In Kamisato Ayaka's mouth, Muyang is the supreme god, a god even higher than the one who is the Raiden Shogun.

Now Muyang is trying to help the potential people in Teyvat become stronger.

In the future, even if they reach the level of the seven gods, it is not impossible, which also makes Kamisato Aya's hearts surge.

Although he didn't think that he could reach the level of the Seven Gods, even if he reached the level of the Seven Gods, wouldn't the strength of the Raiden Generals increase?

Kamisato Ayato is still very beeppy.

However, for his strength to be improved and to be able to join the chat group, Kamisato Ayato is also very excited.

This means that the Kamisato family is about to develop!

Of course, Kamisato Ayato also knows that this is an opportunity for Kamisato Ayahua to fight for herself.

Otherwise, with his current status, I'm afraid he wouldn't be qualified to join here.

"Thank you, sir!" After hearing Kamisato Ayaka's explanation, Kamisato Ayato saluted Muyang again and said sincerely.

"Well, you can do things for Teyvat Continent after that. Mu Yang waved his hand, Mu Yang's attitude towards Kamisato Ayato has always been very strange, after all, he thought that back then, he also smoked Kamisato Ayato, but after drawing Kamisato Ayato, he was very disappointed.

It's just that Kamisato Ayato's damage as a main C is too weak.,To say that the only advantage of Kamisato Ayato,I'm afraid it's the means of attack.,It's too much like a certain kun, right?

As for what Kamisato Ayato did during the Inazuma lockdown order, Muyang felt that Kamisato Ayato had done nothing wrong, and he would have done it in other ways.

What they should have done has already been done, and they have also written to Raiden Shogun, and they should not carry out the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, but Raiden Shogun doesn't listen, what else can they do?

If they resist Raiden Shogun and make Raiden Shogun 893 feel dissatisfied, they will all die by then.

If it were a person, maybe Kamisato Ayato would still be enthusiastic.

But don't forget, there is still the Kamisato family behind Kamisato Ayato, and there is Kamisato Ayaka, if there is no Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayaka will not have a good time at that time.

At that time, if Kamisato Ayaka doesn't choose to commit suicide, she may also become a plaything for some people.

This is something that Kamisato Ayato cannot accept.

He knew better than anyone else the urine nature of those Inazuma nobles.

Regarding Kamisato Ayato's choice, Muyang can understand it, and he won't say anything.

Now that Kamisato Ayato has a chance to become stronger, if you want to come to this milk tea elder, you won't miss such an opportunity, right?

Come on, I'm optimistic about you!

Kamisato Ayato also hurriedly said goodbye and left after getting the location of each teleportation anchor point in Inazuma on Kamisato Ayaka's side.

She has a lot of things to deal with, and she has to become stronger as soon as possible after that, and her current sister's strength is far superior to herself, which Kamisato Ayato knows, which is also a blow to Kamisato Ayato.

Now that he sees the hope of chasing after his sister, Kamisato Ayato naturally can't slack off.

You have to get stronger as soon as possible!

After Kamisato Ayato left, Kamisato Ayaka breathed a sigh of relief, it was still too difficult for her to maintain such an attitude in front of her brother.

She looked at Muyang beside her, her eyes were full of tenderness, did she want to repay Lord Muyang well?

But I'm all Muyang's!

It seems that Lord Muyang is very interested in other beautiful girls, is he going to pull the cgaj of the heart of the coral palace?


["Ding, Muyang uploads the Immortal Cultivation Law Jin Dan Chapter!"

"Ding, Mu Yang Transmission Qi Technique!"

"Ding, Muyang uploads the sword technique!"

"Ding, Muyang uploads the Qi Alchemy Technique!"

The people in the chat group were also obviously stunned when they saw the dense information uploaded by Muyang.

Good guys, really good guys.

Muyang hasn't uploaded much knowledge for a few months, but this time he uploaded so many things.

It's shocking.

[Muyang: "Huh, I finally uploaded the things I researched during this time."

Changed some of the rules of this world on the World Tree, such as adding some things about cause and effect and luck.

You can study and study.

This is also an attempt, if you kill too many lives, you will be infected with karma, but if you kill people who are unlucky, or if you are doing misdeeds, you can also get the corresponding merit.

This kind of thing is still relatively mysterious, so it's good for everyone to refer to it.

Most of the people in the chat group, except for the immortals and demon gods, are people with great merits, even ordinary people, they all fight against the monsters of the abyss, and this is all meritorious.

