When Muyang contacted Zhongli in the group, Zhongli was listening to the story with Tartaglia, and he was talking to Tartaglia about it at the moment.

Since he is asking Muyang to help, and now he is also a well-known Tartaglia, he naturally knows that if he wants to ask Muyang for help, he needs to show his attitude, and now Tartaglia asked Zhong to leave and invite Muyang to the Liuli Pavilion for dinner, and he himself went to call the lady too.

Although it may not be very pleasant for Muyang and the lady to meet for the first time, but this time to invite Muyang to help, the lady is the main force, and in terms of speaking, Tartaglia feels that she is far inferior to the lady.

In this regard, Zhongli didn't mind helping, after all, it was just a matter of shouting Muyang, and rubbing a meal like this, in Zhongli's opinion, it was indeed worth it.

Moreover, Zhongli also wanted to see how Tartaglia would invite Muyang when the time came, after all, it was a pleasant thing.

I don't know when Zhongli also became a happy person, and he likes to see other gods eat deflated.

This seems to be a very interesting thing, and of course, it is also based on the fact that it does not affect the big picture.

In this regard, Muyang did not refuse, and directly took Shenhe to the glass pavilion.

As for Kamisato Ayaka, she is helping to clean up the filth of Narukami Island in the Narukami Shrine at the moment.

Poor Kamisato Ayato waited for Muyang in the castle tower for three days, but he didn't wait for Muyang, a cheap brother-in-law.

Before, the general asked him to come to the castle tower to wait, saying that Muyang had something to find him, and Kamisato Ayato naturally didn't dare to slack off on this matter.

Although Kamisato Ayaka is also considered Muyang's woman, the more this is the case, the more the 26 people of Kamisato Aya dare not surpass.

After all, Muyang is also the husband of Raiden General, and, according to Kamisato Ayaka's words, Inazuma was saved by Muyang.

Kamisato Ayato is also full of gratitude to Muyang.

Even if Kamisato Ayaka is now Muyang's Tongfang maid, it is a lucky thing for Kamisato Ayaka, after all, this can be regarded as Lei Movie's own person.

It is conceivable that as long as Kamisato Ayaka exists for one day, their Kamisato family will continue to prosper.

Although he doesn't want to betray his sister, but since even Kamisato Ayaka himself approves of such an act, Kamisato Ayato said that he can't stop it, as long as Kamisato Ayaka is happy.

However, Kamisato Ayato usually maintains his respect for the gods.

After knowing that Muyang wanted to see him, Kamisato Ayato came here in a hurry, but after waiting for three days in a row, Kamisato Ayato also began to get entangled, did he offend Muyang, or did Kamisato Ayaka offend Muyang?

Otherwise, why would Muyang toss himself so much?

However, even if Muyang wanted to toss himself, what else could Kamisato Ayato do? Of course, he chose to endure it silently.

It's just that what Kamisato Ayato doesn't know is that Muyang and Lei Movie forgot about Kamisato Ayato.

It's not just Muyang and them, but even Kamisato Ayaka has forgotten Kamisato Ayato.

Kamisato Ayato?

Who is that? There is no place for him in the house!

To meet his brother, it's better to brush up on his experience at the Narujin Shrine, and as for Kamisato Ayato, let him wait slowly at the gate of the castle tower, this is also a test for Kamisato Ayato, isn't it?


"Long time no see!!! It seems that your situation is not very good. After Muyang came to the private room, he looked at the lady with teasing.

For ladies, he can't say that he hates them now, especially after knowing a lot of things about ladies, so be arrogant.

Anyway, the current lady can't be arrogant to herself.

I've already learned a lesson...

Moreover, the current lady does not seem to be the original lady anymore, and it has not allowed the lady to really grow up for five hundred years, but after the accident of the Ice Empress, the lady began to grow.

You know, in the original plot, the lady took out Barbatos's heart, taunted Morax to her face, and then wanted to order Balzebu, but was finally killed by Balzebu.

And in this world, the lady has learned to be in awe, which is really gratifying.

With such a lady, Mu Yang didn't know how to evaluate it.

A lady who is not arrogant, is she still a lady?

"Long time no see, Mr. Muyang!" Although she knew that Muyang was teasing herself, the lady still kept her emotions and just greeted Muyang with a little respect.

There's no way, Muyang is a big guy!

After that, saving the Ice Empress also requires Mu Yang to take action

"You've grown a lot!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, but he didn't have the heart to continue choking the lady: "Do you want me to take you to the Solstice Kingdom to save the Ice Empress?"

