Ray Movie is definitely a god who doesn't talk much, the kind that can cut you and definitely don't beep much.

I think that at the beginning, Inazuma actually still had a lot of demon gods and big demons, but now many of these have become trophies of Thunder movies.

At present, there are still a lot of trophies from the Thunder movie in the castle tower, and many of those trophies are parts of the demon god.

However, Lei Movie didn't really kill those demon gods, after all, the existence of demon gods can not be killed without killing, and at this point, Lei Movie also understands that except for ~ Fei really can't help it.

Moreover, now on this thunder dragon, Lei Movie has also seen a lot of materials that he needs.

If you can cut this dragon, your own collection can definitely increase a lot, and in terms of the other party's breath, Lei Ying can think that the equipment that bursts out of the other party's body must be extremely suitable for himself.

When the time comes, not only can you solve it with your own equipment, but you can also create a weapon with Raiden Sakura and Zhen each, Muyang's control of Thunder and Lightning is also quite good, and he should not let go of a weapon that suits him.

This dragon king is full of treasures!

Lei Yinghua's eyes were full of battle intent when he looked at the Thunder Dragon King, and now he had a reason to fight.

Endless thunder converges on the heart of dreams.

Seeing this, the Thunder Dragon King was also in his heart, this Thunder God seemed to be a little reckless!

However, at this moment, it also became irritable, and they failed because of Fanes and his four lackeys.

Lost to Phanes and them, and the so-called seven gods were not taken into account by the Thunder Dragon King.

But now, this Thor dares to provoke himself, it is simply unreasonable, and it just so happens that he can take this opportunity to kill the lackeys of this heavenly principle.

It's just that soon, the Thunder Dragon King looked at Muyang beside Lei Movie again, and the previous Muyang restrained his breath, and the Thunder Dragon King didn't pay too much attention to Muyang.

But now that it's time to fight, the Thunder Dragon King feels that he needs to be vigilant against the other party, what if the other party sneaks up on him?

The Thunder Dragon King was just a little grumpy, but he wasn't a fool.

It's just that the breath on the other party's body makes the Thunder Dragon King a little familiar, and he is a bastard who usurps his authority!?

(╯)╯┻┻, the damned lackey of Tianli.

As the Thunder Dragon King began to get angry, endless thunder spread in the dark outer sea, but these thunderbolts had no effect on Muyang and the Thunder Movie.

After all, both of them are very good at the thunder element.

"Roar!" With a roar, a large number of thunder elements converged in the mouth of the Thunder Dragon King, and in the blink of an eye, they were all gathered, and they bombarded at the thunder movie.

Lei Movie was obviously stunned for a moment when he saw this, such a terrifying thunder element control, other demon gods, could not gather so many thunder elements so quickly.

Not to mention other demon gods related to thunder, even the thunder movie itself can't do this.

However, it is even more interesting to face such an enemy!

The dream in Lei Movie's hand waved with all his heart, and between the sword light, just the knife qi destroyed and detonated this ball of energy.

And when the energy balls were detonated, the follow-up energy balls of the Thunder Dragon King had already attacked towards the Thunder Movie, and the continuous energy balls were constantly spit out by the Thunder Dragon King, and the Thunder Movie also used the knife qi to split these energy balls.

Rao is Muyang saw this scene, and also nodded slightly, it is worthy of the battle between the Thunder Movie and the Thunder Dragon King, which is really not comparable to ordinary demon gods.

Look at the attack of the Thunder Dragon King, and then look at the attack of Osier, there are at least a hundred Nahida between the two sides!

Consider that during the Great War in Liyue, Othello gathered his elemental power and gave Liyue plenty of time to deal with it, but on the Thunder Dragon King's side, it was almost instantaneous.

This kind of picture of slashing the elemental energy ball with sword qi is indeed very exciting.

[Muyang: "At this time, I really want to have a fried chicken and Coke.

It's a pity, why is there no formula for cola among the taboo knowledge before?

No, you have to look for other forbidden knowledge.

Sooner or later, I'm going to get the recipe for Coke!"

Alice: "The recipe for Coke? I don't have it here, but does Sprite want to drink it?"

I can make Sprite and have some on hand right now!"

Muyang: "Yes, and Diluc, please send me a sweet stuffed chicken." "

Diluc: "Wait 10 minutes!"

Even though points are required to teleport items, Diluc will not ask Muyang for these points.

And, in the case of Diluc now, he is not short of points.

