"Second seat?" Tartaglia and Rosalyn looked at each other.

Tartaglia hurriedly explained: "With all due respect, Ying's potential may have the strength to become the second seat, but now, her strength is probably not as good as mine." "

Tartaglia has always been concerned about Ying, he can sense that Ying is also a strong person, but if there is a fight, Tartaglia thinks that he will win!

After all, he's a Tartaglia who is getting stronger all the time!!

"No, his strength should be on par with you, but now I'm more optimistic that his strength is above you, even if you take out your hole cards. Mu Yang glanced at Tartaglia's slanted eyes, and said meaningfully.

Tartaglia's pupils shrank when he heard this, could it be that Muyang even knew his hole cards?

However, if it is Muyang, it doesn't seem to be an incomprehensible thing to know your hole cards.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, Mr. Muyang, there is no comparison who knows who wins and who loses, after all, sometimes if you catch a flaw, you can defeat the strong with the weak!" Tartaglia said with a fighting spirit.

"Indeed, otherwise, it is enough for the two sides to compete with each other. Mu Yang nodded slightly and said, "Then there is no need to fight." Dada's "720" Leah is very reasonable. "

"And what I can tell you is that as long as Ying recovers her strength at her peak, then she will be a seven-god-level existence. After a pause, Mu Yang said in a serious tone: "And it's still the first generation of the Seven Gods." "

At this moment, Rosalyn and Tartaglia can't calm down.

Before, they thought that Ying's strength was similar to their own, and they were also curious about Ying's ability to obtain a variety of elemental powers.

Now I hear that Ying is not the combat power of the heyday, the combat power of the heyday of the family can be comparable to the seven gods, Tartaglia and Rosalyn At this time, they are also a burst of happiness, fortunately they did not offend Ying before, otherwise, I don't know how to die.

"Well, it's not a secret that Ying's situation is not a secret, her brother doesn't know why he joined the Abyss Order, and now he has become the prince of the Abyss Order, she wants to stop her brother and deal with the Abyss Order, so she needs a strong force to fight against the Abyss Order. Muyang didn't hide it and said directly.

This is not a secret, and the future Tartaglia and Rosalyn will also know sooner or later.

There is no need to hide it, and it just so happens that Tartaglia and Rosalyn can cooperate with Ying.

"Ying's brother is the prince of the Abyss Order, are you sure she's not a spy herself?" Tartaglia couldn't help but spit out.

For the famous Prince of the Abyss, Tartaglia naturally knows it.

Rosalyn's gaze also became dangerous.

Prince of the Abyss, fellow of Kanria, if you can, it should make sense to kill the Prince of the Abyss

"Five hundred years ago, Ying was sealed by the maintainers of Heavenly Principles. Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "I am willing to trust Ying!"

"Is that so? We need to talk about it. "Although Rosalyn and Tartaglia have a lot of respect for Muyang, after all, this is the Ice Empress's request.

It is not possible for Ying to become the executive officer of the Fatui.

Unless with the permission of the Ice Empress.

Wait, it seems that it is really possible to make Ying an executive.

If they had introduced Ying, Harlequin would have really agreed.

At this time, the two of them were actually already excited.

However, the specific situation needs to be discussed.

After saying goodbye to the two, Mu Yang came directly to Keqing's room at Wangshu Inn.

At this moment, Keqing is still lying on the desk writing and drawing, and it is obvious that she is busy with her work.

"Still working?" Mu Yang came not far from Keqing, knocked on the table and said softly.

Fortunately, Keqing's strength is not weak, and he also follows Muyang to cultivate immortals, otherwise, Keqing will definitely be short-sighted.

"You're back!" Seeing Muyang, Keqing also put down the work in his hands.

Although work is very important to Keqing, and she regards work as fun, now that Muyang is back, Keqing naturally wants to accompany Muyang.

"Well, I've taken care of things, so I'm here for you. Mu Yang took out the foggy thunder that he had created in cooperation with Lei Films: "This is the weapon I prepared for you." "

Keqing took the thunder of the fog, looked at it carefully, and with Keqing's operation exercises, the thunder of the fog in his hand emitted a thunderous light, and said in surprise: "What a powerful weapon, this sword can increase my strength by at least 50%."

With this sword, I may not be weaker than those three-eyed and five-visible immortals. "

Listening to Ke Qing mention the three-eyed and five-visible immortals, Mu Yang's expression was also extremely subtle.

