The previous Columbia didn't think that Lady and Tartaglia could really abduct Muyang to the Solstice Country.

After all, they Fatui really don't seem to have much to get their hands on, which can make Muyang's heart move.

Thinking of this, Columbia glanced at the lady with a little suspicion, could it be that this woman, Rosalyn, had it become the task of pulling Muyang into the Fatui and sacrificing herself?

But isn't that right?

No one in the Fatui knew that it was okay to let Rosalyn kill people, but it was absolutely impossible to let her be seductive.

Even before today, Columbia thought so, but now, why is Muyang willing to follow Rosalyn and Tartaglia to the Solstice Country?

Wait! Suddenly, Columbia's heart tightened, Muyang shouldn't have taken a fancy to herself, right?

"Columbia, we're going to face the Ice Empress, please get out of the way. Hearing Columbia's cute words, Rosalyn's heart was speechless for a while, but she still said to Columbia.

"Hey, do you want to see the Empress?

But the Harlequin told me that the Empress was in a deep sleep, and that no one should disturb the Empress—" said Columbia, with some distress.

"Then do you think it's the empress's matter or the harlequin's matter that is important?" Mu Yang's heart moved, and he asked Columbia.

At this time, he can be sure that Columbia, a woman, may really be a three-nothing, or she may be lacking in heart.

It seems that she has no idea the seriousness of the matter.

As for the harlequin, he also took advantage of Columbia's own cuteness, if this time, it wasn't Tartaglia and Rosalyn who brought themselves here, then the first time he saw Columbia, Columbia would attack him.

When the time comes, the Harlequin will know what is happening here.

Of course, Columbia may also be sealed by Muyang 437 at the first time, and with Muyang's strength now, it is not difficult for Muyang to seal Columbia unknowingly.

"Of course, the Empress's business is important. This time, Columbia didn't even think about it.

This made Rosalyn and Tartaglia feel a joy in their hearts.

Before, they also heard a general idea from Columbia's words, that is, the harlequin was actually aimed at imprisoning the Ice Empress, and arranged for Columbia to come over to supervise it, but Columbia, a woman, actually didn't really understand what she was doing.

She probably just thought she was protecting the Ice Empress.

"Columbia, we have to see the Empress, and we have something to say to the Empress.

This is the Empress's order!" The lady bit the two words of the order: "Moreover, it is still a task that no one else can know!"

Columbia tilted her head and glanced at Rosalyn, then at Tartaglia and at Muyang beside her, and then nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"

However, if the Empress does not plan to wake up, please leave first and do not disturb the Empress. "

Is "!!" so easy to talk to?

Even Tartaglia and Rosalyn were shocked by Columbia's good words at this time.

I thought I might have to fight Columbia.

Fortunately, Columbia's attitude is good, and they don't need to fight Columbia anymore.

As Columbia got out of the way, she opened the coffin, and the picture inside also shocked her: "The situation of the empress?"

Rosalyn and Dardaly (CGFH) hurriedly stepped forward to check on the Ice Empress in the coffin.

Could it be that they're too late?

Mu Yang looked at the Empress of Ice curiously, and sure enough, as the news said, the Empress of Ice is a big duck!

That's great!

It's really nice and cute!

I want to snap!

"The power of the abyss!" Looking at the aura on the Ice Empress's body, Mu Yang slowly spoke: "If it weren't for us coming, it wouldn't take a month for the Ice God to be polluted by the Abyss!"

"How can this be!?" Rosalyn was furious when she heard this.

Don't even think about it, this matter definitely has something to do with the Harlequin, it can't be that the Ice Empress herself feels that there is no hope for dealing with Tianli and wants to fall into the abyss, right?

Hehe, this kind of thing, if you say it to a fool, a fool won't believe it, if you don't believe it, ask Tartaglia to try it.

Tartaglia wouldn't believe it.

Rosalyn hated the Abyss, and now the Harlequin wanted to lure the Ice Empress into the Abyss, which was something that Rosalyn could not accept no matter what.

Damn Harlequin!

"Muyang, do you have a way?" Tartaglia took a deep breath and asked Muyang beside him.

"Well, this is not difficult!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, it was not difficult to wake up the Ice Empress.

