"Shall we all leave?" said Tartaglia and Rosalyn, both stunned.

Although the current situation, even if the harlequin wants to do something to the Ice Empress, I'm afraid they can't do it, after all, the Ice Empress is not alone, and there is Columbia.

Although Columbia doesn't seem to be very reliable, in terms of combat power, the other party has absolutely no problem.

This is the third seat of their Fatui!

has a strength comparable to that of a demon god.

With such strength, in the Teyvat continent, it is already a top master.

I don't have much to worry about the safety of the Ice Empress, but how would the Ice Empress deal with Harlequin without them?

I'm afraid that at this time, there are not many Fatui who are willing to stand by the side of the Ice Empress, right?

"Yes!" the Ice Empress nodded slightly, "I still need some time to recover, and I also need to make some preparations." "

As if thinking of something, the Ice Empress turned to Tartaglia again, "If you can, you can find a way to bring your younger siblings to Liyue."

The cock is most likely the Harlequin who pays attention to your younger siblings in order to control you better.

He knows that you care about your younger siblings, and with your siblings around, they will have the confidence to let you follow them. "

"Rooster, I thought my uncle was a good man!" Tartaglia was stunned when he heard this.

The rooster has always taken care of him, which is why Tartaglia once thought that the other party was a good person.

26"()~" The lady looked at Tartaglia a little speechlessly, such a simple thing, I'm afraid even Tartaglia's younger brother knows, right?

"I see, I'll find a way to get my younger siblings out of Winter Solstice in the future!" Tartaglia said seriously after thinking about it.

He wouldn't question the Ice Empress's words.

I don't want my younger brothers and sisters to take risks, those guys are even the Ice Empress, and it's not a normal thing to take action against his younger brothers and sisters?

At this time, Tartaglia was also afraid.

If they let the harlequin know that they brought Muyang to the Solstice Country this time, I'm afraid they will also threaten themselves with their younger brothers and sisters, right?

Fortunately, Muyang has a strong spatial ability, otherwise, this time it would be tragic.

Muyang, a life-saver!!

"Of course, don't think about letting Muyang send your younger siblings away directly, so they will suspect your rebellion. The Ice Empress reminded Tartaglia again.

The other party is loyal to him in the end, although his brain is not good, but the Ice Empress is still willing to remind Tartaglia.

"They're the ones who betrayed!" Tartaglia muttered indignantly, but he still said, "I see, I'll be careful later!"

"Well, after Rosalyn, you can choose to cooperate with Zhongli and them in Liyue. The Ice Empress then added.

"Is that okay?" Rosalyn looked at the Ice Empress cautiously, Zhongli was the Emperor of the Rocks!!

Looking for Zhongli to cooperate, Rosalyn felt that she didn't seem to have such a qualification.

Seeing Rosalyn like this, the Ice Empress knew that Rosalyn had guessed Zhongli's identity.

Compared to Tartaglia, Rosalyn's brain is indeed much better.

With Rosalyn outside, the Ice Empress said she could feel much more at ease.

"No problem, he and I are friends. The Ice Empress said meaningfully.

Rosalyn breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and sure enough, as she had guessed, in fact, the Ice Empress and the Rock King Emperor had cooperated a long time ago.

It's just a show.

In this way, if they have the protection of the Rock King, their future plans will be much easier.

And Tartaglia is surging in his heart at the moment, Mr. Zhongli is a friend of the Ice Empress?

This is what the Ice Empress herself said, this friend of hers, awesome!!

"What about facing Muyang?" Immediately after that, Rosalyn's expression was restrained for a while.

She can't afford to mess with Emperor Yanwang, and she can't seem to mess with Muyang!

Hearing Rosalyn mention Muyang, the Ice Empress's expression also became extremely serious: "Face Muyang with an attitude that is more respectful than mine!"

Mu Yang's identity, the Ice Empress will not directly expose it!

After all, if the identity of Tianli is exposed, there will be huge trouble, and it will even make Muyang a thorn in the side of the abyss.

Before Muyang has grown up completely, except for the people in the chat group, it is better not to know Muyang's true identity.

And for Muyang, how to respect should be respected.

