Whether it's the Thunder movie, the Raiden Sakura, or the Raiden Truth, there is actually no preparation for Sara to be completely beaten into the cold palace.

Not to mention that Sara herself doesn't have the bloodline of the Kujo family, she is a Tengu clan, she was just adopted by Kujo Takayuki since she was a child, and became the adopted daughter of Kujo Takayuki.

During the previous period, Sara was also conscientious, and in the end, he was implicated in what Kujou Takayo did, and at the same time, he was somewhat aware of it, otherwise Sara would not have been in the cold palace for so long.

Today's Inazuma is very lacking in talents, like Sara who works diligently, is loyal to Thor, and has enough subordinates in his own ability, which is really difficult to find.

Now it's time to give Sara a chance to make meritorious contributions, anyway, the position of the head of the Heavenly Leader is still vacant, and they have always been empty by Sara.

In this position, it is impossible for Raiden Sakura to hold it, and it is also impossible for the fox clan to hold it, so Sara is the most suitable and fit.

In the final analysis, in fact, the three commissions are mainly in charge of humans, and although Sara is a tengu clan, they can live in the human environment since childhood, and there is no problem in managing the tenry.

There are no people who really treat Sara as a monster.

"How do you plan to build the Divine Mounds in the future?" Immediately after, Mu Yang asked Lei Ying~ questioning.

"I'm going to build a car factory, and the Mikage Furnace can be used not only to make jade steel, but also to make cars, and I've studied the information of cars in the chat group.

It's not that hard for me, and it's not that hard for Inazuma. Ray said with a confident look on his face.

"Are you going to make a car?engine and energy problems, have you solved it?" Muyang was also shocked, it seemed that Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun's side, and he was also researching cars recently, and he had also researched a reason before.

However, Liuyun's car borrowed from the wind Zhenjun, no matter what, it needed to be driven by an immortal or the holder of the Vision of God.

This also led to the fact that the car designed by Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun could not be widely used.

"I've solved it!" said with a confident look on Ray's face, "I've studied Kanriya's techniques before, especially the Chaos Furnace Heart, and I've also studied it very thoroughly. "

"But the Chaos Furnace also has great disadvantages, it will extract the energy of the leylines, and it will not be of any benefit to the Teyvat continent.

It wasn't that Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch before thinking about borrowing the Chaos Furnace Heart, but in the end he gave up.

After all, leylines are too important.

Although there are now spiritual veins in the leylines that have begun to be born, and they will get better and better in the future, I still don't want to develop the industry like this. Mu Yang looked at Lei Movie in a serious tone.

"I naturally understand what you mean, the Chaos Furnace I designed can absorb the free elemental power in the air, which not only will not harm the leylines, but also reduce the birth of monsters. Ray said proudly.

Many people say that she is an absolute martial artist, and she usually only knows how to fight and kill, but Lei Movie wants to tell others that she is still very capable.

Like alchemy or something, Lei doesn't think that he is worse than anyone on the current Teyvat continent, maybe not as good as the so-called gold, but compared to Albedo, she is definitely not worse, even better than Albedo, it is not impossible.

"If that's the case, it doesn't seem bad!" Muyang Moshuo slapped his chin: "However, this is not a long-term solution, when there are more cars in the future, the elemental power in the air will also become scarce." "

"I've thought about this, but isn't there still an aura?

When there are more cars in the future, the spiritual veins can almost gradually grow out, and the existence of spiritual energy can also be used as a driving force. Lei Ying talked eloquently: "Maybe this may affect cultivation, but for the cultivation of one or two people, and thus affect development, it is always not suitable."

Moreover, if you want to cultivate or something, you can go to the deep mountains and old forests to cultivate, or you can find a place with spiritual veins to cultivate. "

What you say makes so much sense that I'm speechless.

Mu Yang thought about it carefully, and felt that there was really no problem with Lei's movie plan.

"After that, you can teach some alchemists, or Inazuma's craftsmen, to specialize in making Inazuma's version of the Chaos Heart, which is called the Narukami Heart!"

This is the design of the Thunder movie, and it is not harmful to the Teyvat Continent, and it can also drive the development of Inazuma, and Raiden really wants to support it.

"Yes, you can play as much as you want! I support it!