"Yes!" Seeing Mu Yang, the lady directly mentioned the matter, and did not hide it and said: "According to the wind god Barbatos, the person who is most likely to save Her Majesty the Empress on the Teyvat continent is you. "

"Indeed, I am also full of excitement!" Mu Yang admitted thoughtfully.

(?? Д??) What did you hear? Tartaglia panicked at this time, Mu Yang was moved by the Ice Empress, right?

With Muyang's strength in the Winter Kingdom, what will he do to the Ice Empress?

"We want to ask you to save the Ice Empress!" the lady stared at Mu Yang and said, "If the Ice Empress is really imprisoned by the Harlequin, you can rescue the Ice Empress, and I believe that when the time comes, the Ice Empress can give you the reward you want." "

"So you want an empty glove white wolf! You can't give a bargaining chip at all!" Mu Yang looked at the lady a little speechlessly, although it was the winter country, Mu Yang was definitely going to go.

Tartaglia and the lady are also leading the way, even if there is no invitation from the two, Muyang will definitely go to the Winter Country.

But at this time, these two people are thinking about peaches to eat?

The lady was also silent at this time.

She knew what Muyang wanted, and if she could, the lady wouldn't mind letting Muyang get something like that.

In the Lady's opinion, the safety of the Ice Empress is much more important than the Ice God's Heart.

But at the end of the day, the Heart of the Ice God belongs to the Ice Empress, and the Lady has no right to deal with the Heart of the Ice God.

However, in the lady's opinion, the heart of the ice god is much better in Muyang's hands than in the hands of Harlequin.

(╯)╯┻┻, damn harlequin, sooner or later, the old lady will kill all the remnants of Kanria.

None of these guys deserve to live in this world!

The lady has always been a paranoid person, and because of the relationship between the Ice Empress before, she could choose to ignore the harlequin, but now that she remembers that the harlequin is a Kanria, the lady hates the harlequin to the extreme, and if there is a chance to do the harlequin, the lady will definitely not let go of the opportunity.

"Ahem, Mr. Muyang, can't you help a friend?" Tartaglia coughed lightly and hurriedly said, "How about I owe you a favor?"

In the future, if you let me do something, as long as it does not go against the interests of the Ice Empress and hurt my younger brothers and sisters, I will agree to it. "

Tartaglia's tone was sincere, both Muyang and Zhongli knew that Tartaglia was serious at this time.

If Muyang wants Tartaglia to commit suicide at that time, Tartaglia will probably do it.

"You're a bit of a man!" Mu Yang said softly after taking a deep look at Tartaglia, "After the meal is finished, we will head to the Solstice Country." "

"Haha, I'll trouble you then!" Tartaglia said quickly.

It's just that the lady is a little worried at this time, will Muyang directly snatch the heart of the ice god away at that time?

Hopefully, when the time comes, the Ice Empress won't blame them for bringing the sun to the Solstice Kingdom.

If all this 320 is thinking too much about himself, then even if he tries everything he can, he will ensure the safety of the Ice Empress.


"Is this the Solstice Country?" Mu Yang opened the spatial passage and directly took the lady, Tartaglia and Shenhe to a certain glacier in the Solstice Country.

"So fast!?" Tartaglia was dumbfounded when he saw the environment here: "I have come here on a mission before, and it is less than five hundred kilometers away from the national capital. "

"Is there still five hundred kilometers? I haven't been to the Solstice Country before, so I haven't found the right location!" Mu Yang closed his eyes and silently sensed the location of the Ice Empress, mainly the location of the Heart of God.

If the distance is far enough, Mu Yang will not be able to feel the location of the heart of God.

But here, Muyang can do it.

"The Heart of the Ice God, in the hands of the Ice Empress, right?" asked Mu Yang to the lady and Tartaglia.

"Yes!" Tartaglia thought for a moment and then added, "Yes, the Heart of God should still be in the Empress's hands before I leave the Solstice Realm." "

At this time, Tartaglia was already rotten, and the heart of God was gone.

As long as Muyang is happy, the Ice Empress will also be rescued at that time, and as for the rest, Tartaglia feels that she can not care.

Moreover, with Muyang's strength, even if they want to protect the heart of the gods, they can't protect it at all.

If Muyang is happy, he will definitely help them rescue the Ice Empress, this is Tartaglia's trust in his friends.

It's also trust in "money"!

Isn't the heart of God a form of money?

(One thing to say, the Water Dragon King is really powerful, but fortunately, Kamisato Ayato just took 0 lives to collect it, otherwise, he would cry to death, and the output gap is too big.) It is said that the 6+5 Kamisato Ayato is not as good as the 1+1 Water Dragon King. )。

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