[Muyang: "Ahem, absolute human rule is definitely not good!]

It still needs to be supervised by gods and immortals for a long time.

Otherwise, humanity will only end up killing itself, just like the original Kanria. "

Hearing Muyang mention Kanria, everyone was silent.

After all, that calamity did come from the ambition of human beings, and if it weren't for those stupid guys from Kanria who introduced the abyss into the Teyvat Continent, the current Teyvat Continent would not be like this.

At least there is absolutely no way that so much tragedy will happen.

Ray movie: "No matter what, the people of Kanria deserve to die, it can be seen from the matter of the harlequin, the people of Kanria are still thieves, and now they want to destroy the entire Teyvat, if you have the opportunity to see them, remember to get rid of the evil!"

Zhongli: "Ahem, in fact, Kanria still has some good people.

But there's no guarantee that someone wants to do something bad. "】

Outside, Mu Yang whispered to the Ice Empress, "What are you going to do in the future?" I didn't have a breath to help you purify the power of the abyss before, and I think it has a lot of effect on you. "

The Ice Empress nodded slightly, which Mu Yang was indeed very considerate: "I will pretend that I am still trapped in the future, and then I will let Tartaglia and Rosalyn do something."

The Fatui still have many loyal to me, and when the time comes, I will gather my strength against them. "

"You can tell us if you need it. After all, we're a team now. Mu Yang also reminded when he saw the Ice Empress like this.

Harlequin was hateful, but he didn't think it was necessary for them to intervene until the Ice Empress had asked for help.

"Okay!" The Ice Empress did not refuse when she heard this: "If there is no way to face it, I will ask for help."

You may even be asked to help trap some of the Fatui at that time. "

If it were possible, the Ice Empress would not mind killing those traitors, or the kind herself.

But now he is a god who has been imprisoned, a god who has been eroded by the abyss.

I still can't do it myself.

It is difficult to achieve the goal by relying on Tartaglia and Rosalyn alone.

As for Columbia, even the Ice Empress didn't pin her hopes, and she continued to sleep with her.

"Then I'll leave first, do you need me to pick up Rosalyn and Tartaglia later?" Mu Yang thought for a moment and asked the Ice Empress.

"Yes, I'm sorry for you!" the Ice Empress hurriedly said, "It is not convenient for either of them to stay in the Solstice Realm for a long time. "

"Okay, after I break through, I'll pick them up again!" After Mu Yang finished speaking, he opened the spatial passage and left here.

"Heavenly Reason, for the Teyvat Continent, this may be a good thing!" the Ice Empress also had a smile on her face.

Even though her situation is not very good right now, it is the best information for the Ice Empress.

Being imprisoned by a harlequin like this for once seems to be a good thing.

If it is Fanes, then there is only one way to die in this world, and there will be a next time to defeat the invasion of the abyss, which is endless, and it is a slow death.

Moreover, Phanes had been eroded by the abyss before, and no matter how you looked at it, if the Teyvat continent did not change, it would be a dead end.

She was very optimistic about Ying before, because her strength was strong, and the other party was very resistant to the power of the abyss, and the Ice Empress wanted to cultivate Ying.

But now, who is Ying?

It is impossible to resist the principles of heaven, and it is impossible to rebel against the principles of heaven in this life.

Judging from the problem that Chong Muyang can purify the filth of the abyss, even if Muyang's private life is a little chaotic, the Empress of Ice also recognizes Muyang's heavenly principle.

In the face of the great rights and wrongs of protecting the Teyvat continent, nothing is more important than this.


When he came to the Jingshan Palace, he found that Nahida was not here at the moment, and Muyang didn't think much about it, usually Nahida would also go to the desert to brush up on points, which directly opened the passage to the World Tree.

Thinking of the Great Cishu King, Muyang's heart was also surging.

I don't know how much the divine power of the Great Cishu King has recovered, and I can't do it to the appearance of a child!

Entering the World Tree, Mu Yang saw a group of Pokémon playing, and the child-like Great Cishu King was holding a wonderful frog seed at the moment, as if he was telling something.

Unlike Muyang, Muyang likes cute or powerful Pokémon, although the Great Ci Tree King loves these Pokémon very much, but her favorite is those grass-based Pokémon, such as the Wonderful Frog Seed.

