just by such a modification, his divine power was consumed by nearly two-thirds........

Although this is a big version change for Teyvat, this change is inevitably too big.

If the era of Fanes was in the past, it was the 2.0 era of Teyvat.

So this time, Muyang is really letting Teyvat Continent enter the 3.0 era.

Well, since they are all changing the Teyvat continent, let's make some Pikachu out!(To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Oh, by the way, it seems that among those genetic information, in addition to Pikachu, there is also information about Eevee, the little fire dragon, the wonderful frog seed, and the Jenny turtle, which he has written into the rules of this world.

However, the birthplace has been directly changed to the World Tree.

After all, the World Tree also needs people to protect it, and Mu Yang feels that he still needs to be responsible for the relationship between himself and the Great Cishu King, so he will prepare some dependents for the Dacishu King.

Well, it belongs to the common family between the Muyang Big Tree King.

Although these dependents are a little weaker, the future is promising.

It's a pity that the current Muyang hasn't found the data of the divine beast yet, if it is found in the future, maybe he can really get a few more divine beasts for the Teyvat continent.

Just when Mu Yang drastically changed the Teyvat Continent, the body of the Great Cishu King began to change gradually, from the original appearance of being in his 20s, to gradually becoming smaller, and Mu Yang reluctantly quit the administrator mode.

Looking at the Great Cishu King, who is as unique as Nahida, Muyang's heart is complicated for a while, this woman is really a Ke Luo Ke Yu.

"I'm sorry, my strength has dropped too much, and besides, there are so many things that I can't stand it at all. The Great Cishu King left Mu Yang's body and said with a subtle expression.

She looked at the extra Pokémon in the World Tree, will these guys be her and Muyang's dependents in the future?

Is Nahida's younger sibling?

In the future, with these little guys with me, it won't be too boring.

It's just that the kind of gratitude that was played badly made the King of the Great Cishu also scold, and those forbidden knowledge can't be believed in all.

At least 2.9 Mu Yang, this Heavenly Principle is absolutely invincible.

Balzebu, I finally get to know what you're feeling.

"I'm sorry, but sometimes I can't help it. Mu Yang said apologetically: "However, the World Tree can also be used to purify some abyssal filth, and I believe you can also recover in a short time." "

"Hmm!" King Cishu looked at the dozen or so Pokémon playing not far away, and said in a gentle tone, "It's really a group of cute little guys, Nahida will definitely be very happy if she sees them." "

It's just that even if the Great Cishu King is the former god of wisdom, at this time, he doesn't know Nahida's situation at the moment, at the beginning, Nahida is her reincarnation. d

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone, going to grandma's house for dinner in the evening.) I still have to go, and I can't go a few times a year. After all, the author hasn't had much rest in a year, right? This book has 550,000 words this month, and it shouldn't reach 600,000 words. I'm expected to finish the book in October, and then go out for a round in November and try to find a girlfriend, woo woo, I'm 31 years old, and I don't have a girlfriend yet... The girl I introduced at home recently, a 9-point beauty, and she still wears JK... )。

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