"If I have the horns of the Thunder Dragon King, with the resources we have collected before, I am confident that I can make the Rice Light of the Moment no worse than the dream after repair. Immediately afterwards, Lei Movie assured Muyang again.

"Isn't it inferior to dreams?" Muyang was also stunned when he heard this.

Mu Yang is naturally quite familiar with Dream Yixin, he usually not only comes into contact with the scabbard of Dream Yixin, but occasionally studies and studies Dream Yixin.

Dream has power in his heart, which is not comparable to ordinary artifacts.

Even after coming to Teyvat Continent for so long, Muyang has never seen it, and having a weapon can be compared to a dream of Yixin.

Muyang suspects that the dream of single-mindedness may be related to the thunder movie and the thunderbolt really past life...

If it weren't for this, after coming to Dream Yixin, Lei Movie's strength would not have been significantly improved in five hundred years.

Now Lei Movie is telling Muyang that the Daoguang will not be inferior to Dream Yixin in the future.

This was beyond Muyang's expectations.

"Well, the energy contained in this horn is very terrifying, and it is also very strong, I don't know how many times better than the material I used to create the Rice Light of the Moment. Lei Ying said with a subtle expression: "

Originally, the Rice Light would not be damaged, but you slashed at one of the hardest parts of the Thunder Dragon King.

I don't know why you like to cut the horns of the Thunder Dragon King, but the result is not bad.

In general, if you want your opponent's corner, it's best to play 26 hands from the most vulnerable spot after defeating them. "

Muyang was also stunned when he heard this.

For this point, Mu Yang really didn't think about it before, before, Mu Yang's use of the Rice Light of the Moment was almost invincible, and he didn't think about whether the Rice Light of the Moment would not be able to bear the problem.

As a result, there was a gap in the rice light.

This was beyond Muyang's expectations.

Fortunately, the light of the rice can be repaired.

"Give me the Rice Light of the Moment first, and then I'll give it to you when I'm repaired. Lei thought for a moment and continued: "After that, I will build a similar weapon.

The dragon horns of the Thunder Dragon King, and the materials on the demon god that I obtained before, are enough for me to use for a long time.

You can even craft your so-called Noble Phantasm afterwards. "

"The Thunder Dragon King is really full of treasures!!

When the state of the Thunder Dragon King recovers, I still have to go to find the Thunder Dragon King. Muyang said with emotion.

It's just a pity that he can't casually attack the Ruotuo Dragon King, otherwise, Muyang also wants to see how many weapons the Ruotuo Dragon King can explode.

However, Muyang also found that he and these first dragon kings didn't seem to have anything to discuss, something to talk about.

After the Thunder Dragon King knew that he was the Advent, he wanted to tear himself apart.

Mu Yang can imagine that if he let the Grass Dragon King know his identity, he will probably want to kill himself.

As far as Apep's actions are concerned, it can be seen that Apep is still eager to improve his strength, otherwise, Apep would not have swallowed the forbidden knowledge in one gulp.

I'm afraid I just want to use forbidden knowledge to deal with Heavenly Principles.

Even though Muyang is not Fanes, but for dragon kings like Apepe, Muyang is also an intruder.

They have their own king, and it is impossible for them to take refuge in Muyang, a new heavenly principle.

Moreover, Muyang felt that it was very likely that the dragon king Nibelungen was not dead, and sooner or later one day the Nibelungen would come back, and at that time, these original dragon kings would most likely become Muyang's enemies.

After all, for these elemental dragon kings, the Teyvat continent is their homeland, whether it is the previous Tianli Fanes or the current Tianli Muyang, they all belong to outsiders.

However, Ruotuo Dragon King didn't seem to have any prejudice against himself, which also made Muyang think of a lot of things.

At the beginning, Mu Yang thought that Ruotuo Dragon King would be the first generation of Dragon King, after all, the other party's strength was very strong, and he was also a strong man of the older generation.

But now it seems that I was thinking wrong.

Combined with the story of the Dragon King Ruotuo, it seems that this Dragon King is also a second-generation Dragon King, otherwise, he doesn't seem to need the Rock King Emperor to pretend to be his eyes.

Moreover, he and Morax should be a generation, and the first dragon king was obviously before Morax.

Dvalin should also be the dragon king, but this dragon king is even more stretched, and the ghost knows if it is the second or third generation dragon king...