Moreover, even if you copy your car in Liyue, the impact will be within your reach, even if it is within your reach.

Even Liyue herself couldn't spare so many people to make engines for a while, and their alchemists, who were not enough now, went to make mobile phones. Muyang didn't think about it for too long, and nodded directly in agreement.

Approval of the idea of a Ray movie was expressed.


When the time comes, you will definitely have to get a luxury car.


For the next few days, Muyang stayed in Inazuma and was somewhat happy to stay in Liyue.

Anyway, the castle tower is also Muyang's home, so there's no problem with that.

And after having Raiden Sakura, Thunder Movie also let go of a lot of burdens and handed over some things to Raiden Sakura to deal with.

This also makes Raiden Sakura very helpless, when he existed as a raiden general, Lei Movie left things to himself to deal with, but now it's okay, he is independent, and he has become Raiden Sakura, and Lei Movie will also hand over some to himself to deal with. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lei Movie went to go down with Muyang the moon before the moon.

It's just...

However, thinking of Raiden really looking at his expectant gaze, and teaching himself from time to time, Raiden Sakura said that he endured it and swore to protect his sister's smile!

So Raiden Sakura also replaced the work of Thunder Movie.,Usually not only responsible for purifying Yayu Island.,Protect Raiden Zhen.,And then replace Thunder Movie to deal with some government affairs.。

Life is still bearable.

And after Muyang and Lei Movie got tired of it for a few days, they also came directly to the dark outer sea.

Looking at this sea area full of dead silence and faintly affected by the power of the abyss and the filth of the demon god, Mu Yang's expression was also complicated: "Standing here, I can feel that the management of this place by Tianli will decline a lot, but logically speaking, this place should belong to the Teyvat Continent." "

Lei Ying looked nervous and asked Muyang, "Will this affect your strength?"

If it's not convenient to make a move, I'll do it!

Although it was my first time in the Dark Sea, the impact on me here was very small, and the abyssal filth, which was originally the most troublesome, was not a trouble. "

At this time, Lei didn't know whether to be happy or happy...

Before, she was still entangled, after those islands of Inazuma were purified, where would they go to happily brush points.

Now there is an answer, there is a lot of abyssal filth on this side of the dark sea, the filth of the demon god, even the sea water has been eroded by the power of the abyss.

Lei Movie doesn't mind coming here to purify the sea.

"The impact is not much!" Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "It's just that I'm a little curious, why doesn't Tianli control here?"

It stands to reason that this is also Teyvat's territory.

Asmodeus may have to be asked about this. "

Lei Ying also nodded slightly when she heard this, and just as she was about to say something, a giant beast came out of the sea and opened its bloody mouth to kill Mu Yang and Lei Ying.

And in the face of such a behemoth, neither Muyang nor Lei Movie had the slightest panic, only to see that Lei Movie pulled out his dream and slashed with one blow, which was to kill this monster and break the other party in two.

"This seems to be a demonic beast?" Mu Yang looked at the monster curiously: "It's not a demon god!"

"When they first entered the Dark Sea, it was not only the Demon God, but they also had the family of the Demon God, maybe they would also bring some Warcraft into the Dark Sea.

Warcraft is already difficult for ordinary people to deal with, and some powerful Warcraft can reach the level of Liyue Immortals. Lei Movie explained softly to Muyang.

"I see, no wonder I feel that the other party's strength can be compared to Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun.

You killed a Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch with one sword!" Mu Yang nodded approvingly: "It is said that when Ganyu was a child, he was swallowed by a demonic beast and choked to death.

Before, I thought that Warcraft were weak, but after seeing it with my own eyes,

It seems that these monsters are still quite powerful. "

"Is there such a thing?" Lei Movie was also stunned for a moment when he heard this, but the words of the unicorn were still quite interesting.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Ying said with a serious expression: "A battle broke out here, and then there will be demonic beasts, demon god dependents, and even demon gods, attracted by the smell of blood, do we need to leave, or wait here?"

"Just wait, I also want to see what's going on on this side of the dark sea!" Mu Yang squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Muyang also turned on the live broadcast function, except for Asmodeus and Alice in the chat group, I am afraid that no one knows about the dark sea.

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