This is indeed what the grass god likes very much.

"You're here?" Mu Yang's arrival was soon noticed by the Great Ci Tree King, and when she saw Mu Yang, her expression was also a little subtle.

I don't know if Muyang came over this time to find himself or something else?

Is it possible to change the world again?

I don't know why, King Ci's heart is still so cautious.

"I have obtained the Heart of the Ice God, and I am afraid that my strength will also break through at that time, I am afraid that the breath will affect the Teyvat Continent and attract the attention of the people of the Abyss, so I came here to break through. Mu Yang smiled at the Great Mercy Tree King, and at the same time took out the Heart of the Ice God.

"Good!" the Great Cishu King's expression was a little subtle.

Muyang broke through in the World Tree, and the escaping energy was also good for the World Tree and her, but she was worried that this energy was too huge and she couldn't hold it!!

However, the King of the Great Ci Tree also discovered during this time, along with Muyang upgrading the world, the World Tree is also undergoing transformation and upgrading.

It's definitely a good thing for her and Nahida.

Especially now that Teyvat can also improve the world by absorbing the power of the abyss, the World Tree has been significantly improved.

Mu Yang didn't know the inner thoughts of the Great Cishu King, but stuffed the Heart of the Ice God into his body, and the aura on his body began to rise rapidly.

This breath made the World Tree tremble slightly.

It's too big, I can't stand it at all!!

It's just that at this time, the Great Cishu King can only endure silently, and those Pokémon in the distance, when they feel the breath of Muyang, they are all trembling for a while, is this their creation god?

It's terrifying!

Muyang never thought that for the Pokémon of this world, the alpaca turned out to be himself!

And if you really want to count it, Muyang really can't reach the height of the creator god, but if you want to say that it is a god in this world, it is indeed genuine...

Mu Yang's aura is constantly improving, even if he is the former Great Cishu King of the Seven Gods, at this time, he no longer knows what level Mu Yang's specific strength has reached.


On the Solstice side, the Ice Empress called Rosaline, Tartaglia, and Columbia directly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How much information do you have about Muyang? The Ice Empress asked, staring at Tartaglia.

After all, she is her new boss, and the Ice Empress still needs to know more.

The previous information of the Fatui was also summarized on the Harlequin's side.

On her side, she only knew that there was such an advent as Muyang, and she also knew that the other party's strength was very strong, and she killed all the slices of the doctor, and she was still Balzebu's man.

In addition, the Ice Empress didn't know much about Muyang.

Actually, most of the information about Muyang has actually been uploaded to the Fatui headquarters. Tartaglia spread his hands: "Empress, isn't it the Harlequin that we need to think about the most now?"

Even if you want to think about how to repay Muyang's favor, it's a matter for later, right?"

It's not that Tartaglia is bold enough to defy the Ice Empress, but he hopes that the Ice Empress can give an order at this time.

After all, now the Winter Kingdom is about to become a harlequin.

It's time for them to fight back, and Tartaglia doesn't want the Ice Empress to thank Muyang with a personal promise.

Of course, if the Ice Empress really liked Muyang, Tartaglia would definitely raise her hands and feet in approval.

"Yes!" the Ice Empress gave her a deep look at 0.5 Tartaglia and did not say a word of reproach.

Tartaglia and Rosalyn are willing to bring Muyang over at this time, they are definitely loyal, although there are some problems with Tartaglia's words before, but as a benevolent god, the Ice Empress decided to let Tartaglia go for the time being.

Hearing that the Ice Empress was relieved, Tartaglia also breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know if the Ice Empress knew that Mu Yang had touched her cheek before.

"It will take me a while to recover, a month or two at the shortest, and a year or two at the longest. The Ice Empress glanced at the three of them and whispered, "Columbia, I need you to cover for me during this time, pretending that I never woke up."

However, you'll need to gather information for me while making contact with the outside world. "

"Yes, Empress!" Columbia did not mean to refuse the Ice Empress's request.

Just as she chose to follow the Ice Empress, her allegiance was never to the Harlequin.

"Rosalyn, Tartaglia, I need you to follow Muyang back to Liyue. After thinking about it, the Ice Empress said again.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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