And like this, the second-generation dragon king and the third-generation dragon king are not very repulsive to Tianli.

At least the Dragon King of Ruotuo did not have the slightest dissatisfaction after knowing his identity.

"It looks like I'm going to need to brush up on Apep after a while. Mu Yang said with a light sigh.

"The Grass Dragon King? Thinking of the strength of the Thunder Dragon King, Lei Yingying's heart couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know how the Great Cishu King and Nahida lived before, and became neighbors with such a powerful opponent, if you don't know, it's okay, if you know, the pressure is not a little big." "

And Lei's complaints also fell in the chat group.

[Zhongli: "In terms of general rationality, if you become neighbors with the first dragon king, the pressure is indeed not a star.

Fortunately, the identities of the Great Cishu King and Nahida are special, otherwise, they would probably be like the Red King, and they would be swallowed by the Grass Dragon King Apepu in one bite. "

Nahida: "Please, don't say it! I can't even imagine being approached by Apep right now." "

King Dacishu: "Don't worry, the Dragon King is still relatively close to us." "

Nahida: "That's good!!q(▽q)"

Muyang: "By the way, which of you wants weapons, this time I plan to build some weapons by myself, you can talk to me if you need them."

It's the first time, but I think I should be able to. "

Before the Lei movie, he also taught Muyang how to build weapons.

Morax's method of building weapons, Mu Yang has not learned.

However, Muyang has an unparalleled ability to deduce, and he has also deduced the picture of building a weapon by himself in his heart, which should be able to create a good weapon.

Ray Films: "Need my help?"

It's not that Lei Movie is reluctant to give up those materials, it's a big deal to go to the dark sea when the time comes.

For the current Thunder movie, although there are some risks in the dark sea, it is not a problem to get out of the sea.

Although the Thunder Dragon King was powerful, he seemed to be afraid of Heavenly Reason and its maintainer, and did not dare to leave the Dark Sea.

Muyang: "When the time comes, you can help me." After all, it's my first time, and I'm always nervous the first time, and if I pull across, it won't look good. "

Muyang: "Keqing, do you need a one-handed sword?"

Keqing: "Well, did you create it yourself? The one-handed sword style is best matched with my thunder element." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, if he could, Keqing would like to be able to build a weapon for himself by Lei Movie.

Of course, the weapons created by the Rock King Emperor are also very good.

However, she feels that the thunder god of the thunder movie understands the thunder element better than herself.

Muyang: "Yes, yes!"

Kamisato Ayaka is also her sister-in-law, but she has the return of the fog cut, so she doesn't need Muyang to build a weapon for her.

In terms of weapons, in the current one-handed sword on the Teyvat continent, the Reflection of the Fog Cut can definitely be ranked in the top five.

Moreover, the mist cut is also a weapon that fits Kamisato Ayaka very well, and for now, there is no need to create a new one-handed sword.

Anti-690 is Keqing really needs a new weapon, and the dragon chant in the box is indeed a little insufficient.

Zhongli is a guy, it's true, my family Keqing has paid so much for Liyue, and many times he doesn't go home, he works hard at Wangshu Inn.

As a result, he refused to give even a good weapon, which was really stingy.


"Are you back?" When I returned to the Narukami Shrine, I was slightly relieved to see the thunder and lightning that Muyang and Lei Ying had returned safely.

Although they have known for a long time that there is nothing wrong with the two of them, and they will not be hurt if they think about it, but they have not seen it with their own eyes, and Raiden is still not at ease.

If you go to fight the Thunder Dragon King by yourself, I'm afraid you'll be abused and doubt your life, right?

"En!" Seeing that his sister cared so much about herself, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but lift, it's so good.

Everything is the same as before, every time I come back from a fight, my sister never asks whether she has won a victory, but whether she is injured.

For my sister, it doesn't matter if I win or not, as long as Lei Movie is safe.

Both older sisters and younger sisters regard each other as the most important part of their lives.

"Alas, today is really an eye-opener, I didn't know before, it turns out that our Inazuma is so dangerous. Yae Miko said with a sigh at this time.

If this monster from the dark sea came to Inazuma, wouldn't they be doomed to Inazuma?

You must know that although today's Muyang and Lei movies have made a lot of trouble and killed a lot of demon gods, for the entire dark sea, it is just a small part of the seven kinds.

As far as Muyang investigates the Dark Sea, the area over there may be the area of Inazuma, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru combined.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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