"Are you going to Inazuma?" Seeing Muyang get up, Keqing also opened her eyes and asked Muyang.

Yesterday, she could be regarded as sacrificing her life to accompany the gentleman, but she also found helplessly that Muyang seemed to be less and less human.

It doesn't seem that his combat power is too weak, Kamisato Ayaka is even more unbearable than himself, it's just that Muyang's combat effectiveness is too strong.

Fortunately, he also got the right to belong to Pikachu.

"Well, after all, the general is very important to us. Mu Yang nodded slightly, and said without concealment: "The combat power of the Seven Gods level is very important.

Raiden Shogun was born in the Thunder Movie, and he has mastered almost all the martial arts and moves of the Thunder Movie.

If she can be truly born, then after that, our side will also increase the combat power of the Seven Gods, and even the kind that is the best among the Seven Gods. "

Ke Qing didn't say anything when she heard this, but she was a little entangled in her heart, when the time comes, Raiden General should look almost exactly the same as the Thunder movie, right?

It is said that Raiden really looks almost exactly the same as Raiden Movie, so then the three of them will look almost exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Keqing's eyes also narrowed, damn it, the woman of Inazuma is really "four four zero" is too despicable.

Oh, by the way, there seem to be a lot of fox spirits on Inazuma's side, Yae Miko and Kitsune Palace, but they are all foxes.

Sure enough, Inazuma is a daughter country, right?

In addition, Kamisato Ayaka on Liyue's side, Keqing also rubbed her brain, and then left it alone.

Muyang does not belong to himself alone, nor to any country, but to the entire Teyvat continent.

As long as the other party is good to herself, Keqing is very confident in herself, but she has studied some of Muyang's little habits, and she is simply in place.

"I don't care about this, I'm just curious, can Pikachu and them move through the teleportation anchor point as well?

After all, I'm going to go back to the place after that. "As the first sister of civil engineering, Keqing usually has a lot of work to do.

Now that Guiliyuan is in full swing, Liyue does have the shadow of China in this regard, and its reputation as a major infrastructure country is not boastful.

In this world, infrastructure is indeed very efficient.

With the workers on Inazuma's side also joining the construction of Guiliyuan, Keqing became more and more serious, and he had to manage the project of tens of thousands of people every day.

Even for Keqing, there is a lot of pressure.

"Pikachu, Pokémon, born from the World Tree, and now the leylines and the World Tree have become connected. Mu Yang thought for a while and patiently explained: "Coupled with the power I gave you, as long as you want, you can take Pokémon to teleport between anchors at any time." "

"That's good!" Keqing breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, it was really nice to be able to take Pikachu to return to the original place.

After working every day, you can also relax for yourself.

She felt like she was a good match for Pikachu.

"Ayaka, do you want to go back together?" Muyang asked as he looked at Kamisato Ayaka on the side.

According to Muyang's perception, Kamisato Ayaka seems to have woken up a long time ago.

The little turtle was a little shy at this time.

You must know that before, she set an example for Keqing.

But at this time, Kamisato Ayaka is very reserved.

"No, I've got work to do today. Summoned by Muyang, Kamisato Ayaka opened her eyes directly: "There will be nearly 1,000 people coming from Inazuma today, and I need to make arrangements for them."

After arranging them, we will go to Inazuma. "

Hearing this, Muyang didn't say much, after all, these things are indeed quite important.

But then again, when mobile phones and computers are rolled out, Inazuma's cultural industry will also improve significantly.

As far as Liu Bei on Inazuma's side, especially Liu Bei in Yaedo, if it is uploaded to the Internet, there will definitely be countless fans, and Yae Miko may even make a fortune with these novels.

After all, as we all know, driving is actually one of the important parts of the novel.

It's like an author called Dancing to Figure Out Shadows, he doesn't even dare to drive, how can he be a good author?

No wonder his novels hit the streets and he didn't make much money!

"Are there a thousand more people coming over from Inazuma?" I see," Keqing was also shocked when she heard this, "I'll arrange a job for them later!"

Seeing that the two girls quickly entered the working state, Muyang did not bother them, but got up and washed up and walked towards the door.

When I came to the restaurant, Yingpai was eating breakfast early.

"Morning, you guys, what are you going to do today?" Mu Yang walked to his seat and asked the two of them.

"We're going to go to the Clouds, for the time being we don't have a shortage of Mora, and we can move a lot more freely.

And there are immortals in the Absolute Clouds, maybe they can give us some clues about the Rock King Emperor. After thinking for a moment, Ying said to Muyang.

