Muyang is still very curious about the situation in the dark sea.

As a heavenly principle, Mu Yang felt that that there was not under his own control, and the influence of Tianli over there was also weakened to the minimum.

There must be secrets that they don't know, and this is definitely not just because of the relationship between the Thunder Dragon King and the Secret Sea, it's just that the Thunder Dragon King doesn't have this qualification.

Asmodeus can't be secretive about the Dark Sea, and when the matter on Inazuma's side is over, he will also need to make a trip to Sky Island.

"By the way, when I have time, I'll arrange for Kamisato Ayato to come and see me. It seemed that he had thought of something, Mu Yang said to Lei Ying.

Well, this matter is just a matter of one sentence for Lei Movie.

Naturally, someone will call Kamisato Ayato.

Although Kamisato Ayato has a very high status in Inazuma, and is even the head of the family of the shrine, he is still the elder brother of Kamisato Ayaka, but sometimes, it is still a matter of one sentence.

"By the way, if you want to select talents, you can actually promote that Kaedehara Kazuha!" At this time, Lei Dianzhen said to Muyang in a serious tone: "I have observed this Kaedehara Kazuha, and he is also a good person."

Previously, he was in charge of counting the people who were going to Liyue, and he was in charge of transportation, so he kept it all in order. "

Lei Yingying also nodded slightly when he heard this: "Before, we seemed to be preparing to build a fleet for him."

In the future, transportation between Inazuma and other countries will definitely be indispensable.

We in Inazuma also need a large fleet of our own, at least no worse than the Southern Cross fleet. "

Ray Films is still very confident in his own people.

The current Inazuma is not the same Inazuma that was once ruled by Raiden Shogun, and there are still a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes like Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke, who are constantly betraying Inazuma's interests.

Now Inazuma is behind the thunder and lightning really in management, since the resurrection of the thunderbolt truth, some major events, the thunder movie and the thunder sakura will be handed over to the thunder and lightning to deal with, naturally it is impossible to make mistakes like the thunder movie.

Some of the previous problems will naturally be solved slowly.

Moreover, Fox Palace, Yae Miko, and Sangonomiya Kokomi, these three women, in any country, are all qualified to be prime ministers.

Their abilities are quite good, now wait for the Kitsunaya Palace to recover its strength, and when that time comes, Inazuma will also be able to slowly recover under their governance, and even overtake other countries in corners.

Lei Movie is full of confidence in them, believing that with their help, Inazuma will definitely become bigger and stronger, so the fleet or something must be done in Dazato.

"It's up to you to decide. Mu Yang rubbed his head: "Kaedehara Kazuha is indeed a talent, if you want to cultivate talents, you can cultivate Kaedewon." "

Hearing what Mu Yang said, Lei Ying and the others also nodded slightly, thinking that this guy is a very talented person.


When Muyang and Lei were tired of the movie, and at the same time they were thinking about how to build weapons.

Mondstadt, however, had a big event.

The lady ran straight to the angel's gift and found Wendy.

For the arrival of the lady, not only Wendy was confused, but also Diluc and Jean, who heard the information later.

This is a lady who left Mondstadt in a hurry some time ago, and is said to have gone to Liyue, but now she has come to Mondstadt to do something?

Could it be that the Lady wants to come to Mondstadt to do something?

But it's not that much, at least compared to the other Fatuida, although the lady is a little arrogant, but it's pretty good.

Moreover, they still have a very special sense of the lady in their hearts, and after all, it was Mondstadt who was sorry for the lady in the first place, and the other party also saved Mondstadt.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with their strength improvement.

If it had been before, a Fatui executive suddenly came to their country, they would naturally be jealous, and even like a great enemy.

But now it's different, since Diluc and the Doctor fought, they know the gap between themselves and the real powerhouse, but they also have confidence in their own strength.

Yes, there is a big gap between them and the Demon God level, but their strength is definitely not weak.

For example, the current Diluc is definitely qualified to fight for the fourth seat, which is Diluc's confidence in himself and Muyang.

Although the lady is powerful, it is only the eighth seat, and now this eighth seat is completely no longer a threat to them.

And, isn't there still Barbatos?

