Thunder movies have now gained the upper hand, but Muyang can clearly feel that if he wants to kill the Thunder Dragon King, or really let the Thunder Dragon King suffer serious injuries, it is difficult for the current Thunder Movie to do it.

It is difficult to do this even if it is a knife that opens up the thoughtlessness.

After all, the strength of the Thunder Dragon King is beyond doubt.

If the Thunder Dragon King was really so easy to kill, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago, instead of being able to come to the Dark Sea.

Although the current Thunder Dragon King has lost some of the authority of the thunder element, and his strength has decreased compared to his heyday, he has also maintained his state because of the breath of the abyss.

Just when Mu Yang was watching the show, the Thunder Dragon King also thought of Mu Yang on the side, he could feel that it was difficult to deal with the Lei movie, so he went to deal with the people who came with the Lei movie, if the other party died, the other party's mind would also be messed up, right?

When the time comes, he can take the opportunity to attack Ray Movie, which is simply the perfect plan.

Taking advantage of the thunder movie's attack on him, the Thunder Dragon King withstood the bombardment of the other party in this way, and then gathered a thunder elemental energy ball in his mouth, aimed at Mu Yang and shot over.

This scene made Mu Yang, who was drinking Sprite and just having sweet flowers stuffed chicken, stunned, this is being regarded as a soft persimmon "two three zeros"!?

Could it be that he really looks so easy to bully?

In the face of the attack of the Thunder Dragon King, Mu Yang was not polite to the other party, two spatial doors were opened by Mu Yang, one spatial door appeared in front of him, and the other appeared on the side of the Thunder Dragon King.

The purple energy ball with a diameter of at least twenty meters was directly absorbed by the space gate in front of Mu Yang when it was about to fall in front of Mu Yang, and then appeared from another door and landed on the body of the Thunder Dragon King, causing a violent explosion.

"How about this guy, let me try it too?" Mu Yang whispered to Lei Movie not far away.

Lei Movie looked at Muyang and then looked at the Thunder Dragon King, and some reluctantly distanced himself from the Thunder Dragon King.

Although she likes such a sandbag as the Thunder Dragon King very much, an opponent like the Thunder Dragon King is unattainable, but it is obvious that Muyang is more important to the Thunder Movie.

Moreover, it is estimated that Mu Yang will not kill the Thunder Dragon King, and then he can also run to the dark sea to find trouble with the Thunder Dragon King.

It's a good sparring partner!

Maybe you can use the Thunder Dragon King to practice your moves in the future!

There is always a thunder dragon king on the sea, who dares to face the majesty of thunder!

Looking at the distance between the Thunder Movie and the Thunder Dragon King, and then looking at the almost undamaged Thunder Dragon King, Muyang's eyes were also full of fighting intent, he stared at the Thunder Dragon King and said in a deep voice: "In Xia Muyang, come and ask for advice!"

"Who the hell are you?" staring at Mu Yang, the Thunder Dragon King's expression was also extremely serious.

Spatial ability is not something that ordinary gods can control.

The only thing that the Thunder Dragon King knows is the lackeys of Tianli, and the current maintainer of Tianli can do it.

"Me?" Mu Yang chuckled: "Mu Yang, just an ordinary Adventist!"

"The Descender!" Hearing Mu Yang's words, the Thunder Dragon King became more and more angry.

As the natives of Teyvat, they are extremely resentful of the Descenders.

The original Fanes was a descendant.

It was because of Fanes that their elemental dragon kings lost their domination over this world, and even had their power usurped by the other party.

If the man in front of him is an advent, then the other party's ability to have space is not incomprehensible.

Although the man in front of him is not Fanes, he is still an advent, and the Thunder Dragon King said that he can't accept and forgive.

"You damn it" the Thunder Dragon King let out a roar and swooped down towards Muyang's side.

"Heaven moves!" Looking at the Thunder Dragon King, Mu Yang's figure flashed, and he distanced himself from the Thunder Dragon King, and a large number of rock elements condensed in the sky, and soon it condensed into a huge celestial star, falling from the sky and bombarding towards the Thunder Dragon King.

Caught off guard, even if the Thunder Dragon King encountered this celestial star, he was bombarded into the seawater.

[Keqing: "This is the move of the Rock King Emperor, right? I didn't expect it to appear in Muyang's hands, it's really magical.] "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "It feels subtle, but Muyang's Celestial Star is no less than Morax, but it is difficult to defeat the Thunder Dragon King."

The strength of the Thunder Dragon King is above mine. "

Keqing: "Won't you be able to defeat the Thunder Dragon King like this?"

