"The previous system of the Teyvat Continent, after reaching the Demon God level, was a battle of power and divine power.

Of course, there are also those who watch martial arts, such as Shadow and Morax, who have made achievements in martial arts.

But many gods usually study power and the application of elemental forces. Mu Yang's words made Lei Ying and Raiden General nod again and again.

This is true, after all, the demon gods seem to be like this.

Divine power does not mean that growth can be increased, Ray Film chose to study martial arts, while Barbatos and the like study the application of elemental power.

"There are actually similar immortal methods on Liyue's side, and the immortal methods I deduced are also the product of Liyue's immortal methods and Inazuma's techniques, which have been summarized and developed. Mu Yang talked eloquently: "These things have no effect on you, but after you get to the Jindan chapter, they are different, which can make you continue to become stronger."

These may seem like two paths, but they can be unified in the end.

This is the real Immortal Method, which is no longer the same as that of Liyue.

The Immortal Law could not really help those immortals to complete the progress of their life level.

But mine can, like Raiden Shogun, if I cultivate the immortal method to the Jindan chapter, I expect to be able to increase my combat power by 50%, and I can improve it even more later.

And I'll also perform more suitable spells in the future, as well as sword techniques and sword techniques!"

When Raiden General heard this, he hurriedly promised: "I will become stronger!"

She knows her mission, even if Lei Movie treats her as a sister, but she has her own responsibilities.

Protect Inazuma, Protect Thunder Movie, Protect Raiden True, Protect Muyang, Protect Teyvat Continent!383

This is all her mission, and her current strength is far from enough, at least Raiden General feels that his strength is far from enough.

At least you have to reach the strength before the Ray movie.

"It seems that this Jin Dan chapter is even more powerful than I imagined!" Lei Ying nodded thoughtfully when he heard this.

"There is an end to power and elemental power, but there is no end to cultivating immortals for the time being, there is still the Yuan Infant Stage after the Jindan Period, and there are more classes after that.

Of course, with my current deduction ability, being able to deduce the Jindan chapter is already the limit, and I still need more powerful deduction ability in the future.

Forget it, let's not talk about this for now.

We're almost ready to leave the Paradise of Dreams, and they've been waiting a long time. Mu Yang said softly.

"Don't worry!

Time flows at a different rate than outside, and an hour may not even pass outside!

And, I still have things to do. Ray said as he took out a seed that glowed purple.

She looked at the Raiden Shogun on the side and said softly, "General, plant this seed with me!"

"Me?" Raiden Shogun looked at the Thunder movie with some uncertainty.

She knows the meaning of this seed, which represents the sacred cherry tree, and she also knows the importance of the sacred cherry tree.

In those five hundred years, if it weren't for the sacred cherry tree, Inazuma would have exploded long ago.

Now Raiden Movie invites himself to plant a sacred cherry tree, which makes Raiden Shogun a little at a loss.

"Well, it's you! I said you, you'll be my sister in the future!" said in a gentle tone (CGAF) of the Ray Movie: "In the past, I have always asked you to take responsibility for me, it is my fault, and I don't care about your feelings."

I hope we can get along well together in the future, just like me and Shin. "

General Raiden looked at the Thunder Movie with a complicated expression, and at this moment, she felt the sincerity of the Thunder Movie.

At this moment, she was a little speechless, as the real sister of Thunder Movie and Raiden? This may not be bad, she is no longer the Raiden General who only needs to maintain eternity, but a new life!

From then on, he is the god of Yujianming!

"But have you considered giving the general a name?" At this time, Mu Yang asked coldly to Lei Ying: "In the final analysis, General Raiden is actually the real title of you and Raiden, and Raiden General can also do the same, but if you continue to shout Raiden Shogun, to be honest, some people are living in the past." "

Lei Yingying also nodded slightly when he heard this: "It is really necessary to come up with a name, but I didn't think it through." "

She looked at Raiden Shogun and asked, "Do you have any names that come to mind, or do you like them?"

"Me?" Raiden Shogun also fell into deep thought when he heard this: "Barr is called Raiden Ma, and you are called Raiden Movie, so I..."

Immediately afterwards, Raiden Shogun's expression became extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll be called Raiden Sakura!"

After all, I was born in the sacred cherry tree, and the cherry blossoms also represent Inazuma, which means that I will always protect Inazuma!"


The corners of Muyang's mouth couldn't help twitching when he heard this, fortunately it wasn't Tosaka Sakura, otherwise...

