"Reign of Time, Istaru!" Mu Yang's gaze flickered slightly.

This is definitely one of the deepest hidden existences on the continent of Teyvat.

"Is Istaru still alive?" Mu Yang asked Raiden Zhen with some curiosity.

Muyang had also asked Asmodeus before, and according to Asmodeus, it seemed that Ishtalu had disappeared a thousand years ago.

As for where it went, no one knows.

And before Istaru left, her condition was not very good, and their four concourses were also affected by wear and tear, and for some reason, Istaru was the most affected by wear and tear.

Thinking about the situation before Asmodeus, Muyang can also think of the situation of Istaru, even if it is the reign of time, it is possible to fall.

"Falling? Not really. Raiden really chuckled: "It should be surviving in another way, as for the rest, it's inconvenient for me to say."

And that power should be her last strength. "

"Isn't it convenient to say it now?" Mu Yang was also shocked: "Is there anything else that can't be said on the Teyvat Continent?"

"Hmm!" Raiden Zhen nodded slightly, and said meaningfully: "She is very happy now, and it would be good to let her continue to be so happy."

Sooner or later, she'll be back!

She is gracious to me!

In the first place, Shadow fell in order to make me the god of thunder, and then with the help of Istaru, I resurrected Shadow!"

Muyang was also surprised when he heard this, and looked at the Lei movie, this thing seems to be true!

26If this is the case, then I need to thank Istaru as well.

After all, this is a favor that saved his wife.

Lei Movie was also full of curiosity and looked at his sister Lei Dengen, about this, Lei Movie didn't know.

"Before I left for the battlefield of Kanria, I knew I was going to fall. Immediately afterward, Raiden said softly, "Istaru told me the truth a long time ago. "

At this moment, everyone frowned, they already knew that it would fall, is it really going to pass like this?

Isn't this sending you to death?

Fox Zhai Gong hesitated for a while before asking, "Is it because you and Zhenzhen have a special identity?"

Do you have to die? Or does Istarus want you to die?"

"Istaru is a very kind god. Raiden Zhen shook his head slightly: "Although there may be some stinky farts sometimes, it is also very easy to talk."

It seems that it was because I had some kind of connection with Ei that she helped me. "

Ray was silent for a while.

Could it be that my sister took the initiative to send her to death in order to protect herself?

"At that time, I also took the initiative to die, even if I died, with your auxiliary shadow, Inazuma is still Inazuma. Immediately afterwards, Raiden really sighed helplessly: "It's just that I didn't expect that Shadow ended up on the battlefield, and you fell because of it." "

Fox Saigong stretched out his paws and rubbed his furry face and said, "I didn't expect that the shadow didn't rescue you."

Even if I fall, with you and Shadow, Inazuma is still Inazuma. "

Ray Films: "..."

At this time, she didn't know what to say.

So, you are a waste, and you haven't done anything well?

"Okay, actually, that's not bad, Kitsunaya and I have both been resurrected, and Inazuma has also begun to recover. Seeing his sister's depressed appearance, Raiden Zhen hurriedly explained, "I don't need to care about that incident, it's just because I saw the future through Istaru." "

There is one thing that Raiden really didn't tell Thunder Movie, and at that time, Thunder Movie with a dream in his heart will be complete, and his strength will be on a higher level.

She is trying to fulfill her sister.

Just like Lei Movie is a sister control, Lei Dian is also a sister control.

They all regard each other as their most important existence, more important than their own lives.

If he didn't die at that time, it was very likely that the person who died would be Ray Movie, after all, they almost looked exactly the same.

She only sees a vague future, once she doesn't die, then Shadow will die, in order to protect her sister, Raiden is really willing to do this.

It's always my sister who protects herself, and it's time for me to protect my sister.

Moreover, there is some speculation about the origin of their sisters, and I am afraid that it will also be related to the four rulers at the beginning.

Now the changes in Ray's movies explain all this very well.

"I see. Lei Ying nodded, and did not continue to discuss the matter.

Her eyes when she looked at Muyang were full of tenderness and sweetness, if it weren't for Muyang, her sister might never come back.

You have to be grateful to Muyang.

"Okay, let's go to the Death of the Promised Land of Dreams first!" Mu Yang had some guesses about Istaru's identity at this time.

