For Muyang's festival, Tartaglia is still very confident.

As long as the remuneration makes Muyang satisfied, then Muyang is still willing to help, just like when he looked down on Muyang at the beginning, Muyang still helped himself a lot after eating his own benefits for some rewards.

Therefore, in Tartaglia's view, Muyang is definitely a person worth working with.

Even if there are a lot of suspicions of seeking skin with tigers.

"Next, we are going to the palace where the Ice Empress usually sleeps, and there are many guards to protect it. Tartaglia thought for a moment and reminded Muyang, "If you let the Harlequin know that we are in the Solstice Country, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

Or even to make our plans fall short. "

"Even though within the Fatuida, the Harlequin is the commander, but you Fatui are not all loyal to the Harlequin, right?" Mu Yang looked at Tartaglia and the lady with some suspicion.

Could it be that the Fatui are also an organization of ghosts with all members?

All but Lady and Tartaglia are loyal to the Harlequin?

Shouldn't that be?

If that's the case, then the Ice Empress is still too embarrassed.

"Not really, but Harlequin should have sent out all the people loyal to the Empress.

Tartaglia and I are currently in Liyue, and this should be considered our protection. The lady glanced at Tartaglia and said meaningfully.

She had already guessed Zhongli's identity, so naturally it was impossible for her to think that Tartaglia had really gone to snatch the Rock King's God's Heart.

Mu Yang nodded slightly, motioning for the lady to continue.

Seeing this, the lady also continued to speak of her opinion: "The captain should be loyal to the Ice Empress.

However, for some reason, he traveled to the Abyss, which was invaded by the Abyss, and both our Fatui and Mondstadt sent a large number of troops to conquer the Ember Sea, which was a great threat to the continent of Teyvat. "

Regarding the matter of the Ember Silent Sea, Muyang also knows the same.

I even understand what those guys from the Knights of Favonius have done.

Naturally, the Grand Master could not take the main force of the Knights of Favonius to die, but the Ember Sea really needed them.

After all, it was on the edge of Mondstadt, and if the monsters of the Abyss kept coming out of the Sea of Ember and invaded Mondstadt, it would be an unbearable blow to Mondstadt.

It wasn't like Venti hadn't thought about taking Jean and Diluc to the Silent Sea to do something with them.

After all, for them, the Ember Sea is indeed a holy place to brush points.

Whether it's the filth of the abyss or the monsters of the abyss, it's what the members of the chat group crave.

However, considering that if they were too ostentatious, it could make Mondstadt a thorn in the side of the Abyss and the Abyss Order, Wendy gave up on her idea for the time being.

At least Mondstadt can't withstand the impact of the Abyss, which could cost the Knights of Favonius a huge loss.

But this time, many people in the Knights of Favonius actually have some problems.

They sacrificed, which seems to be good, just in time to make Jean truly the head of the regiment.

Not to mention Wendy, even Falga probably thinks so, rather than letting those knights of the Knights of Favonius die with infamy, it is better to die for the sake of the country.

Of course, this also has to do with some of the ideas of the Knights of Favonius, who went on an expedition not only to protect Mondstadt, but also to protect their own romance.

Now that the captain is also guarding against the invasion of the Abyss near the Ember Sea, it seems that it is only natural to think about it.

After all, the captain's strength is beyond everyone's expectations!

He came to guard the Ember Sea, and he deserved it.

Such a thing, Ember Silent Sea will not refuse either.

"Well, this is one, but what about the others?" Mu Yang asked with a slight nod.

"Other people's words...

The girl should be unaware, and even if she does, she remains neutral. After thinking about it, the lady added.

For the girl's three-no woman, in fact, the lady is not particularly confident.

It seems to be a very dangerous woman, not to mention the lady, even Tartaglia is very jealous of the girl.

This girl looks harmless to humans and animals, but when she starts, she is really ruthless, and the most important thing is that the girl herself doesn't know what she can do and what she can't do.

However, the lady can be sure that the relationship between the girl and the Ice Empress is still very good.

The girl was found by the Ice Empress herself.

"Girl?" Mu Yang nodded slightly, it seemed that many people liked girls.

After the PV came out, there were even some people who used the girl as the heroine in the novel...

