"Yes, Muyang, I admit that our Ice Empress is very beautiful, but even if you like our Ice Empress, you can't mess around.

If you really like it, how about waiting for the Ice Empress to wake up?

I can introduce you to the Empress then!" Tartaglia also said hurriedly at this time.

Seeing Dadalia like this, Muyang's face also showed a happy look.

Sometimes, it's still very interesting to pit Tartaglia like this.

These words were completely heard by the Ice Empress, and she will definitely repay Tartaglia when the time comes, right?

"Introduction? That's not bad. Mu Yang chuckled: "Then Ice God, it's almost time for you to wake up, right?"

"What?" The three of them also looked at the Ice Empress in the coffin, and Rao is Columbia's face was also full of nervousness at the moment.

Muyang really woke up~ Ice Empress?

"Makes you laugh. The Ice Empress opened her eyes and looked at Muyang with a complicated expression.

After meeting Muyang, she immediately discovered the identity of the other party.

The previous famous Adventist, even Dr. Dotorre, was completely killed by Muyang.

Originally, she thought that Muyang would become a hidden danger for their Fatume, but she didn't expect that the harlequin would betray her directly.

The person who came to save himself is still Muyang!

What puzzled the Ice Empress the most was why Muyang was a heavenly reason!

Not to mention Watt at all!

The other party's body exudes the aura of heavenly reason, and it can't be wrong.

This is something that God's heart explains to itself.

"Actually, it's fine. After all, a similar situation has occurred in Nahida's side before, but your side is more complicated. Mu Yang chuckled and said, "Then let's talk about the deal." "

The Ice Empress frowned and stared at Mu Yang, what deal did this guy want to negotiate with him?

Could it be that he really wants to be his own woman?

Kindness...... To be a woman of heavenly reason, to be honest, the Ice Empress's heart is still quite complicated, but is Balzeb so brave?

I don't know, if I rode on the head of Tianli...

"Okay!" The Ice Empress glanced at Columbia and the others again: "The three of you go to the side hall, you are not allowed to eavesdrop on us, Columbia is optimistic about the two of them." "

Columbia didn't say anything when she heard this, and went directly to Rosalyn and Tartaglia, motioning for the two to follow her.

Although the title of the Fatui is a maiden, and the fourth seat is a servant, Columbia usually appears at the side of the Ice Empress as the Ice Empress's liaison and guardian.

Seeing Columbia like this, Rosalyn and Tartaglia hesitated, but they also chose to follow.

"Wait, if the Empress is awake, will the Empress have heard what I said earlier?" Tartaglia muttered as she walked.

o(TヘTo) Brother Muyang, I treat you as a good friend and a brother, but you cheated me like this?

You did it on purpose, right?

Rosalyn: ()~, stupid fellow, it's a shame that I, Rosalyn, should work with someone like you.


"I didn't expect that Tianli would be replaced. After Rosalyn and the others left, the Ice Empress looked at Mu Yang with a complicated expression and said softly.

"Well, I don't know how I came to this world, and I have become a heavenly reason in a daze. Mu Yang spread his hands: "But Fanes has indeed fallen."

After his fall, his power will protect this world for three years, and I need to take advantage of this time to grow up as soon as possible. "

The Ice Empress nodded slightly when she heard this: "What do you think of humans?"

"Human? I don't know that before I was human. Mu Yang then repeated what he had said to Zhongli before.

The Ice Empress fell into deep thought again when she heard this, and after a long time, she took out a snow-white god heart and handed it to Mu Yang: "I hope you can lead the Teyvat Continent to become better and better."

In the name of the God of Ice, I recognize you as the Heavenly Principle of this world. "

Mu Yang grabbed the heart of the gods, and said softly: "However, the construction of the Teyvat Continent still needs your help.

I appreciate your willingness to do this for humanity!

Therefore, I am willing to share my power with you. "

Mu Yang knew that the Ice Empress might be preparing for what was behind her, and she didn't want to survive in the first place.

In order to create a chance for humanity, the Ice Empress didn't even care about her own wear and tear, and she herself risked her life and the entire Winter Solstice to fight against Phanes.

"You—" Before the Ice Empress could say anything, there was another voice in her head.

["Ding, welcome the Ice Empress to the chat group. "

Zhongli: "Sure enough, you joined in!"