"Do you want to wake up the Empress?" Columbia hurriedly asked when she saw Muyang's behavior.

"Isn't that the case for the Empress to wake up?" Rosalyn asked, "If something goes wrong with the Empress of Ice, you will be to blame for it!"

"The abyss is bad, but we don't have a way to deal with the power of the abyss. Columbia shook her head slightly: "Moreover, once we do something, it is easy to startle the snake." "

"No, I can fix it!" Mu Yang stretched out his hand and put his hand on the Ice Empress's face.

Bastard, stop, you're blaspheming!

It's not your Liyue, it's not your Inazuma here, let go of your groping hands!

The Ice Empress is not clean!

However, at this time, they didn't dare to go up to stop Muyang, not to mention the problem of whether they could fight Muyang or not.

It's the problem of the abyss, and it is also what they have to face, since Mu Yang said that he is solving the problem of the abyss, then they think that Mu Yang is helping the Ice Empress solve the problem of the abyss!

The moment he came into contact with the Ice Empress, Mu Yang did feel a lot of abyssal filth in the Ice Empress's body, and moreover, it was polluted during this time.

The most eye-catching thing for Mu Yang is the wear and tear on the Ice Empress, Mu Yang has never seen any god more serious than the wear and tear on the Ice Empress.

Neither Barbatos nor Morax had as much wear and tear as the Ice Empress.

This can even be compared to the original Ruotuo Dragon King.

This in itself is unscientific, you know, the Ice Empress can be considered the descendant of Morax.

According to the information collected by Muyang some time ago, her age should be between 1500 and 2000 years old.

Such an age is naturally not comparable to the oldest demon god.

is the seven gods who were born late in the two more late Thunder Movies and Raiden Zhen, and they are all more than 2000 years old, or even 2500 years old.

Of course, compared to the seven gods who were born after the Kanria War, the age of the Ice Empress is not small.

However, 1500 to 2000 years old is indeed not old for the demon god.

It's about the same as the age of 30 in humans, and it stands to reason that the wear and tear can't be so severe.

Soon, Mu Yang was also relieved, the Ice Empress had distributed most of her power, and with the strength of the Ice Empress, she might not be Wendy's opponent before joining the chat group.

Maybe it's a little better than Nahida.

That's understandable!

The more divine power is used, the more battles are fought, and the more wear and tear the demon god receives.

This is the restriction of the Heavenly Principle on the Demon God, after all, the elemental power used by the Demon God also comes from the world!

If you use elemental power without restraint, then the loss to the Teyvat continent is also huge, so the more elemental power is used, the greater the consumption will be for the demon god.

And now the wear and tear of the ice god is understandable.

However, for Muyang, wear and tear is not a difficult thing, like Lei Movie, they are now also solving their own wear and tear.

He cleansed some of the Abyssal Filth from the Ice Empress and used his own life power.

As for the other pollution on the Ice Empress, let the Ice Empress purify it herself, I believe she will not refuse such a leveling path.

Think about Wendy, and think about the Ice Empress, how much the Abyss wants to pollute the Seven Gods!

However, compared to Wendy, who was polluted by the Abyss Sect by polluting the Seven Heavens God Statue, the Harlequin directly tried to pollute the Ice Empress, and Mu Yang could feel that the power of the Abyss continued to enter the Ice Empress's body through this coffin.

There is no doubt that for the Ice Queen, this is the best place to brush points, and in just one month, I am afraid that the Ice Queen will also brush unimaginable points.

"It's not difficult to solve!" Mu Yang whispered: "In the world I was in before, there was a story about the sleeping princess who needed a prince's kiss to wake up!"

Looks like we're quite lucky!"

"Wait, can't I?" Rosalyn tried to make a final struggle, and the current Ice Empress was only touched by Mu Yang's face.

If you're going to kiss next, you'd better do it yourself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You, you can't! Your Ice Empress has too much abyssal filth in her body, and I must suck out the power of the abyss. Mu Yang glanced at Rosalyn with disdain, is this woman doing something?

I don't have any eyesight!

Of course, Mu Yang is just joking, and he is not so in such danger, but the Ice Empress has woken up, but she is still pretending to be asleep.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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