The lady never imagined that one day she would be despised by such a fool as Tartaglia.

But considering Tartaglia's popularity, the lady was also directly silent.

This guy should be considered a fool and a fool, right?

After all, now she also needs Tartaglia's help, and saving the Ice Empress is indispensable to Dada~Leah's help.

So at this time, what else can I do? Naturally, I choose to forgive him!

After the Ice Empress is rescued, she must make Tartaglia - good-looking!


It is not difficult for Tartaglia to find Zhonglia, not to mention that Tartaglia himself has been watching a play with Tartaglia before, or he has not been together before, as long as Zhongli does not deliberately want to avoid him, Tartaglia can easily find Zhongli.

After all, Tartaglia said that there was no one in this world who knew Mr. Zhongli better than himself.

Not even Mr. Zhong Kui, who was called a close friend by Mr. Zhongli.

He, Tartaglia, is Mr. Zhongli's favorite cub!

Tartaglia easily found Zhongli in the private room of Wanmin Hall, usually unless he went to Xinyue Xuan and Liuli Pavilion to eat, Zhongli seemed to like to eat in Wanmin Hall, especially in the days when Xiangling was in charge of cooking.

Tartaglia also has to admit that Xiangling's cooking skills are indeed very powerful, even he is full of praise for Xiangling's cooking skills, which are very delicious.

As long as something weird doesn't appear every now and then, that's fine.

"Mr. Zhongli, I'm here for help!" Tartaglia said apologetically, sitting directly beside Zhongli.

"Help?" Zhongli was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Tartaglia in some surprise.

This guy, what's going on?

"To tell you the truth, this is definitely a scandal for our Fatumes.

But you're friends with our Ice Empress, so I'll tell you about it.

There may be a problem within our Fatui that even the Ice Empress is likely to be imprisoned by the Commander. Tartaglia didn't hide it from Zhongli, and said with a wry smile.

Tartaglia's honesty made Zhongli and Zhong Kui look at each other as well.

What is this guy doing?

Is it really good to tell them something like this directly?

Or did Tartaglia already know who they were?

If Tartaglia knew that Zhongli was the identity of the Emperor of the Rocks, then the Ice Empress was imprisoned by the Harlequins, and Morax, as the Seven Gods, really needed to help the Ice Empress.

This is the principle of being the Seven Gods.

"You—" Zhongli looked at Tartaglia and stopped.

He really wanted to ask Tartaglia when he saw through his identity, could it be that he had underestimated Tartaglia before?

This guy is actually not a fool, but a big smarter?

The other party already knows his identity, just to make himself happy, so he pretends not to know anything?

Feelings I'm the clown?

"Mr. Zhongli, as an immortal and knowledgeable, you must have a way to save the Ice Empress!" said Tartaglia as he looked at Zhongli in a sincere tone.

Zhongli: Well, I still can't afford to think too highly of Tartaglia's IQ, this guy's brain is probably even worse than I imagined.

I even suspect that Tartaglia has an open mind, and it seems that there are some problems in my own brain.

Obviously, the wear and tear have been solved.

As a result, there was still such a problem, and Zhongli was also a little crying and laughing.

What the hell is this?

"Save the Ice Empress?" However, Zhongli's expression quickly became serious, "Do you want us to fight to the Winter Solstice?"

With all due respect, just you and Madam, even if you add me as an immortal, it will be equally difficult to rescue the Ice Empress. "

Well, it's not easy, it's not that you can't be saved at all.

It's just a bit of a hassle, and there's really nothing wrong with that.

After all, the strength of the Solstice Country is still very good, and unless he explodes with all his strength, he may really not be able to defeat the Solstice Country.

Moreover, no one knows how many hole cards the Fatui are hiding.

It's like the original Kanria, those things, but Morax is very memorable now.

At that time, there were not a few gods who fell in Kanria, even the seven gods would fall.

Zhongli, as a person who has personally experienced it, still has an impression of Kanria's technology, just in terms of destructive power, those Kanria weapons do have qualifications comparable to gods.

I don't know if the Fatui of Solstice have made that kind of weapon as well, and if so, it's still a bit dangerous.

At least Zhongli would have had a hard time rescuing the Ice Empress without wreaking havoc in the Solstice Kingdom.