Keqing: "Huh, has Muyang gone to the Solstice Country?"

Even the Ice Empress has joined?"

Muyang: "Well, Zhongli and Tartaglia called me to eat before, and after eating, I went to the Winter Country.

The Ice Empress is pitiful, she was sealed, and she used the power of the abyss to pollute her...

It seems that Harlequin has always cooperated with the Abyss Order, and these methods are a bit familiar. "

Venti: "Hey, it's like that!

But isn't that a good thing for us?

Now I have a stable income every day, and I don't need to deliberately absorb the power of the abyss, and directly purify it into points. "

Asmodeus: "Indeed, the forces of the abyss have been trying to pollute me, and I have a lot of points..."

Ice Empress: "I didn't expect you to be all in... I didn't expect to be able to absorb the power of the purifying abyss, which I never expected.

Is this the reason why Muyang has become a new celestial principle?

Looks like I can prepare a new plan.

Harlequin is deeply entrenched in the Solstice Country, and they need to be dealt with slowly, and it is difficult to guarantee that they do not have some hidden backhands in the Solstice Country. "

Muyang: "If it's the first shot, I can guarantee to kill the Harlequin in an instant." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There's nothing wrong with being a harlequin being powerful, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to become a commander.

And it seems that the harlequin may be a seven-god level existence.

As long as Mu Yang makes a move, he still has the confidence to defeat the Harlequin, or after absorbing the Heart of God, it is not impossible to kill the Harlequin in an instant.

Ice Empress: "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm going to avenge this revenge!"

And, as it stands, the Solstice Congress has become the main target of the Abyss.

It is also possible to attract more firepower from the Abyss. "

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "But in this case, the Solstice Kingdom is likely to be finished!"

Ice Empress: "Are you resurrected?

However, I was ready to sacrifice the entire Solstice Nation early on.

Ray Films, Nahida, Balzebu, Buyer, I'm sorry for what the Doctor and the Balladeer did in Inazuma.

Since Harlequin was dragged into the Fatui by me, I also need to take responsibility for my own actions and atone for my sins.

As a last resort, the entire Solstice can be reduced to a battlefield.

I just hope that when the time comes, you can leave some life for the people of the Solstice Kingdom. "

Ray Films: "For the sake of what you said.

However, you are you, and the Fatui are the Fatui, and I will continue to target the Fatui in the future. "

Nahida: "I can accept it, but if you continue to suffer from the chaos, I personally suggest that you solve the problem of the Fatui as soon as possible." "

Ice Empress: "I've been polluted by the Abyss a lot, and because my power has been dispersed too much, and they usually use a lot of power, I've been severely worn out, and it will take a while to recover.

As for the Fatui matter, I want to take care of it myself. "

Muyang: "One thing to say, the wear and tear on the Ice Empress is definitely the most serious I have ever seen, comparable to that of the Ruotuo Dragon King." "

Ryuto: "Comparable to me? That's pretty serious." "

Ice Empress: "So I'm going to prepare for a while, and at the same time slowly gather my own forces! "

Keqing: "So the Solstice Kingdom is going to be in civil strife?"

At this time, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. "

Ice Empress: "You can express your happiness, I have heard of your words, and I admire you, and even wanted to pull you into the Fatui at one point and become the executive Keqing!"

Keqing: "I'm an executive officer of the Fatui?"

Ice Empress: "Yes, it's not for nothing that people dare to question the gods, but there has never been a person who has questioned the Emperor of the Rock King at the Immortal Ceremony.

Moreover, I am very optimistic about your so-called concept of rule by man. "

Keqing: "No, no, no, I was too young and ignorant at that time.

It is impossible to rule by man, and I can't share the rule of man!

Look at Mondstadt hundreds of years ago, Sumeru and Inazuma before it, and now the Solstice Kingdom.

You can see that human ambition is endless, and I can guarantee that I will not have problems, but I can't ask everyone to be like myself.

Even Liyue had almost had problems.

The supervision and leadership of the gods is inevitable..."

Ice Empress: "..."Has even Keqing's mind changed?

I don't know why, the Ice Empress feels that what Keqing said seems to be true, is it because she has too much confidence in humans?

Do humans really need the gods to guide them all the time?]

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!1).

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