Asmodeus: "Are you now in the Outer Sea?"

Muyang: "Well, but I always feel that there is something strange here." It doesn't seem to be a special match and fit with me. "

Asmodeus: "It's not convenient to say it in the chat group, I'll explain it to you later." "

Muyang: "Yes!"

Zhongli: "Even after living for thousands of years, this is the first time I have seen the situation of the dark sea.

This is really not suitable for survival, even if it is a demon god, if he survives in such an environment for a long time, he will feel painful. "

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "This is not so much the place where the losers of the Demon God War are located, but rather the graveyard of the Demon God.

For them, life here, even if they are alive, is not comfortable. "

Ray Movie: "It's also the first time I've come to the Dark Sea, but for us now, this is a good place to earn points.

Moreover, I have a hunch that even if I kill the demon gods in the dark outer sea, I don't need to worry about the demon gods' grudges that will pollute the sea area of Inazuma. "

Alice: "Eh, have you come to the Outer Sea?"

Do you need me to tell you about the situation in the dark outer sea? I've been in this "250" for a long time. "

Muyang: "It's okay, we need to find some demon gods who are suitable for weapons, and take some materials from their bodies."

You know where there are similar demon gods that have been worn out.

Is there a demon god suitable for us to craft weapons?"

Keqing: "..."

Jean: "..."

Eula: "..."

Nahida: "Trembling, it turns out that in the world of the big guy, they all want to slaughter the demon god and take the materials from the demon god to make weapons?"

Muyang: "After all, I have to study new weapons, and ordinary weapons don't seem to meet my requirements very well, even if it's the previous shadow's Fleeting Daoguang, it's a little too bad to keep up with my rhythm." "

Keqing: "... Before, I thought that the Dragon's Voice in the box was already a very good weapon. "

One thing to say, the ancestral box dragon yin in Keqing's family is indeed a good one-handed sword. Although it's not a five-star weapon, it's also a well-known weapon.

In this world, a four-star weapon is actually a very rare weapon, and big families like Keqing treat it as an heirloom.

Muyang: "Actually, the dragon in the box is really good, it is more suitable for you, and then find a way to help your box dragon yin upgrade." "

Venti: "Hey, a good weapon can really improve the user, and the way you fight will change in the future.

Weapons do need to be upgraded, or the forging method needs to be changed.

Maybe if you have the chance, you can also go to the dark sea to pick up the leak. "

Alice: "Instead of looking at the outer sea, you should look inside the abyss."

I'm at least six hundred kilometers away from Teyvat, but I still feel like I'm still on the edge of the abyss.

During this period, I have also seen a lot of demon god level, even strong enemies comparable to the seven gods, if it weren't for my good concealment, I'm afraid I would have been attacked by them. "

Zhongli: "Are there many powerful enemies comparable to the Seven Gods?"

The Abyss is indeed a formidable enemy of the Teyvat Continent, and this is only the periphery of the Abyss..."

Ray Movie: "It seems that we also need to become stronger as soon as possible, if we can't become stronger as soon as possible, the ending between us and Teyvat Continent will not be too good." "

Mu Yang: "Come on, I'm optimistic about you, try to become stronger!" In about half a month, I will upload the Jindan chapter, and then a few gods can also cultivate."

For you, too, there are benefits. "

Raiden Zhen: "Understood!"

Sangonomiya Kokomi: "I used to think that the Seven Gods were already the ceiling of combat power, an unattainable existence, but now it seems that we are lonely after all." "

Speaking of this, Sangonomiya Kokomi trembled again, thinking that at the beginning, he still wanted to resist Raiden Shogun.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had a role, Raiden General would be merciful, and what he did before would be enough for the other party to chop himself into a pepper fish head countless times, right?

For the Ray movie, Sangonomiya Kokomi is still grateful.

At least they didn't kill themselves with a knife, and the other party did give Watatsumi Island a good life.

The lives of the inhabitants of Watatsumi Island are much better now than they used to be.

Muyang: "The Seven Gods are not the ceiling of the combat power system, but I also believe that the abyss is not invincible, and I hope you can continue to work hard to become stronger." "】

Alice's words will undoubtedly put pressure on many people in the chat group.

However, this is also a very normal thing, after all, there are many people in the chat group, and their strength is already undoubtedly strong in the Teyvat continent.

But now, they also need to think about it, at least they need to continue to brush points, and they need to continue to get stronger when they become stronger.

