"On the continent of Teyvat, apart from the Abyss Order, the most powerful organization is the Fatui. Mu Yang explained to Ying.

"But some of the Fatuida's behavior, I really can't accept it!" Ying explained softly to Muyang.

"It's not for you to do things for the Fatui, it's just to borrow the power of the Fatui to deal with the Abyss Order. Muyang spread his hands, "According to my plan, I want you to become the Honorary Knight of Mondstadt, the Seven Stars of Liyue, the Great General of Inazuma, the Sage of Sumeru, the Executive Officer of the Fatui of the Solstice Kingdom, and even I recommend you to be the second seat." "

"Second seat, isn't this the top three existence among the Fatui?" Paimon was also shocked when he heard this, "How could Ying become an official in so many countries? Moreover, they are all high-ranking officials?"

"Yes, I think I can do this.

I don't know what I mean by Sage, but based on the status of the General and the Seven Stars of Liyue, Sumeru's Sage status should be very high, right?" Ying asked Muyang.

"Well, I used to be the administrator of Sumeru, and my status is like the Seven Stars of Liyue.

I have a very good relationship with the grass god Little Auspicious Grass King, I can recommend you to become a sage, as long as you do something for Sumeru, you can do it if you think about it. Mu Yang said softly.

It seems that compared to Liyue, Mondstadt, and Inazuma, Sumeru is the one who needs Ying's help the most.

Now the only "Sumeru people" in the chat group are Nahida and the Great Mercy Tree King.

Nahida also often complains that there are no useful people in Sumeru, and there are many things to do in the Sumeru Desert that need to be busy.

No one can refuse such a useful tool as Ying.

"Do you want to do things for Sumeru?" Ying looked at Mu Yang thoughtfully, if it wasn't for her trust in Mu Yang, she would have suspected that Mu Yang was calculating herself.

However, in a country like Sumeru, there shouldn't be a need to work on your own, right?

Even if you let yourself go to work, I just want to do some chores.

It's pretty much the same as in Liyue.

Actually, Ying still enjoys her time in Liyue, and most of the tasks here are actually quite easy, and Mora has a lot of them.

Liyue is truly the land of Teyvat's wealth, and many of its quests pay about twice as much as Mondstadt's.

But just doing some chores for Sumeru, can you really be a sage?

Muyang's face is so big?

Could it be that the grass god of Sumeru was also taken down by Muyang, right?

Muyang: No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I just won the previous generation of grass gods, as for the current grass gods, I didn't start (weak heart)

"I won't tell you the truth, because of some things before, which caused internal and external troubles in Sumeru, the little auspicious grass king was a little miserable by Sumeru and was imprisoned for five hundred years.

I rescued them and killed the second and sixth seats of the Fatui.

It's a big deal that those guys are making trouble inside Sumeru. Mu Yang explained softly.

"Muyang, you killed the second and sixth seats of the Fatui?" Paimon looked at Muyang dumbfounded.

()~ Ying looked at Muyang a little speechlessly.

Muyang has killed two Fatui executives, and it turns out that he and Tartaglia still have such a good relationship, how did this happen?

Or is it that within the Solstice Country, the infighting is actually quite powerful?

"Well, I actually told you before, right?" Muyang remembered that the last time he took Ying to dinner, he roughly said these things.

How did Paimon forget?

Could it be that this little guy is so immersed in food that he forgets these things?

"I have a good relationship with Nahida, she has some tasks to complete now, and if you can complete them, the position of the Sage will be yours. Mu Yang paused and continued: "

When you get to Sumeru, you will have at least the third element, and your strength will be improved, so there is no problem in doing these tasks.

Of course, I myself recommend that you take a trip to Inazuma before you go to Sumeru.

Inazuma's Raiden Shogun has prepared a trial for you!"

"Trial?" Ying's whole person was confused.

Thor personally prepares himself for the trial?

If it was in its heyday, Ying would naturally not be afraid of the so-called Thor.

Kong's strength is considered to be the top in the Teyvat continent, so his own strength, which is about the same as Kong's, is not bad to think about.

"Well, she is a martial artist who will understand the other party's heart from the battle. Mu Yang said softly: "Don't worry, it is impossible for her to use all her strength to fight you, but she will also test you."

If you can pass her assessment, you can not only become the general of Inazuma.

You can also get a weapon that I built with the Ray movies.

That weapon won't be weaker than your Advent Sword!"

"Sword of Advent?!" Ying Wenyan was also excited.

She is very confident in her weapon, but she also believes in Mu Yang's words, that is to say, Mu Yang has really prepared a weapon suitable for herself!