Keqing: "Do you need to order a piece of food for you?" "

Muyang: "Yes, this kind of battle is really delicious!"

This is the most interesting battle I've ever had on Teyvat. "

Raiden Zhen: "I can experience the joy of the current shadow, she is happy from the bottom of her heart. "

Raiden Sakura: "After all, fighting an enemy who is evenly matched with oneself is a pleasant thing for a martial artist in itself. "

Muyang: "Well, indeed, I originally wanted to give Shadow a shield, but considering her character, I didn't do it.

I guess she's immersed in fighting now, too. "

Nahida: "I'm afraid the Demon God War isn't so brutal, is it?"

I feel like I can't stop it!!"

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "Nahida, don't be arrogant, although you really can't block such an attack now, but you have to have confidence in yourself, in the future, you can!"

Nahida: "Yes, the Great Mercy Tree King, but what if you were allowed to fight the Thunder Dragon King in your prime?"

At this time, these gods actually roughly guessed the identity of the other party.

On the Teyvat continent, only the Thunder Dragon King can have such terrifying thunder and lightning.

This is a power that can compete with Thor.

In this way, it is true that the power of the Seven Gods is related to the original Seven Elemental Dragon King.

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "Ahem, ahem, we are the gods of wisdom, and it is not good to fight and kill." "

In this regard, King Dacishu said that he had something to say, in fact, her position as the god of grass was also the kind that was appointed, and this was also related to the death of King Red himself.

As for fighting and killing, this is really not suitable for the Great Cishu King, but the Great Cishu King said that he also has his own advantages, if he doesn't have his own help, how can Muyang change the rules of this world so easily?

The rules of the world are not something that can be changed.

The original Heavenly Reason Phanes could not have done it in its heyday.

The current Muyang is still some distance away from Fanes, and if he wants to change the rules of the world, he can only change it slowly and imperceptibly.

It's like an internal force or something, which Muyang has researched by himself, and will slowly change the world in the future.

Raiden Zhen: "Actually, there is no need to care about this, the importance of the Great Mercy Tree King to the world is obvious.

Also, as a god, combat effectiveness is secondary, and while it is important to protect your own people, it is also important to be able to give happiness to the gods. "

Muyang: "Why do you feel like you're mapping someone..."]

Muyang was eating sweet stuffed chicken and drinking Sprite, feeling very refreshing.

It was a fantastic day.

However, this kind of battle is really interesting, and even makes Muyang have an urge to participate in the battle.

After all, his strength has progressed too fast, and the demon gods are born with good strength, but most of the demon gods have experienced the demon god war.

There have been fights between them, but Muyang is different.

Before coming to Teyvat, he didn't have much combat experience, not even chickens.

However, this is a battle that belongs to the Thunder Movie, Muyang will not interfere, and, in the future, it is not without a chance to fight with this Thunder Dragon King.

Even in the future, there will be many opponents in the abyss.

Alice had said before that there were many strong enemies in the abyss, which Muyang had to face.

Fortunately, those guys can't rush up, otherwise, the Teyvat Continent is really not enough for those strong enemies to dismantle.

And when Muyang was eating chicken, Lei Movie and Thunder Dragon King also ended the wave state, and for the two, this is not an opponent that can be easily won.

At this time, Lei Movie also rushed directly to the front, chasing and slashing at the Thunder Dragon King for a while, but the Thunder Dragon King's side is also not a vegetarian, and he also counterattacks against Thunder Movie from time to time, and many times, Thunder Movie has to defend and dodge.

Because of the size of the body, in terms of strength and defense, the Thunder Dragon King is indeed much better than the Thunder movie.

Even if he dreams of slashing at the body of the Thunder Dragon King, he can't cause much damage, but the Thunder Dragon King has put a lot of pressure on the Thunder Dragon King, and if he is hit by the Thunder Dragon King, he is afraid that he will be injured.

Although Lei Movie is often hit by Muyang, this collision is completely different from the impact of the Thunder Dragon King, and I haven't seen Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka shattered.

Therefore, even if it is a martial artist like Lei Movie, at this time, he will not be directly hard, but will think about how to deal with the Thunder Dragon King.

In the face of the Thunder Dragon King, the Thunder Movie did show his talent as a martial artist, if the Thunder Movie who fought with the Thunder Dragon King in close quarters at the beginning, he suffered more or less from the size loss, but with the passage of battle, the Thunder Movie can gradually be truly evenly matched with the other party.

Even now that he has found the skill to fight the other party, he has now gained the upper hand.

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