"Abyss, impossible, absolutely impossible! How can the Fatui have anything to do with the Abyss, don't slander us!" When the lady heard Wendy's words, she was instantly dissatisfied, even the flames on her body were vaguely uncontrollable.

"Actually, you're already starting to believe it, aren't you?" said Wendy, spreading her hands, meaningfully, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to Mondstadt to find me." "

The lady was also silent when she heard this.

She did suspect that there was something wrong with the Fatui, and of course mainly suspected the Harlequin of them.

Looking at Barbatos now, it seems that he knows something, even the empress, knows something.

But the Empress arranged for herself to go to Liyue, was this to protect herself, or to let herself continue with the plan?

Or is it to allow yourself to investigate Muyang?

After all, this guy Muyang is also a huge hidden danger for the Fatui.

Taking a deep breath, the lady suppressed her emotions and thought about the current situation, should she believe in Barbatos, the god of wind?

There was one thing that made the lady very helpless, she found that she should not believe this wine Mengzi in front of her.

But when she saw the other party, she still chose to believe Wendy's words.

I'm afraid that at this time, the ice god is also a little involuntarily, right?

"Maybe you're right, but we can't seem to do anything right now. After a long time, the lady also sighed and said.

Although she wanted to dismiss Wendy's words, saying that Harlequin was loyal to the ice god or something, but considering the reality, the lady had to face the reality.

But considering the strength of the harlequins, at this time, the lady found that she had no way at all for the time being.

Because the Ice Empress is usually in a deep sleep, the power of the Solstice and the Fatui is usually in the hands of Harlequin 933 and the Fatui executives.

As a result, there are not many people in the Solstice Country who don't listen to the harlequin's words.

If the Ice God does not appear, the Harlequin is the master of the Winter Kingdom.

Well, if it is Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang on Fontaine's side, then it is Sima Yi's routine on the side of the Winter Kingdom.

Even the Harlequin was found by the Ice Empress herself...

"Can't you find a way to break the game?" As if seeing the lady's concerns, Wendy's eyes rolled and asked the lady.

"Yes. Could it be that you have a way?

As the Executor of the Fatui in the Solstice Country, I know the horrors of the Fatui better than anyone else. The lady shook her head slightly.

For the current Wendy, the lady has no bad feelings, and at this time, this wind god is still willing to enlighten herself, and the lady is honest, she still has mixed tastes.

She now somewhat understood Rustin's intentions.

There may be many unpleasant and even disgusting things in this country, but there are also many good things in Mondstadt, which are worth their lives to protect.

Just like now, Rustan is dead, but the legend of Rustan still lives on in Mondstadt.

It is even said that during this time, two sculptures were erected in Mondstadt dedicated to the two lovers who died protecting Mondstadt 500 years ago: Rustan and Rosaline.

Although the lady herself is disdainful of these glories or something.

At the beginning, she gave everything to help Rustan, and those who were saved by her were rejecting herself, and at that time, Ms. (CGDF) was already heartbroken.

But Rustan's reputation, the lady is still very concerned.

If Rustan could become a legend of Mondstadt because of this, the lady would be very happy.

After all, Rustan is dead and can't be resurrected, and the lady hopes that the others will still remember Rustan.

As for herself, she really didn't care at all.

Just thinking that the harlequin may have cooperated with the abyss, this also fills the lady's heart with haze.

For the abyss, the lady is extremely hateful, usually dealing with the Abyss Order, the lady will never spare the slightest, and even many tasks that are not originally ladies, the lady will take the initiative to take action against those Abyss Sects.

She hated Kamria, she hated the Abyss, and she hated the Abyss Order.

If it weren't for the fact that Kanria's people came into contact with the power of the abyss and caused the Dark Calamity, then Rustan would not have died.

So it's all the fault of the abyss and of Kanria.

Before, because of the relationship between the Ice Empress, the lady also intentionally or unintentionally ignored the identity of the harlequin, this guy seems to be also a Kanria, that is, the other party is also her enemy.

If Harlequin has always cooperated with the Abyss Order, he will be his undying enemy.

Does the Empress know about these things?