Thinking about his bladeless sword, Ying said that she was moved, isn't it just fighting against Inazuma Thor?

She did it!

"Wait, Muyang, my brother seems to be still waiting for you..." At this time, Kamisato Ayaka also remembered Kamisato Ayato's matter.

According to the information she received, it seems that Raiden Shogun arranged for his brother to go to the castle tower to meet Muyang, but because Muyang was not in the castle tower, he had been waiting at the gate of the castle tower.

"Didn't he leave?" Muyang was also stunned when he heard this: "According to my understanding, on the side of the castle tower, if Kamisato Ayato doesn't see me and Kage, he is not qualified to sit down, right?"

The corners of Kamisato Ayaka's mouth twitched: "My brother should still be standing at the gate of the castle tower, and besides, he has been standing for four days..."

Speaking of which, Kamisato Ayaka also covered her face, not only Muyang forgot about this matter, but Kamisato Ayaka herself also forgot about it.

There's no way, my brother is so unaccomplished.

"Sorry, I forgot before. Mu Yang looked at the sky silently and said helplessly.

Pit uncle or something, he really didn't mean it.

"I understand, you're always doing great things!

If my brother is there, let him wait, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and standing for a few days in a row has no effect on him. Kamisato Ayaka nodded repeatedly.

Kamisato Ayaka in the chat group knows what Muyang has done in the past few days.

This is all to improve the strength of this world and save the Ice Empress, compared to such a big event, his brother's things don't seem to be a big deal.

As long as it's not dead, there's nothing wrong with it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, with the current situation, even if Kamisato Ayato dies, Muyang may be able to save Kamisato Ayato.

After all, such a thing as saving people has never happened in the chat group, but saving the demon god has happened.

So, brother or something, this doesn't need to care about pulling at all!

"Ying, did you say that Ayaka didn't have a very good relationship with her brother!!" Paimon asked Ying cautiously.

These things, it's inconvenient to say them out loud, Kamisato Ayaka is still their food and clothing parents, and usually a lot of food is in charge of Kamisato Ayaka.

But there are some things that Paimon says he really doesn't vomit and is unhappy!

"()~, don't talk nonsense!" Ying hurriedly warned Paimon, and then apologized apologetically to Kamisato Ayaka, "I'm sorry, Paimon is like this sometimes, and he doesn't talk through his brain. "

"I understand!" Kamisato Ayaka said softly: "I have a good relationship with my brother, and for my brother, it is his honor to be able to meet Lord Muyang, so there is no problem in waiting for a while." "

Ying and Pai looked at each other, so were they lonely?

Isn't the relationship between Muyang and Kamisato Ayaka also a couple?

Why is it the honor of Kamisato Ayaka's brother to see Muyang?

For these things, they really can't understand 603.

"Okay, after breakfast, I'll go see Kamisato Ayato!" Seeing Ying and Paimon's incomprehensible looks, Muyang waved his hand, he was worried that he had forgotten about it again, and said to Kamisato Ayaka, "Wait, remember to remind me." "

"Yes," Kamisato Ayaka's heart moved, and she hurriedly said.

Kamisato Ayato or something, if you can not die, it's better not to die.

If you continue to stand like this, you may really die suddenly.

"Shall we go to Inazuma with you too?" Ying asked quickly.

She already knew that Muyang had a strong spatial ability, so she didn't mind following Muyang to Inazuma.

Who doesn't like such a ride?

Moreover, he can also take advantage of this opportunity to obtain the thunder element, and his strength will be greatly improved at that time.

"No!" Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "If you want to go to Inazuma, I recommend that you go by yourself."

It also shows that you are serious about the fight. "

Ying Wenyan glanced at Muyang thoughtfully, she felt that she seemed to have a good relationship with Muyang, and then caused Thor to be jealous, so she wanted to cut herself?

And then what is the relationship between Kamisato Ayaka and Muyang?

Could it be that Kamisato Ayaka and Muyang are cheating on each other, fearing that Thor will find out, so Kamisato Ayaka is coming to Liyue?

Ying felt as if she had found the truth.

However, Ying still has some confidence in her own strength, as long as the other party doesn't do her best, she should be able to live a few tricks, right?

During this time, she also heard some information about the combat power of the Seven Gods, it seems that the Emperor Iwawang is the strongest among the Seven Gods, and Inazuma's Raiden Shogun is not as good as the Iwawang Emperor, and some people even say that Raiden Shogun is weaker than Barbatos.

This time, it's not a big problem!

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