Thinking of this possibility, Tartaglia's heart couldn't help but sink.

All of the Fatui executives are considered to be the dependents of the Ice Empress.

According to the lady, it may be that the Ice Empress is really in a weak state, and Tartaglia will not look down on the Ice Empress because of this, after all, the Empress is the one who gives them strength.

But if someone really did attack the Ice Empress for this, Tartaglia would never forgive them.

Tartaglia is a martial artist and a soldier in his bones, and he also has absolute loyalty to the Ice Empress.

Among the Fatui aside, Tartaglia was the most loyal to the Ice Empress.

"Is this news reliable?" Tartaglia took a deep breath, forcibly calmed his emotions, and looked at the lady in a cold tone and said coldly.

"Ninety percent likely, as you know, I went to see the Empress before I came to Liyue!" Rosalyn didn't hide much from Tartaglia, "Barbatos, the god of wind, said some strange things to me, and I relayed them to the Ice Empress, and the Empress arranged for me to come to Liyue.

But I wasn't told the exact task, and now that I think about it, it should be the Empress who wants to protect me. "

"Protect you..."Tartaglia frowned when he heard this, it seemed that he had not received orders from the Ice Empress during this time.

Even the previous mission of seizing the Heart of God did not urge him to complete it, but only allowed him to come to Liyue to continue to cooperate with Mr. Zhongli.

Now with Mr. Zhongli, he Tartaglia is also popular and spicy, although his son Tartaglia usually pays the bill, but it is the rich who really pay.

And he Tartaglia is considered to eat and drink at public expense, if it were not for the order of the Ice Empress, how could his little life be so good?

There are also limits to the funds of the Fatui, even if it is a lady who executes 033 officials, it is impossible to squander it like herself.

As far as Liyue's situation is concerned, Tartaglia doesn't want to go back to Solstice many times, but there is no way, Liyue's little life is really good.

As for the lady, she doesn't seem to have any tasks, and it seems that she usually stays in the Northland Bank.

It seems that there is nothing to do more than himself.

At first, Tartaglia couldn't understand it, but now it seems that the Ice Empress must have her deep meaning.

Maybe it's really to protect Rosalyn!

Tartaglia will not doubt Rosalyn's loyalty to the Empress, this woman is a crazy woman, and in addition to the Abyss Order, it seems that only the matter of the Ice Empress can make Rosalyn care.

This is also the main reason why Rosalyn has always had no good attitude towards herself, but Tartaglia has no murderous intent towards Rosaline.

However, did the Ice Empress arrange for herself and Rosalyn to come to Liyue to protect them?

He didn't think that he could protect Rosalyn, and that both himself and Rosalyn might be within the scope of protection.

Then the Fatui really have a problem.

Who is the one who can protect them?

Soon, Tartaglia thought of Zhongli, indeed, Mr. Zhongli is an immortal, although he has not fought with Zhongli, but Tartaglia can also see that he is not Mr. Zhongli's opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Zhongli couldn't be the Emperor of the Rocks, Tartaglia would sometimes wonder if the other party was the incarnation of the Emperor of the Rocks.

However, if he is a native of the Solstice Kingdom, if he is the Emperor of the Rock King, how can he be so close to him?

Moreover, if Zhongli was the Emperor of the Rock King, it would be impossible for the Empress of Ice to arrange for herself to come to Zhongli's side, and if the other party was the Emperor of the Rock King, it would be impossible for her to pay for it every time!

As the oldest of the seven gods and the creator of Mora, how could such an existence lack Mora?

Therefore, Mr. Zhongli can't be the Emperor of the Rock King!

It could only be some immortal who was dissatisfied with the Emperor of the Rocks!

How could the Emperor of the Rock take the lead in betraying his country?

I didn't expect that I was actually protected by Mr. Zhongli, and it seems that I still have to buy some gifts for Mr. Zhongli in the future.

Mora doesn't need to earn it herself anyway...

After feeling this, Tartaglia said to the lady, "What are we going to do now? Go back to the Solstice Kingdom and rescue the Ice Empress?"

At this time, Tartaglia had almost believed the lady's words, after all, the lady's loyalty to the Ice Empress was undoubted, and he was indeed not very interested in Harlequins, and it was not impossible for Harlequin to sneak attack the Ice Empress while they were not in the absence of those loyal to the Ice Empress.

"Combined, we are no match for the Harlequin. The lady glanced at Tartaglia a little helplessly, and she was actually very happy that Tartaglia was willing to believe in herself.