This also made the lady fall into deep thought, but soon, the lady shook her head, no matter what, she needed to save the ice god.

"My divine power has always maintained the wind of Mondstadt. A breeze appeared in Wendy's hand and whispered, "I can't use all my strength until I have to, or the winds in Mondstadt will change dramatically."

It has even become the situation thousands of years ago. "

The lady was also silent for a while when she heard this, which she only knew some time ago.

Regardless of how this guy usually is, he does a very good job in big things, and he has to express his gratitude to Wendy as a citizen of Mondstadt.

After all, in the entire continent of Teyvat, Mondstadt's climate is the most pleasant and suitable for human survival.

At the beginning, her little life was really good, and this was all maintained by Wendy's consumption of her divine power.

Thinking of this, the lady's gaze at Wendy was also full of soft color, this wind god is probably the most difficult one among the seven gods, right?

has always maintained his divine power, and his wear and tear may already be very serious, right?

So how much time can he hold on now?

"However, there is nothing I can do to help you, but there are people who can help you solve the problem.

For that person, it was not really impossible to defeat the entire Fatui and the Solstice Kingdom. Immediately after, Wendy took a sip of her drink and said to the lady.

"You mean Muyang?" For Muyang's strength, the lady did not doubt it, the original lady suspected that Muyang was actually a person at the level of seven gods, but after seeing the other party's complete extermination of the doctor, the lady and the Fatui had already begun to analyze Muyang's true strength.

The strength of the other party is very likely to be the best among the seven gods.

Maybe even stronger than the Ice God.

Thinking about it carefully, if Muyang was willing to help, his predicament might really be solved now.

It's just that how to get Muyang to help is also something that the lady is entangled in, and there is nothing between her and Muyang.

Muyang seems to like beautiful women, but they don't have any beauties in the winter country, so it's hard to introduce the ice god to Muyang, then at that time, what kind of thing is this.

"En!" Wendy nodded slightly and said, "It's not a secret, just like you Fools, Muyang is also collecting the heart of God."

As far as I know, he's already collected four Divine Hearts. "

"Your Wind God's Heart has fallen into Muyang's hands?" The lady was shocked when she heard this: "In this way, the Heart of the Rock God is also in Muyang's hands, and the relationship between the Thunder God Balzebu and him is extraordinary, and the Heart of the Thunder God is also a matter of handiness for him."

Muyang appeared in Sumeru before, and I think it was also for the heart of the grass god.

Otherwise, Mu Yang didn't seem to have any reason to help the Little Auspicious Grass King, and after that, the Little Auspicious Grass King also turned off the Void Device.

At that time, the little auspicious grass king said that the Void system was destroyed by the doctor, and we didn't doubt this at the time.

After all, this is indeed something that a doctor would do.

But now it seems that the heart of the grass god may have fallen into Muyang's hands as a trading chip. "

I didn't expect that the god of wisdom with thick eyebrows and big eyes would also deceive his followers like this.

But if you think about it, it seems like the best solution for the Sumeru people.

The little auspicious grass king has no ability to keep that god heart at all.

Wendy nodded slightly when she heard this: "If you want to save the ice god, you already have it, don't you?"

"But the heart of the gods, what is the role of Mu Yang? Could it be that he can use all the hearts of the gods at the same time?" The lady frowned, and said one thing, if you want to collect the heart of the god, the heart of the god is more tricky in Mu Yang's hands than in the hands of other gods.

On the one hand, Muyang's strength is too strong, on the other hand, they Fatui can do things in the kingdom of the Seven Gods, and they can even trade with the Seven Gods, but now, the situation is different, and if they want to trade with Muyang, they don't seem to have this qualification.

Even at this time, Barbatos actually suggested that he let himself trade the Empress's Divine Heart to rescue the Empress, who might have been imprisoned by Harlequin.

If it weren't for the fact that the lady herself had investigated some information and had a relatively recognizable relationship with Barbatos, the lady would have wanted to get stuck with Barbatos at this time and ask this guy what kind of heart he has.

"If you want to defeat the maintainers of Heavenly Reason and protect the Teyvat Continent in the abyss, Muyang is the best choice. Wendy drank the dandelion wine in her hand.

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