Mu Yang looked at the Thunder movie, and then at the Raiden General, which is not bad, at least he can tell the difference between the two.

There is still a mole difference between the Thunder Movie and the Raiden Shogun, but there is no difference in appearance between the Thunder Movie and the Raiden General.

Fortunately, there is a difference between the two.

When Mu Yang was looking at General Raiden, General Raiden was also looking at Mu Yang, and her expression was a little dazed when she looked at Mu Yang.

As the thunderbolt general, who is the same as Lei Movie, he naturally knows Muyang, and he also knows that the other party is the current Tianli.

As for the reason for the arrival of the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle, Raiden General also knows seven, seven, eighty, eight, and eight, I'm afraid that Muyang is the culprit, and it was Muyang who came to Inazuma to break the eternity.

But Raiden Shogun does not have the slightest resentment towards Muyang, and under her governance, the people of Inazuma are in dire straits, which is her problem as Raiden Shogun.

During this time, Raiden Shogun has also been in self-blame.

Although they need to take on more responsibilities for nine of them, as Thor, she also has responsibilities.

Similarly, for Muyang, General Raiden is also full of gratitude, if it weren't for Muyang's arrival, I'm afraid she would have to make mistakes again and again.

When the time comes, there will be more sacrifices from the people of Inazuma.

Of course, the most important thing is that Raiden Shogun is as empathetic as Raiden Movie!

The two of them share a body, although this body itself belongs to the Thunder Movie, but it was later transformed into Raiden Shogun's by the Thunder Movie.

It's something that the two of them have together!

Now that he is leaving the body of Lei Movie and surviving as a separate individual, Raiden General is still a little reluctant at this time.

"General, we're going to get started. Ray Movie looked at Raiden Shogun and said softly.

During this time, Lei Movie and Raiden Shogun also talked more than once, although Raiden Shogun always said that it would be good for her to be a tool man who guarded Inazuma.

But Thunder Movie thinks that he needs to be responsible for Raiden Shogun.

At the beginning, he didn't teach the Balladeers well, which led to the Balladeers being used by the doctors and them, and they did countless angry things in Inazuma.

Now that Raiden Shogun has also left his body, Raiden Movie feels that he needs to care more about Raiden Shogun and treat each other as a sister, which is the best.

In the future, Raiden Zhen, Thunder Movie, and Raiden Shogun will be sisters.

"Okay!" Raiden General nodded slightly, at this time, she didn't want to fight with Thunder Movie.

Even though her strength is very good, almost with a strength comparable to that of the Seven Gods, but if she wants to fight the current Lei Movie, she will definitely lose very badly at that time.

With the Lei movie inputting the points into the body of the Raiden General, Mu Yang could clearly feel that the Raiden Shogun's body was also slowly growing.

"How many points have you prepared?" Mu Yang asked Lei Movie.

"Not much, that's more than a million, less than two million points.

Originally, I was going to brush more.

But considering that Raiden Shogun has his own body, he can go and farm points by himself.

So I'm going to give each other a body now. Lei then explained: "After that, I plan to go to the Dark Sea and slaughter a few demon gods.

Used to craft weapons. "

"You're going to make it!?" A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yang's mouth: "I haven't been to the Dark Sea until now, and I haven't killed those demon gods."

For me, this is also an opportunity. "

"Okay!" Lei didn't refuse.

She can actually ensure her safety by going to the dark sea alone.

The only thing to worry about is that if you slaughter those demon gods, will it cause the demon gods in the dark to go berserk, and then attack Inazuma in a big way.

After all, Inazuma is the closest country to the dark outer sea.

Lei Movie is confident in his own strength, but if he faces a large number of demon gods at the same time, there is no guarantee that he can keep Inazuma before so many demon gods die.

But if Muyang is here, it will be different, he and Muyang are invincible in the world.

Even if all the demon gods of the dark outer sea came, she was not afraid.

It's just that it may cause some big trouble, and it may be a bit of a headache.

Mu Yang is also looking forward to it in his heart at the moment, making the demon god into a weapon, such a thing is exciting to think about.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is a little too inhumane.

After all, it's a demon god, but this is the normal state of the world, the winner is king, and the loser is the villain.

The winner has everything, and the loser loses everything.

Raiden General looked at this picture silently, and sighed silently in his heart, why are the three of them here, like an outsider?