"The immortals have great respect for the Emperor of the Rocks, and they don't like to be disturbed.

You've gone to the Clouds, and you need to grasp the scale. Mu Yang said to the two.

Although the True Monarch of Liuyun Borrowing Wind is now staying in Liyue Harbor, the True Monarch of Lishui Stacked Mountains and the True Monarch of Cutting Moon and Zhuyang are currently in the Absolute Cloud Room.

With Ying's luck, it is really possible to meet the true monarch of Lishui Stacked Mountains and the true monarch of Cutting Moon and Zhuyang.

"We get it. Paimon nodded repeatedly.

It's just that what they don't know is that if Ying and Paimon really go to the Absolute Cloud Realm and meet the immortals, Lishui Stacked Mountain True Monarch and Moon Cutting Zhuyang True Monarch will definitely test them well.

After all, these two immortals, although they don't usually bubble much, are in a dive.

But Muyang can guarantee that they are all real diving parties.

Therefore, they all know the information in the chat group, and Muyang doesn't need to worry about Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun and Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun to target Ying and Paimon.

Even if the two of them can complete the test of the two immortals, then Ying will become the Seven Stars of Liyue in the future.

With two immortals, Lishui Stacked Mountain True Monarch and Moon Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch, as Ying's platform, who would dare to say that Ying is not from Liyue?

Immortals still have a high status in Liyue, even if they don't usually show up.

In the case that it is inconvenient for the Emperor of the Rock King to come forward, the True Monarch of Lishui Stacked Mountains and the True Monarch of the Cutting Moon and Zhuyang, especially the True Monarch of the Cutting Moon and the True Monarch of the Rock King, the personal disciple of the Emperor of the Rock King, can represent a lot of things........


After breakfast, Muyang spent the morning grinding in the backyard before coming to Inazuma.

It's still the familiar side of the Narukami Taisha.

At this moment, Ray Movie, Raiden Ma, Yae Miko, and Kitsunaya are gathering here. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Raiden is really a little older than before, a month ago Raiden was really only seven or eight years old, but now Raiden is really a teenager.

It should be said that it is worthy of the previous Thor, and this growth rate is much faster than that of Nahida.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Raiden really only needs to work hard to brush points.

Nahida needs to be responsible for Sumeru's situation, in addition to brushing points to make herself grow, it also needs to build Sumeru and deal with various affairs in Sumeru.

As for the Fox Palace, it is still the appearance of a white-haired fox, and it is also a little bigger than before.

"By the way, why hasn't the Fox Palace transformed yet?" Mu Yang asked, pointing to the white-haired fox drinking wine.

"It should take a while, right?

If you want to transform into a shape, although it is more convenient, it consumes more demonic power. Yae Miko looked at Kitsune Sainomiya and explained.

"I don't plan to transform for the time being, and I don't even want to transform until I recover my previous strength. At this time, Fox Palace opened his mouth and explained: "I have a hunch, this is the most suitable path for me. "

Mu Yang didn't say anything when he heard this, sometimes, this intuition is still very reliable, he sat down directly next to Lei Yingying, took out a box of lotus cakes and asked: "This is the lotus cake that Yaoyao gave me before, it tastes very good, do you want to try it?"

"Yes!" In front of Muyang, his sister and his old friends, Lei Ying was not reserved, and directly picked up a piece of lotus cake to taste, and the corners of his mouth also raised an arc.

This tastes really good!

I really didn't expect that this is a food made by a child with 0.6.

Muyang also seems to like food, so set a small goal for himself and learn to make these sweets first.

When the time comes, let my sister and Fox Saigong teach themselves.,It just so happens that they're all good at these.,And then let Miko try it.,I'm sure Miko should be very happy!

Fortunately, Mu Yang didn't know what Lei Movie thought, if he knew, he would definitely mourn for Yae Miko, this fox, in the end, did not die of excessive consumption because of the problem of filth, but it turned out that the food of Lei Movie was poisoned.

It's really embarrassing for her.

"What are you going to do with the general's body?" asked Mu Yang to Lei Yingying.

"I saved some points, and when the time comes, I will go to the inside of the sacred cherry tree and give the points to the general, which is similar to my sister's situation, and it should be able to be done. Lei Movie took another bite of lotus cake and said softly.

"When you go to the Death of the Promised Dreamland, remember to plant the seeds of the sacred cherry tree, which can activate the power of Istaru. "Lei Deng really ate a bite of lotus cake, not to mention that the taste is really good.

If you find a chance to reproduce it yourself.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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