As for the Ice Empress, she will definitely be rescued.

Not to mention that they themselves are friends, the current ice god is the heir of the original ice god (the author himself is original), and he can be regarded as their junior.

Zhongli has always been very satisfied with the Ice Empress's determination and attitude.

Otherwise, Zhongli would not have paid the price and bought the life of the Ice Empress from Muyang.

The Ice Empress is not fighting alone, but with everyone's dreams.

It is to fight for the future of this world, and if he can, Zhongli will naturally want to keep the Ice Empress.

It's just that no one thought that things would turn out to be the way they are now.

I knew before that the Fatui might be very unreliable and very likely to pose a threat to the world, but I didn't expect that this would really happen.

Moreover, even the Ice Empress herself was set up and placed under house arrest.

Zhongli didn't know if the Ice Empress was really under house arrest, but since Tartaglia had said so, then the Ice Empress should have been imprisoned.

Even if the Ice Empress was not imprisoned, it was indeed time for Mu Yang to obtain the Heart of the Ice God.

Zhongli understands the Empress of Ice, and believes that after the other party understands the truth, he will definitely support Muyang with them.

Moreover, with his understanding of Muyang, it is estimated that when the time comes, the Ice Empress will not be able to escape... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Muyang came to Teyvat Continent, and picking up girls seems to be an indispensable part of him.

"Then what to do, Mr. Zhongli, you should quickly think of a way!" Hearing Zhongli's words, Tartaglia hurriedly pleaded.

There is no way, for Tartaglia, the Ice Empress is more important than her own life.

At the beginning, he was just a gangster, because of some coincidences, he gained strong strength, but because of the nouveau riche became stronger, he became arrogant, and it was the Ice Empress who found her and let her find the goal of realizing the value of her life.

For Tartaglia, the Ice Empress is like her mother.

Maybe people won't admit that he is her son, but in Tartaglia's heart he thinks so.

Moreover, the Ice Empress's goal is so noble that she wants to fight for a chance for mankind, and that bastard of Tianli is now also eroded by the abyss, and they must overthrow Tianli!

Damn Harlequin, how dare he?

"If you want to rescue the Ice Empress, you may need Mu Yang's help!" Zhongli muttered for a moment before saying Mu Yang's name.

"Muyang, I know his strength is strong, should we fight him directly?

But if it is defeated, will it cause great damage to the Solstice Country?" Tartaglia naturally understands Muyang, and he didn't think about asking Muyang for help.

also knows that Muyang's strength is very strong, if they call Muyang, and then let Lei Movie also know about it, then at that time, their Winter Kingdom may be finished.

If Harlequin did betray the Ice Empress, Tartaglia would still prefer to take care of it themselves.

Rescuing the Ice Empress is important, but the rest should be left to them.

Perhaps this may plunge the Solstice into infighting, but as Solstice, they all have their own pride.

To save the Ice Empress, you can ask for outside help, but when you are fighting, you have to do it yourself.

It's just that if you call Muyang, you will rush at Muyang's decisive character, and it may really be the end of the Winter Kingdom.

Tartaglia said that he did not want to be a slave to the country.

"It doesn't have to be a fight!

With Muyang's strength, it is not difficult to go to the Solstice Kingdom without being known by others.

What he excels at is his spatial abilities, and getting from Liyue's side to the Solstice is just a matter of an eye. Zhongli said softly.

Tartaglia also understood at this time, why Muyang came and went without a trace many times, and it was very difficult to find Muyang's traces.

It turns out that Muyang has a spatial ability, and with this spatial ability, they Fatui can catch Muyang's traces, which is a strange thing.

In the entire Teyvat continent, only a few people have the ability to use space.

Are these people from outside the world so unreasonable?

For example, the ability of space is almost impossible for anyone on the Teyvat continent to obtain, but people outside the Teyvat continent seem to be accustomed to it.

Is the gap between people really that big?

Of course, what Tartaglia cares about the most is that Muyang has such excellent spatial ability, if one day the other party quietly infiltrates the Winter Kingdom and takes away the Ice Empress, I'm afraid none of them will know.

Damn, the Ice Empress may be snatched away by Muyang!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!

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