Ahem, but with Raiden Sakura's strength, no one can do these things to her.

The heart of the thunder movie at the moment is also extremely complicated, and I always feel that the thunder movie is very similar to the thunder and lightning sakura .

Worthy of Raiden Shogun?

Even the name has to be so similar to yourself, haven't you completely come out yet?

It seems that I still have to enlighten and enlighten Sakura more.

She will be my sister in the future, not as my shadow.

"Okay, you will be a cherry tree in the future!" Lei Ying said with a complicated expression: "Now hold my hand, and we will plant the divine cherry tree in the past!"

"Okay!" Raiden Sakura did not refuse, holding the other party's hand, and with their thoughts, countless cherry blossom petals fell in the Divine Destiny of Yujianming, and the Divine Sakura Tree was also thrown into the spatial passage.

"The power of time!" Mu Yang himself has a certain ability to time, and the corners of his mouth are also raised when he sees this scene.

It's Ishalo, I've learned it myself!

Although the current Muyang can't change the past, it still has some effect on the control of time.

As for changing the past and future of the Teyvat continent at will, Mu Yang didn't have such an idea, if he accidentally backed up, even if he was Tianli, he couldn't bear it, didn't he see that Istaru, who was the ruler of time, was about to be worn out?

Of course, this is not only a matter of wear and tear, but also has a lot to do with backlash.

Time really can't be touched at will.

Muyang watched all this silently, feeling the power of time, while Lei Ying and Raiden Sakura were accompanying Muyang on the side and did not urge him.

For a demon god like them, time is the least valuable thing.

"Okay, let's go!" After everything calmed down, Mu Yang said to Lei Ying and Lei Den Sakura.


In the Narujin Shrine, Raiden really looked a little disappointed after seeing the Raiden Sakura, "Why is the general directly an adult after he has a body, only I am a child" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

Maybe it's because of the child's body, but when there are a lot of thunder and lightning, there is not the appearance of a confidant big sister in Muyang's mind, but sometimes there is a child's temper.

"Really, Sakura will be our sister in the future, she is Sakura, Sakura's Sakura!" Lei Yingying corrected in a serious tone.

Raiden was really stunned, and then smiled, his sister has grown up!

She looked at Raiden Sakura and said softly: "Hello, Sakura, I'm true, in the future, you can treat me as a sister like Ei, of course, you can also call me true!"

When Raiden Sakura saw Raiden really looking so gentle, she suddenly understood why Raiden Movie cared so much about her sister.

Having such a sister is really worth following and makes people want to protect, and from now on, you will be my sister!

I'm going to protect you!

Looking at Lei Dengzhen's appearance, Mu Yang also sighed in his heart, saying that Hu Zhai Palace was actually an arsonist, and in fact, Lei Dian Zhen was no exception.

The Fox Palace is to worship under the personality charm of Raiden Zhen, and lead the fox clan of Inazuma to join Raiden Zhen's command.

Lei Movie, as the younger sister of Raiden Zhen, is also the assistant to Raiden Zhen who makes Thunder Movie willing, and even almost sacrifices his own life.

Inazuma is a copy of the charm of Raiden.

As for the other demon gods, let the thunder movie cut it!

[Mu Yang: "What do you think this looks like? Three Thor .jpg]

Wendy: "Two sisters and a sister!?"

Raiden Ma: "Barbatos, your cherry blossom wine is gone! I'll be angry even if it's an old friend!"

Venti: "I'm talking about you and Balzebu being sisters! Did you misunderstand something?"

Raiden Zhen: "Hmph! It's too late to apologize!"

Muyang: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to pull the thunderbolt cherry blossom into the group!"

"Ding, congratulations to Raiden Sakura for joining the chat group. "

Zhongli: "Thunder and lightning Sakura? "

Raiden Sakura: "Hello everyone!"

Rhoda Dragon King: "Hello!"

Sangonomiya Kokomi: "Is this also Narujin-sama?"

Ray movie: "Well, she is Sakura, and she will be my sister in the future, and she is also the Raiden General of Inazuma, and from then on there are three generals in Inazuma!"

Kamisato Ayaka: "Three generals, I'm afraid I'll be very happy if Sara knows!"

Raiden Sakura: "Sarah, she's been doing very well during this time, clearing out a lot of monsters.

After that, you can let her go to Kannatsuka to clear out the monsters, and at the same time organize the rebuilding of Kannazuka. "

Lei Movie: "Yes, when this matter is over, I can let Sara lead the Heavenly Leader on his behalf." "】

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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