Of course, at this point, Muyang himself also has a lot of responsibilities, and he also needs to show them a way to become stronger.

At this time, the Jindan chapter became very important.

"There's a demon god here!" Just when Mu Yang and the people in the chat group were in a crowd, Lei Ying suddenly reminded Mu Yang, she was holding a dream in her hand, and her expression became serious: "It seems that there are quite a few of them, it seems that we will be targeted by some targets on this side of the dark outer sea, otherwise, they would not have gathered so quickly." "

Lei Movie doesn't know if it's because of himself, the god of thunder, or the relationship between Muyang, the heavenly principle.

Perhaps, as Mu Yang said before, there is a conflict between the Outer Sea and the existing system of the Teyvat Continent.

I just don't know how.

"Roar!" With a roar, a terrifying aura came from afar, and a pitch-black behemoth emerged from the sea, its scarlet eyes full of madness.

[Zhongli: "This is the Demon God of the Waves, and he was also our opponent before, but he ran away to the Dark Sea, but now it seems that he is not doing very well in the Dark Sea. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "The one with the same strength as Osier?" but the power is more troublesome, and it rolled up a huge wave of hundreds of meters at the beginning, and almost swept away the return to the original place. I'm really nostalgic. "

Nahida: "I don't feel much reason in the other person's body, it's wear and tear, it's really scary." "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "I don't know if it's my delusion, this Wave Demon God, the strength may be even stronger than before........"

Zhongli: "It's really stronger, nearly one-third stronger than him at the beginning." This should be the blessing of the abyss. "

Asmodeus: "Now he is a giant beast that has lost consciousness, and the power of the abyss has blessed it to a certain extent. "

Ray Movie: "I just came here, so I'll clean up some of it." "】

With a roar, hundreds of meters high waves appeared around the Demon God of the Waves, blocking the thunder movie and it, and did not let these waves attack the two of them, but instead condensed the terrifying elemental power in his mouth. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not only the power of the water element, but also the power of the abyss!" Facing the attack of the Demon God of the Waves, Lei Ying raised his dream high and said coldly, "In that case, I can't keep you." "

Dozens of meters of water elemental energy balls were spit out by the Wave Demon God, attacking towards the two of them, but when they were only halfway through the impact, Lei Ying's knife was even faster than the opponent's attack.

I saw the rice light mixed with thunder light slashing, and the huge elemental energy instantly sliced and exploded, and then slashed towards the wave of demon god attacks.

"Boom!" The sword light instantly submerged the Demon God of the Waves, cutting the other party in half, that is, even the entire sea surface was cut in half because of this knife of the thunder movie, forming a crack thousands of meters long, and the rift on the seabed was clearly visible.

[Wendy: "This is the legendary thoughtless knife?"]

Raiden Zhen: "Shadow's strength has improved a lot compared to five hundred years ago. "

Zhongli: "No, it should be just a relatively ordinary knife, the feeling when I was in Inazuma before was really not wrong, Balzebu, you have really improved a lot in the past five hundred years."

I'm afraid that in the past 500 years, you are not really hiding from the outside world, but in retreat to improve your strength, right?"

Ruo Tuo Dragon King: "Is this just a relatively ordinary sword? If you use the arcane meaning, won't it be difficult for me to stop it?"

Keqing: "Before, you said how powerful the Wave Demon God was, why was 1.4 so easily killed by His Majesty the Thunder God?"

Is Thor too powerful, or is this Wave Demon God not as powerful as he thinks?"

Madame Ping: "It should be that Thor is too strong, I can tell you responsibly that if the Demon God of the Wave comes to attack Liyue, and the Emperor of the Rock and the Dragon King of Ruotuo do not make a move, it will be difficult for the Immortals to stop the other party from destroying Liyue." "

Keqing: "I see, it seems that I still need to continue to get stronger." "

Nahida: "How dare I speak, please forgive me for not knowing anything about power before..."

At this time, Nahida was also trembling, it turned out that the Seven Gods could also be so powerful?

This grass god seems to be too weak. 】

(This issue of the abyss is relatively simple, the first half of the grass line nine is fine, I have a Bennett, the second half, I have Thor, Xinhai, Yelan and Xiangling, it's still very easy to play, almost every one can come out with an extra minute.) The last mechanical monster seems to be very difficult to fight, and it has to be fought by the wild system, so it would be good to directly and vigorously produce a miracle. As long as the milk is fast enough, no one can die. )。

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