However, Muyang said that she was not very impressed with the girl, and the only impression seemed to be that she liked to sleep on the coffin and seemed to never wake up.

"Forget it, let's go find your Ice Empress first!" Mu Yang sensed slightly, directly opened the space passage at the location of the Ice God's Heart, and then walked in first, Shenhe followed closely behind Mu Yang.

If he could, Shenhe would love to fight the masters of the Solstice Kingdom.

Her previous master, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch, seemed to be very dissatisfied with the Solstice Kingdom, but she didn't have any chance to deal with the Solstice Kingdom.

As a disciple, how can you let your master down?

If there is a chance to make a move, Shenhe will definitely take the lead in the charge, and there is a Muyang in front of him, which is nothing at all.

Tartaglia and the lady glanced at each other and hurriedly followed.

At this time, they have no chance of repentance.

It's just that when they followed Mu Yang through the door of space, they were directly dumbfounded.

I saw that the girl was sleeping on a coffin at the moment, with a little saliva at the corner of her mouth, and the most strange thing was that even if the other party was asleep, she was still humming a song, which was very pleasant to the ear.

Seeing this scene, even Muyang was dumbfounded.

It's you, Columbia, who slept directly on the coffin.

"The Heart of God is inside, it shouldn't be the Ice Empress sleeping in this coffin, right?" Mu Yang asked with a subtle expression: "However, this third seat of your Fatui seems to be quite special. "

"Uh... Do you need to wake her up?" asked Tartaglia, looking at the lady with some uncertainty.

At this time, they were not sure whether Columbia was a friend or an enemy.

The other party may be protecting the Ice God, or they are watching the Ice God.

At least now Tartaglia doesn't know. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But if Columbia is woken up, according to Tartaglia's understanding of Columbia, they will definitely be remembered by Columbia at that time, and it is entirely possible to be killed at that time.

"There's nothing you can't do. Mu Yang chuckled, came to the coffin, knocked on the coffin surface, and made a knocking sound.

Almost instantly, a terrifying killing intent enveloped Muyang's body.

"Do you mind, Columbia?" Mu Yang looked at Columbia, who had woken up, and asked softly, "I want to talk to the Ice God face to face." "

"You're... Muyang?" When Columbia saw Muyang, the whole person was confused.

Why did this man come here?

Despite her disdain for the Doctor, Columbia doesn't think she's any worse than the Doctor.

The doctor can be ranked second, but she is the third, and it is more about the comprehensive ability of the doctor.

But if she was asked to face Muyang, Columbia would not have the slightest confidence.

Since Muyang can kill Dotore, she can also kill her Columbia!

"It seems that I'm still very famous!" Mu Yang chuckled lightly and asked softly to Columbia, "So, do you want to be my enemy?"

Columbia was also silent when she heard this.

Enemy of Muyang?

There is one thing to say, Columbia doesn't dare, although she doesn't care about the life and death of other people, she usually shoots ruthlessly and kills countless people, but Columbia still cares about her own life.

If he is the enemy of Muyang, he is afraid that he will die miserably.

"Do you want to kill the Ice God?" After some hesitation, Columbia still asked Muyang.

Why did I kill her?" Mu Yang chuckled: "Can you let her out?"

I'm interested in where she's going to be, and of course, I have something in her hands.

In exchange, how about I don't make a move on you, and I don't make a shot on her?"

Columbia was a little silent and didn't make a move on herself?

Is it that as long as you don't take the initiative to make a move on Muyang, then you won't die?

As for the life or death of the ice god...

Well, in fact, Columbia still cares more.

Now that Mu Yang said that he would not kill the Ice Empress, then there seems to be no problem.

"Columbia!" Seeing Columbia's hesitation, the lady also stepped forward and said softly at this time.

"Huh, Tartaglia, Rosalyn, you're here too!" Columbia tilted her head, revealing a puzzled look: "Are you kidnapping Muyang into the Fatui?"

She remembered that Harlequin had proposed a plan to win over Muyang to the Fatui before.

Columbia didn't care at first, after all, it was difficult to win over such a strong person, but she didn't expect that Muyang would really come over.

These two people seem to be more powerful than they imagined!!

(The matter about the Ember Sea is also the author's own speculation, and if it is not accurate, it will be considered the author's mistake.) )。

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