I'm afraid that Keqing still wants to defeat the Three-Eyed and Five-Visible Immortals, and even now Keqing is a proper theocratic faction, believing that Liyue needs the Rock King Emperor and the Three-Eyed Five-Manifestation Immortal to oversee it.

"I guess so. Mu Yang nodded slightly: "However, the strength of those three-eyed and five-show immortals is actually very good."

Moreover, although they rarely appear in chat groups, they do not lose their ability to earn points.

The strength has also increased a lot compared to before.

You're improving your strength, and so are they. "

Ke Qing nodded thoughtfully: "I thought that other three-eyed and five-visible immortals rarely earned points."

After all, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun was usually in the research institute and rarely went out.

Grandma Ping often appears, but she is still in Yujingtai at ordinary times, and other immortals rarely appear in the chat group.

Even they don't seem to have spoken. "

Mu Yang hugged Ke Qing into his arms, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't take the immortals for fools, since they have the opportunity to become stronger, they will definitely not miss it, usually they are clearing the filth of the abyss except for retreat."

There is also an abyssal passage below the Absolute Clouds, but this is a small one, and you humans don't know it.

Usually it is cleared by the three-eyed and five-visible immortals.

Moreover, the number of demon god resentments is also quite large. "

Hearing Muyang's explanation, Keqing fell silent again, as if the immortals were always silently guarding Liyue in places unknown to humans.

"What's the name of this sword?" Keqing leaned into Muyang's arms and asked Muyang.

"The thunder of the fog is the name of the shadow, if you don't like it, you can change the name, and no one will say anything.

If you like it, you can just ........"

"Thunder from the fog?" Ke Qing whispered as she held the thunder from the fog in her hand.

The name is very good, and it also has the style of Inazuma.

However, this sword was created by Muyang and Lei Movie together, and the name Keqing is understandable.

She will not be dissatisfied with Lei Movie because of this, there is no injustice between the two parties, and there is still the same man, and she can usually chat a few words in the chat group, and Keqing will not refuse the other party's kindness either.

No matter what, you can't embarrass Muyang, can you?

"Well, okay, put the sword away, I'm missing you a little. Mu Yang blew a breath of hot air in Keqing's ear. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing glanced at Muyang with disgust, is this what this guy thinks about all day long?

She sniffed, Muyang's body had a faint fragrance of trees, which made people feel very comfortable, she hadn't seen Muyang for several days, and Keqing was also very nostalgic.

Keqing took back the thunder light from the fog, turned around and hung his hands around his neck, and said affectionately: "I miss you too." "


The next day, Keqing rarely didn't go to work.

There is no way, this guy Muyang is really the kind that shines when he gives a little sunshine, and when Keqing wants to "reward" Muyang well, Muyang directly inched in, and directly feels the warmth of the ancient road.

Even the current Keqing has suffered a lot of injuries.

However, as far as the current situation of returning to the original side is concerned, Keqing has planned the task early, even if it does not appear for a day or two, there is no problem at all.

And Muyang was driven away by Keqing early in the morning, in Keqing's opinion, Muyang was too ruthless!

She is also worried that Muyang will make an inch again today, so she won't need to work tomorrow.

Moreover, Muyang seems to have a lot of things to deal with, and it is better for Muyang to leave as soon as possible!

When Muyang returned home, Kamisato Ayaka, Shenhe, Ying, and Paimon 3.5 were already eating breakfast.

"Muyang, are you back?" Paimon greeted Muyang after hastily swallowing the food.

"En!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, sat directly next to Kamisato Ayaka, picked up a meat bun and took a bite, and then said to Ying: "When I met Tardallia and Rosalyn yesterday, I recommended you to them.

They will then consider making you an executive of the Fatui. "

"What?, make the Traveler the Fatui Executive?" Paimon was dumbfounded.

They had fought the Fatui before, and although they had a good relationship with Tartaglia, it would be too exaggerated to become the Fatui executives.

"Well, isn't it good that the Fatui are also a good force?" Mu Yang chuckled: "Don't forget that the Harlequin is a person from Kanria, and he will know your brother better."

Of course, the most important thing is that you may not be able to complete the tasks given to you by the Fatui!

It's good to see how you're feeling.

You can borrow the Fatui against the Abyss Order. "

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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