Obviously, they are also together!

Forget it, I'm still silently guarding the thunder movie.

"Alright. Lei Ying used all his points on Raiden Shogun, and was slightly relieved, fortunately Raiden Shogun did not become a child, otherwise it would be quite embarrassing.

If there are three Thor, two of them are children, it would be a shame to say it.

"The strength is a lot worse than before. Raiden Shogun felt his own situation and said: "My own control of Thunder and Lightning has not actually declined, whether it is martial arts or moves, it has not weakened, but my divine power has decreased too much, and my physical fitness has decreased a lot.

If I were to fight now, I'm afraid I'd only be at the level of Orobus. "

When did Orobus become a unit of measure of power?

People are also demon gods!

General, you measure Orobus like this, it is going to cry.

But if you think about it, Orobus is indeed not a relatively powerful demon god.

Orobus himself was the loser of the Daedric War on Liyue's side, and he was going to the Outer Sea, but he was forced to die for the sake of the ancestors of Watatsumi Island, and because he saw things that he shouldn't have seen.

Orobus, it is true that it has caused huge trouble to Inazuma, but that is also the grievance of Orobus's death, the demon god's resentment is much more than the ordinary demon god's demon god resentment, and the demon god's resentment has not been resolved for a long time, which will cause those tragedies.

In fact, Orobus's strength is not particularly strong, and he can only be regarded as mid-stream among the demon gods.

Now that Raiden Shogun has a strength comparable to Orobus in one go, it's actually pretty good.

Of course, according to Mu Yang's estimate, in fact, Raiden Shogun himself is a little weaker than Orobus, but because her martial arts and the application of power are inherited from Thunder movies, this also causes Raiden Shogun to feel that he is on the same level as Orobas.

However, this is already very valuable. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There's no need to be too sad, this body is perfect, it's just that it's not as good as the shadow for the time being, if you really want to count it, this is definitely the body of the demon god.

Moreover, Kazuei has the same root and origin. Mu Yang looked at the Raiden General for a while and then said, "After that, you use your points to improve the body of the Demon God, and your strength will also be improved at that time."

What's more, the Jindan chapter of my basic immortal method is almost about to be launched. "

"The Jindan chapter is going to be launched?" Lei Yingying's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked.

Like Morax and Barbatos, Lei Movie has also studied the Qi Cultivation Chapter and the Foundation Building Chapter, and she also admits that these exercises are very powerful, but unfortunately, they are not suitable for ordinary people to cultivate, even if the spiritual veins are formed in the future, these exercises are not particularly suitable for human cultivation.

In the end, success is definitely rare.

However, it will also change the entire continent of Teyvat.

And that's just for the Qi training chapter and the foundation building chapter, Lei Movie still feels amazing, but if you can cultivate to the Jindan chapter, that is, the people who represent the chat group can also cultivate to the Demon God level.

"Well, this time the Jindan chapter corresponds to the Demon God level.

In fact, you demon gods can also cultivate.

You can try it out when the time comes. When I was deducing, I also took you into account, which is why it took so long. Mu Yang's face showed a confident look and said, "This can help you improve a certain amount of strength, which is much more effective than just improving your divine power."

Of course, the most important thing is to prepare (the king's) for the later Yuan Infant chapter. "

"This so-called Yuan Infant Chapter can't be at the level of Tianli, right?" asked Raiden Shogun.

The Seven Gods are definitely more powerful than the average Demon God.

Of course, this is talking about the first generation of seven gods, such as the current Nahida and the water god Funingna, their strength is also the general demon god level, if it is placed in the demon god war, it will be difficult for Funingna and Nahida...

Well, well, Nahida will definitely survive, and whoever makes a move on Nahida, the incarnation of the World Tree, will be angry.

Not to mention whether the Heavenly Principle can allow you to exist, even other demon gods can't sit idly by.

As for Funina, people also have a father, it seems that she has a father to escort her, and if there is no powerful demon god on Fontaine's side, she can also win.

After all, there are places where even a begled dog can win.

This is definitely not talking about Funina Bunch.

Well, absolutely not!

"I haven't estimated this yet, but there may be, in my estimate, the Jin Dan Chapter will not be able to cultivate to the level of the four archons, but it can also give you the strength to fight.

After all, this is a different system!" Mu Yang patiently explained.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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