This guy's brain is not easy to use, but his strength is still very good.

But this guy Tartaglia, whose brain is not good is a huge flaw, and now he runs back to the Solstice Country, isn't that death?

Once they all have an accident, then when the time comes, who will save the Ice Empress?

"This..." Even Tartaglia at this time admits that the lady's words make sense, and besides, the interior of the Solstice Country is also a tiger's den in Longtan.

It's too hard to defeat the Harlequins.

Moreover, at this time, Tartaglia does not know whose words can be believed and whose words cannot be believed at this time.

After thinking about it, Tartaglia said to the lady, "Why don't we go and ask the almighty Mr. Zhongli?"

If it were him, there would be a way to help us. "

"Are you sure you're going to ask Zhongli?" the lady looked at Tartaglia with a subtle expression.

Tartaglia may not be able to guess the identity of Zhongli and Zhong Kui, but the lady has a lot of guesses.

The matter of the Heart of God may have been a drama from beginning to end, with them leading the Winter Kingdom, and the other seven gods cooperating with the Ice Empress.

It's just that now an accident happened, and the four divine hearts of wind, thunder, rock, and grass fell into Muyang's hands.

It was something none of them had thought of before.

Obviously, the relationship between Muyang and the Emperor of the Rock King is definitely not bad, and even the Emperor of the Rock King is by Muyang's side, thinking about the relationship between Muyang and Zhongli, plus the Empress of Ice arranged for Tartaglia to come to Zhongli, then Zhongli's identity is about to come out.

Just thinking of Zhongli's usual behavior, the lady's expression was also subtle.

Barbatos, disguised as an alcoholic, and Morax became a street who usually didn't bring money.

At this time, the lady really wants to complain about these seven gods, why are you like this!

Fortunately, their Ice Empress has a great love for her, not like Morax and Barbatos.

"Well, what's the matter?" Tartaglia looked at the lady with some suspicion, "Mr. Zhongli is the one the Ice Empress asked me to find. "

"Well, then you can go and find it!" the corners of Rosaline's mouth twitched a few times, and she decided not to tell Tartaglia Zhongli's identity.

That's actually pretty good.

Not knowing Zhongli's identity, Tartaglia and Zhongli can make Zhongli and Tartaglia live a little better.

Maybe Zhongli didn't want others to know his identity as Emperor Rock King, so he rashly pointed out the identity of the other party, or maybe it made Emperor Rock King dissatisfied.

"By the way, Muyang asked you to help build momentum for Ying to become the Seven Stars of Liyue!?" Rosalind asked Tartaglia as she was about to leave.

"Well, what's wrong? Don't you disagree with this?" Tartaglia looked at Rosalyn with some dissatisfaction.

At the beginning, he swore that he had promised, but now because of Rosalyn's connections, he can't use the Fatui in Liyue very well.

"I approve of your actions! There is no need to inform HQ for the time being, with the power of the two of us, we are qualified to decide what happens on Liyue's side.

After all, we are the only two executives in Liyue on the surface. The lady said meaningfully.

As for whether the other Fatui executives agreed to the plan, it didn't matter that much.

Tartaglia herself was arranged by the Fatui to come to Liyue at the behest of the Ice Empress, and her Lady came here as well as the Ice Empress.

Then the Fatui on Liyue's side will have to listen to the two of them.

Although there may be other executive officers here, if the two of them ask for it, they will also obey.

"Good!" Tartaglia gave the lady a deep look, this woman, but she couldn't afford to be early.

Obviously, he wants to win over Muyang through Ying's relationship, but Tartaglia is not averse to this matter.

is even happy to see it, he really doesn't want to become an enemy and opponent with Muyang, and I'm afraid he will die a miserable death at that time.

Moreover, isn't it good to have a good relationship with Muyang?

Anyway, the relationship between them and Tianli is also hostile, and the goal of the Ice Empress is to overturn Tianli, if she pulls Muyang into the gang, it seems to be very good!!

Muyang: Doing something to turn the world upside down, in fact, I don't refuse, it depends on what the Ice Empress wants to overthrow me...

Now at this time, the lady is willing to support herself, and Tartaglia feels that it is very profitable, isn't it good to do this earlier?

O stupid woman!

Before Dadamlia left, the eyes that despised her, the lady's chest also rose and fell for a while, and it was obvious that she was also very unhappy now.

Is this despised by the mentally retarded?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!). (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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