So you don't need to worry too much. "

Zhongli: "Is cause and effect and luck? It's really interesting, but it can be studied."

Today's Teyvat continent is becoming more and more perfect. "

Lei Yingying: "Is the Jindan chapter finally deduced? I'm going to study it, and I'm also looking forward to how much this thing will benefit the Seven Gods." "

Ice Empress: "I didn't expect that my luck is still quite high, I originally thought that a god like me did a lot of evil, and my luck was not high." "

Mu Yang: "After all, you are the Empress of Ice and the God of Ice, and what you wanted to do before was just to protect the Teyvat Continent and for the development of mankind, it is not a bad thing, everything is arranged by the Harlequin to do it."

It doesn't have much to do with you. "

Ice Empress: "I'm responsible, and if I hadn't recruited the Harlequins, they wouldn't have taken advantage of the resurrection. "

Keqing: "That swordsmanship is very good, and it is also very powerful, and now my confidence is even greater."

By the way, Muyang, can you deduce some martial arts?

Since the birth of the spirit vein, the people of Liyue have learned martial arts much easier than before, and now many of the Millelith Army have cultivated their internal strength, but there are still not enough supporting martial arts. "

Muyang: "Before, I planned to slowly change this world through martial arts, but now that I can directly change the rules of this world, practicing martial arts is not so important."

After all, it is indeed difficult for those who practice martial arts to beat those who cultivate immortals.

However, not everyone is suitable for cultivating immortals, and relatively speaking, cultivating immortals is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It is estimated that there will not be more people who will embark on the path of cultivating immortals in the future than there will be those who have obtained the Vision of God before. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For ordinary people, internal strength and the Vision of God are indeed the most suitable for them.

I'll upload some exercises later, and you can spread them when the time comes.

With the growth of the spiritual vein, the cultivation of internal strength will also increase.

It's really not a joke to really cultivate to a certain level and reach the level of an immortal..."

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Although I know that what you said is true, can you not take us immortals as a reference target every time, or take the Fatui Executive as a reference target next time!"

This is really insulting to immortals. "

Zhongli: "This is true, I'm worried that someone will use the Rock King Emperor as a reference unit in the future, such as having the strength of a Rock King Emperor, or the strength of 1.5 Rock King Emperors,

It's really weird.

Relatively speaking, the strength of the executive officers of the Fatui is relatively stable, and no one has joined the chat group at present, so it is better to compare people with the executives!"

Muyang: "That's okay!"

After all, the strength of the Fatui executive is still very easy to analyze, and the seats are also ranked according to strength.

In the future, use Tartaglia, Rosalyn, Balladeers, and Doctors as combat units.

Anyway, the Ice Empress is also in the group, so she can tell that the other party has the strength to become the first few seats in the Fatui. "

Ice Empress: ... I don't know why, but I feel weird.

However, the Fatui are indeed ranked according to their strength.

Of course, some people are exceptions, such as the rich, who is actually not very strong, and should not be as good as Tartaglia.

If the two really want to face each other to the death, it will definitely be Tartaglia who wins in the end. "

Muyang: "It's good to have Tartaglia as a unit.

I estimate that especially after the increase in aura, it is not particularly difficult for a martial artist to cultivate to the level of Dalia.

And this is already a strong man on the current Teyvat continent. "

Venti: "I yearn for that future!"

Is Tartaglia strong?

Naturally, it is powerful, and if it were before the chat group was established, Tartaglia alone could give a country like Mondstadt a headache.

If Inazuma comes, there will be no one who is Tartaglia's opponent except for Ray Movie and Yae Miko.

In any country, Tartaglia is an absolute powerhouse.

But in the current chat group, Tartaglia is probably only stronger than the current Kamisato Ayato, right?

Moreover, I'm afraid that it won't be long before Tartaglia will not be as good as Kamisato Ayato.

If in the future, hundreds or thousands of Tartaglias can appear on the Teyvat continent, then it is also a good thing for Teyvat.

These people will also play a major role in the face of the abyss.

Moreover, at that time, the Teyvat Continent also absorbed a lot of abyss energy, and the world should be even more powerful, right?

[Muyang: "By the way, I analyzed a lot of forbidden knowledge before, and I have a lot of knowledge from other worlds, do you want to upload it?"

Asmodeus: "Are you sure you won't pollute the world?"

Regarding forbidden knowledge, Asmodeus was also frightened, and the world was almost gone.

Muyang: "No, I've already analyzed it!"

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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