It's not because the other party is a heavenly reason, just because the other party is a heavenly principle, just because the other party is strong, the Ice Empress will not give in.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have thought of rebelling against Heavenly Principles.

It's just because Muyang is worthy of respect.

The whole Teyvat has a future because of Muyang's relationship.

Moreover, the Ice Empress has also studied some of the content in the chat group, and she has also found some interesting things.

Because of Muyang's relationship, now the Teyvat Continent will also purify and absorb the power of the abyss, and then transform it into the power of the world, and even nurture the birth of spiritual veins.

With the passage of time, the level of Teyvat Continent will also be leveled, and perhaps in the future, the so-called False Heaven will not exist!

Just because of the words of the Ice Empress, Tartaglia and Rosalyn and the others looked at each other and faced Muyang with a more respectful attitude than the Ice Empress?

Could it be that their Ice Empress has also fallen?

Does Muyang have a special attraction to female gods?

It's just that the Ice Empress said so, and Tartaglia said that they didn't dare to say anything, and they didn't dare to ask anything.


When the Ice Empress gave orders to her subordinates, the breakthrough on Muyang's side also came to an end.

Just like before, Muyang's strength has improved a lot, and now Muyang himself doesn't know what level his strength is, he only knows that if he wants to defeat Asmodeus, it is not difficult for Muyang now.

If he encounters the previous Thunder Dragon King again, even if Mu Yang cuts the opponent's horns, there will be no more problems with the Rice Light of the Moment, and he can even kill the opponent.

Of course, Mu Yang is not going to kill the Thunder Dragon King for the time being, which is somewhat more than worth the loss.

The Thunder Dragon King still exists today, and naturally has the value and significance of its existence. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Muyang's time power has been improved to a certain extent, and at the same time, he has also mastered part of the power of death.

Of course, this power of death is not just about dying, it means killing the other person or something.

If that's all there is to it, then it's too much to look down on the meaning of the word death.

Life and death, reincarnation stops.

In this world, there is a theoretical destination after death, such as Wufupo, but there are no six reincarnations.

Mu Yang felt that if his strength improved in the future, he could establish a six-path reincarnation.

Mu Yang felt that this kind of thing was still quite important, and as time passed, the Teyvat Continent would continue to absorb the energy of the abyss and then strengthen itself.

At that time, the level of the world will increase, that is, the scope of the world will also increase.

In the future, the Teyvat Continent will continue to grow, and the population will also increase, Muyang feels that it seems necessary to get a six-path reincarnation out, and I think other gods will also support it.

This is also a step towards perfecting the continent of Teyvat.

Of course, the most important thing is the purification rate, which has increased from 200m to 500m

This one improvement is huge, and it's massive.

The original 150 and 200m are still enough to use, even if there are a large number of demon god-level powerhouses using it at the same time, they will not encounter too crowded situations.

However, the extra speed is not much, and these extra speeds are the speed at which the Teyvat continent is absorbing and purifying the abyss.

And this time, the speed of the spirit veins in the Teyvat continent will be increased by at least five times in the future.

After all, it is very valuable to be able to spare tens of meters of speed in normal times.

Now it's 300m more than that, it's a little scary to think about.

I don't know how fast this speed can be increased when Muyang gets the sixth God Heart.

At the same time, Muyang's deduction ability has been upgraded to a new level, and it may have taken a month to study the Jindan chapter, but now, Muyang is confident that he can deduce it in three days.

This is the benefit that Mu Yang brought after obtaining the heart of God this time.

This also makes Muyang can't wait to get the next God Heart.

However, he still held back his thoughts, and now his sudden increase in strength made him need to change it, and control his current strength first.

"Congratulations, your strength has improved tremendously. After seeing that Muyang's breath had subsided, the Great Cishu King also came to Muyang's side with the wonderful frog seed and said.

"It's been a huge improvement, and I don't know what I'm capable of now. Mu Yang spread his hands, hugged the Great Cishu King in his arms and whispered.

"I've seen Phanes, and if it's just for breath, you're probably a little weaker than him right now. After a moment of silence, the Great Mercy Tree King explained, "But there should be no qualitative gap between you.

It may not be long before you surpass Phanes.

I'm afraid that's the case with the sixth Godheart..."

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