Mu Yang: "The strength of the original dragon king is even above the seven gods. Not being able to defeat the Thunder Dragon King is also a very normal thing. "

Thunder Movie: "When it comes to the application of thunder and lightning, the Thunder Dragon King is above me, but as long as I am given time, I am confident that I can defeat him." "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Seeing you fighting the Thunder Dragon King like this, I don't know what to say. "

Zhongli: "Being able to smash the Thunder Dragon King into the bottom of the sea is actually something to be proud of. "】

As a few people had guessed, the Thunder Dragon King quickly drilled out of the ocean again, roaring at Mu Yang, and there were some petrified marks on his head, but these traces were also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, the effect of the Celestial Star's seal on the Thunder Dragon King was minimal.

If you think about it, it's not that you can't understand it.

"Someone once told me that the dragon king has no pain.

I used to think that all living things have a sense of pain.

But now I realize that I'm thinking wrong now. Mu Yang said in a cold tone: "In that case, I have to be serious!"

Mu Yang held the Rice Light of the Moment high, and the incomparably terrifying thunder element converged on the Rice Light of the Moment, and Mu Yang could clearly hear the squeak of the long knife in his hand, and then aimed at the Thunder Dragon King and slashed out.

In this scene, the eyes of the Lei movie were also bright, and this knife had the shadow of a knife that she didn't want to think about.

But compared to the sword that I used to split Orobus, I don't know how powerful it is, even if it is myself, it is difficult to cut such a sword.

It seems that Muyang has not slacked off in martial arts during this time, and his ability to deduce and control martial arts is beyond his reach.

Lei Movie never thought that someone could learn martial arts like this.

Even she will have a trace of envy and jealousy, and she is also happy for Muyang.

The current Muyang, what he lacks seems to be actual combat experience, this time the Thunder Dragon King is also a good target for Muyang.

is a good sparring partner, she is willing to give up the Thunder Dragon King to Mu Yang to fight.

"Boom!" The knife fell on the Thunder Dragon King's body, causing the Thunder Dragon King to also let out a painful cry.

What Ray didn't do in the movie before, it was comparable to what the Celestial Star that Morax couldn't do with all his might, and at this moment, Mu Yang did it........

"It's bleeding!" Seeing this, Lei Ying's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly collected the blood of the Thunder Dragon King.

That's all good stuff!

It would be a shame to let them be diluted in the seawater.

"It's not enough!" Mu Yang looked at the two horns on the head of the Thunder Dragon King, and one dodged to the head of the Thunder Dragon King. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feeling that his head was trampled on by a human being, the Thunder Dragon King became more and more angry and irritable, and the endless thunder light spread to the sea, even Mu Yang, who was standing on the head of the Thunder Dragon King, was bombarded by a large number of thunder elements.

Fortunately, Muyang himself also got the thunder element, and he has extremely excellent resistance to the thunder element, which is comparable to the thunder god of the thunder movie, and at the same time, he also put a shield on himself before, otherwise, just like this, Muyang will probably be electrocuted.

Mu Yang looked at the dragon horn of the Thunder Dragon King and there was no ink, and at the moment he used all his strength, and he slashed out with another knife and slashed on this horn.

"Click!", the dragon horn was successfully cut off, but in the same way, there was also a huge gap in the Rice Light of the Moment.

o(TヘTo) My wife's dowry!!

The destruction of the Rice Light was unexpected by Muyang, but it was not completely incomprehensible.

After all, the Rice Light of the Moment itself is a replica of the dream of single-mindedness, although Lei Movie spent a lot of effort to create the Rice Light of the Moment.

It's even probably the best weapon ever built in the Ray movies.

But after all, it's still not as good as the original Dream Singleheart, you know, Dream Singleheart is a real companion weapon of thunder and lightning, and it even has the power of thunder and lightning.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the Thunder Dragon King was going to fight hard, Mu Yang picked up the dragon horn that was cut off by himself, and a flash appeared next to Lei Yinghua, and hugged her again, and directly opened the space channel and left the dark outer sea, as for the Thunder Dragon King, it can't be killed for the time being, and when its horns grow out again 5.7, cut it a few more times...

"Bastard, damned aggressor. Seeing that Muyang left with the thunder movie without saying a word, the Thunder Dragon King scolded directly in the sea.

The body of thousands of meters was constantly swaying, rolling up waves hundreds of meters high, and he wanted to kill Inazuma to take revenge, but thinking of the maintainer of that day, the Thunder Dragon King also forcibly endured it.

Those two people are not under themselves one-on-one, if they add a heavenly reason, wouldn't they be finished?


When Muyang and the others appeared again, they were already in the realm of Inazuma, looking at the broken Rice Light of the Moment, Muyang looked at Lei Ying with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I broke the weapon you gave me." "

Lei Ying took over the Rice Light of the Moment, looked at it carefully, shook his head slightly and said: "It can be repaired, the problem is not big, and the horns of the Thunder Dragon King are also harder than imagined, and the attributes are incomparably suitable for the Rice Light of the Moment, but you can take off part of it as a raw material, and at the same time repair the Rice Light of the Moment,

It can also increase the power of the Rice Light of the Moment. "

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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