They all know that Barbatos's appearance is partly due to paddling, and partly because he wants to maintain the thousand-year-old movement, so his strength is affected, but Barbatos has been in the chat group for so long.

And the people of the Abyss Order are constantly trying to pollute Wendy with the Seven Heavens God Statue, which also causes Wendy's points to be definitely not small among them.

has points to improve Wendy's divine power, and the current Wendy, even if he does not return to his peak condition, his strength should not be weak.

In such a situation, let alone a mere lady, it is estimated that the captain is not enough to see.

"Barbatos, is it convenient to talk alone?" the lady glanced at Diluc and Jean, who she didn't mean to pay attention to, neither of whom was her target.

She's just looking for Wendy.

Wendy took a deep look at the lady, her eyes flickered slightly, and she roughly guessed the lady's intentions, and said with a smile: "Okay!"

"Do you need me to prepare a separate room for you?" Diluc asked without being dissatisfied.

Although he usually doesn't like to see Wendy, at critical moments, Diluc is willing to believe this wind god who doesn't seem to be very reliable.

He's a very hidden Fengshen chef!

Otherwise, now Diluc would not have agreed to Wendy's use of points to buy wine without a shortage of points.

"Thank you very much!" the lady also rarely let go of her nobility, and nodded slightly at Diluc and Jean.

In fact, she herself is extremely curious.

According to the information on the Harlequin's side, it seems that the Doctor seemed to have fought with Diluc before he was killed by Muyang, and Diluc showed great strength at that time, and even had a strength comparable to the fifth and fourth seats.

Even if it's not as good as a doctor, it's not weak.

The lady didn't know how Diluc had grown to this point, but she also knew that this guy was indeed a hidden danger to the absolute Fatuida.

It seems that Diluc's father was killed by the doctor, right?

Now that the Doctor is dead, no one knows if this guy Diluc will extend his hatred to their Fatui because of the Doctor's relationship.

Then Diluc may also be a huge hidden danger at that time.

However, this is not something that the lady needs to think about, and if that is true, then she will not be Diluc's opponent.

It's your side that wants to avoid fighting Diluc, not the other side who wants to avoid you.

The lady is not a pure fool, and she says that she is not willing to provoke a guy who is stronger than herself.

The lady's appearance made Jean and Diluc, who knew her well, stunned, but they also understood that this time the lady was probably here to beg for help.

Wendy and Ms. went directly to the private room arranged by Diluc, Wendy took a sip of wine, and then asked the lady in a deep voice, "At this time, should I call you Ms. or Rosalyn?"

Hearing the name Rosalyn, the lady's eyes were in a trance again, but it was soon replaced by firmness: "Rosalyn is dead, now only the lady, it was the ice god who saved me in the first place, otherwise I would have died." "

"yes!" Wendy smiled wryly, "This is indeed my dereliction of duty. "

Immediately after, Wendy's expression became solemn again: "So, what are you coming to me for this time?"

"I want to know the truth about the Fatui, the last time you asked me to bring a message to the Empress, it must have a deep meaning, right?

During this time, I also thought that the Empress asked me to take away your God Heart before, in fact, there must be a tacit understanding between you.

After all, you are also the god of wind, and even if I have the blessing of the empress, I can't be your opponent. The lady stared at Wendy and said in a deep voice, "

Moreover, after you said those words, the Empress's side also changed her attitude.

It could be because the deal between you has broken down. "

"You've seen so much, it's not bad!" Wendy also nodded slightly when she heard this: "At the beginning, I did plan to let you take the Heart of God half-pushed, because the Heart of God is a relationship that was snatched away by you,

Even if you fail in the end, I don't need to worry about being punished by God.

At the same time, it can be regarded as making up for you. "

Rosalyn opened her mouth, she actually wanted to say that she didn't need Barbatos to make up for it.

After all, it didn't seem to be his problem, and she had actually thought about it since they had met last time they met.

But now in the face of Wendy, Rosalyn still couldn't say such words in the end.

"Then why did you change later?" asked Rosalyn, taking a deep breath.

"What if Heavenly Principles never wanted to bind humanity, but to protect it?

We were all wrong!

The Abyss is our enemy, and within the Fatui, there are many people related to the Abyss!" Wendy said after a long silence.

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