Since Raiden really said that the other party is still alive and is living in another way, he should have some understanding, and the power of time is taboo.

As today's heavenly principle, Muyang has mastered part of the power of time.

In addition to himself, Muyang only sees the shadow of time in one guy.

Those who play with time will eventually be played with by time.

Perhaps this is also the relationship that Ishalo wears so badly.

If the power of time was really so easy to obtain, the people of Kanriya would have wanted to go back to five hundred years ago and then deal with Tianli and them together.

"Okay!" Lei Movie didn't make a decision when he heard this, and took Muyang to the death of the Promised Land of Dreams.

After the two of them left, Fox Saigong said to Raiden Zhen: "By the way, how are you going to face the general in the future?"

Lei Movie took a bite of lotus cake, his mouth was bulging, he was cute, and said in a vague tone: "Of course, I treat it as a sister."

Although Raiden Shogun was made by Kage, it's better to be a younger sister. "

She picked up the milk dumplings on the side and took a sip, swallowed the lotus cake, and added, "It would be better if the general could become this little child."

I don't know when the Seven Heavens Statue can be changed, otherwise every time I see the Seven Heavens Statue, I always feel weird.

If the general were a child, I would have been comfortable thinking that it was the general, not me. "

Hearing this, Yae Miko complained: "But that is not you, but Shadow." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Raiden really stretched out his little hand: "But no matter how you look at it now, it's a shadow, not me."

During this time, I have been working hard to earn points.

However, because of the relationship between the resurrection just now, the divine power is limited, and it is not easy to brush up points.

It's only now back to this.

I don't know what the Great Mercy Tree King has recovered. "

Fox Zhai Gong seemed to think of something, and chuckled: "I'm afraid there isn't much growth."

After all, Nahida herself has not yet grown up, and if she wants to help the Great Mercy Tree King recover, she is also more than willing to do it. "

Raiden Shinyan also nodded slightly, no matter how you look at it, it seems that Inazuma is not the worst.

When Raiden Shogun has a body, their Inazuma strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

It's not as good as Liyue, but the future is promising.

It's okay to bully Mondstadt and Sumeru now.

"Now it's still the shadow that needs to be worried, I'm worried that she will kill directly to the Solstice Country. Immediately after, Raiden really sighed again.

Yae Miko shook her ears: "Didn't the previous shadow say that he wouldn't go?"

With the character of the shadow, since he said that he would not go, it really would not go.

She won't deceive us.

And we don't see any signs of the shadow passing. "

Raiden Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "Shadow didn't say that he wouldn't go, at least not because of the matter of the Heart of God.

Don't forget what Solstice and the Fatui did in our Inazuma 907.

I understand Shadow, she didn't act at this time, she was just waiting for time, she was suppressing her anger, and when her anger couldn't be suppressed, or we were almost recovered, Shadow would inevitably run to the Solstice Country.

She's even stronger than she was five hundred years ago.

I'm afraid the winter country won't be able to hold it up when the time comes. "

"Then you don't have to worry about the Winter Country.

Since the Solstice does things like that, there is a price to pay. Fox Saigong took a sip of wine and said noncommittally: "They may say that the destruction of Inazuma is the personal behavior of the Fatui executive officer stragglers.

It has nothing to do with their Fatui.

After all, the Balladeer is a doll made by Kage, and it is said that this is an internal incident of our Inazuma.

I'm afraid the Fatui do it in other countries.

Even if the matter is exposed, it can be explained by internal events. "

Yae Miko snorted lightly, "Where is there such a good explanation?"

If it was before, maybe it would have been possible to swallow it, but now we don't need to be afraid of the Solstice Country. "

Raiden said worriedly: "I'm not afraid of the Winter Kingdom and the Fools, but I'm afraid that the Winter Kingdom dog will jump off the wall in a hurry."

Moreover, none of these things would have been done by the Ice God.

Maybe it's really the same as guessed, the ice god is really hollowed out. "


In the Death of Paradise of Dreams, Muyang, Thunder Movie, and Raiden General appeared here at the same time.

Looking at the Raiden General, who was almost exactly the same as the Thunder movie, Muyang's heart was also surging.

My wife likes to add one.

Moreover, at this time, the Raiden Shogun appeared in the posture of the god of Kazu, and his dress was slightly different from the Thunder movie, but it also had a different flavor.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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