[Muyang: "The vast majority of forbidden knowledge is actually no problem.

It's just that in our world, the world level is not high enough to analyze all the knowledge.

Some knowledge may just be music and novels, which have become taboo because they cannot be parsed. "

Yae Miko: "Novels?

Why don't we release it from Yaedo?

During this time, the Inazuma economy was about to be rebuilt, and not many people read novels, that is, there were fewer people who even wrote novels.

If there are popular novels to stimulate the market, perhaps the novel industry can be stimulated again. "

Muyang: "I'm afraid that there are too many good novels, so that local authors can't sell books, and there are at least more than one million novels here, do you understand what this concept is?"

Yae Miko: "Millions?God, there are no more than a thousand Inazuma novels, how do people from another world write novels~Ah?"

Or is it normal to write a novel in other worlds?"

Muyang: "The main reason is that the population base is large, and there are more people, and there are more people who write novels."

At the same time, the existence of computers is too convenient, in some websites, writing 10,000 words a day is already a very common thing, 20,000 words, 30,000 words, it seems to be very common. "

Yae Miko: "10,000 words a day, 20,000 words?

Are the editors of other worlds so cruel? I really want the authors of this world to take a good look at how the authors of other worlds write novels.

Writing a thousand words a day is already very difficult for them, and I really want to lock them all up in a small dark room to write novels!"

Muyang: "The main thing is information development, computers and mobile phones can write novels.

When the mobile phone is launched in the future, an app can be designed to allow people to publish novels on it, and when the time comes, the subscription route will be taken, and the website and the author will be separated.

As for the phone itself, don't dominate it. "

For some mobile phones like to take a percentage of the user's recharge money, resulting in the user opening a membership is higher than the price of recharging on other platforms, Muyang is scoffing.

The only advantage of that kind of mobile phone seems to be that it is only a card in the name of beauty.

Some people may think that this kind of mobile phone is very good-looking, it is a high-end mobile phone, and it can bring face to yourself, but you don't know that this kind of mobile phone has long become a special machine for young ladies...

Yae Miko: "Computer? I see, Lei Movie, Shadow, let's build our computer production line in Inazuma as soon as possible."

Inazuma needs you!"

Ray Films: "Where is the time for this? After that, the things of the automobile factory and the shipyard are busy enough for a long time.

It's been a long time since I've had a good rest.

Let's talk about it after Kazuma has completely recovered.

Not to mention, Inazuma doesn't have so many good people who are good at alchemy. "

Yae Miko: "Well, it's a pity, if only I could make a lot of computers in Inazuma."

But then again, will computers still have to use Mora as an energy source?"

Muyang: "Mora is a very good material, I personally think that Mora can continue to be used, after all, in the Teyvat continent, it is very difficult to develop electricity, you can't always absorb the power of the leyline, and the spiritual vein is absolutely not able to move."

If anyone disturbs the spiritual veins, I will directly destroy their entire country.

I'm trying to upgrade Teyvat, not for them to spoil!

Well, the next time the rules of the world are revised, I plan to arrange a thunderstorm, if anyone does a lot of evil and directly rains down the thunder, like Dortore, it will be damned!"

Ice Empress: "..."

Zhongli: "..."

Ray Films: "..."

Nahida: "..."

Venti: "..."

This kind of momentum that wants to extinguish the whole country at every turn, we are also panicking!

As for whether Mu Yang will do this, they fully believe that Mu Yang will do this, and they have a reason to do it, if there is such a bastard in their own country, they don't control such a person, which in itself is the disqualification of their seven gods.

At this time, they also thought of Kanria, it was those bastards of Kanria who attracted the abyss, which also led to the current situation.

Well, after that, you have to protect the spirit vein, and if anyone moves the spirit vein, then everyone will not want to live.

Now it seems that the person who has no bottom line like the doctor actually comes from a special situation.

If the Great Mercy Tree King hadn't died, it would have been difficult for the Doctor to grow.

It was only in the wrong era of Sumeru and in a country like Kanria that a figure like the Doctor could be born.

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "If you do a lot of evil, you really deserve to die, and if you don't find such a person, you are also unqualified as a ruler." "

Muyang: "Well, I agree with this theory, so some things must be done with some strains, otherwise, some people will have no bottom line when they do experiments."

According to my research, it seems that there were many people inside Sumeru who were doing some special experiments before. "

Nahida: "Huh, is Sumeru still there?" sorry, I don't know anything, I'll look into it later." "

Nahida hurriedly assured that she was not a god who didn't understand anything now, and naturally knew that there were some things that could be done and some things that could not be done.

Moreover, now Nahida is also trying to become a qualified god, and she can't be too soft-hearted on her side.

For Nahida's behavior, the Great Compassion Tree King naturally saw it, but she didn't stop it, Nahida has her own mode of thinking, and she shouldn't use her own thinking to influence Nahida.

Moreover, the Great Cishu King is now Muyang's woman, and in terms of the relationship between her and Nahida, there is actually no problem to say that Muyang is Nahida's father.

As a father, there seems to be nothing wrong with teaching his daughter how to be a good god.

What's more, what Muyang taught is not entirely wrong, as a god, he can't always be soft-hearted, and it is also very important to show his strong side appropriately.

Perhaps it is always good for Nahida to be a little stronger now.

The Great Compassion Tree King: "Anyway, when are you going to go to the Grass Dragon King Apepe? On his side, there is still a lot of forbidden knowledge.

If it is possible, the transformation of this forbidden knowledge should also have a lot of benefits for the Teyvat continent..."

Muyang: "After a while, I've been busy all this time, don't look at me usually resting, but I'm actually deducing things, especially the Jindan chapter, which consumes a lot of my energy, and I need to take a good rest." "】

Muyang's words have also been recognized by the vast majority of people, after all, almost everyone has downloaded the Jindan chapter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even Morax and Barbatos have cultivated the Jindan chapter.

They also admitted that this Jin Dan chapter also had a lot of gain for people like them at the level of the Seven Gods.

It is obviously not easy to deduce such an exercise, even in terms of Muyang's ability.

At this time, Muyang said that he was tired and wanted to rest, which seemed understandable.

Moreover, in the final analysis, Muyang is actually their big leader, and now the big leader says that he wants to rest, as subordinates, are they still asking Muyang to work overtime?

What's more, these seven gods also started working after Muyang appeared, and before they were replaced, most of them didn't work much.

After all, humanity is on the right track, and they don't need to guide them, even though Morax plans and arranges work for Liyue every year, but in fact, most of the things are done by Liyue Seven Stars and Ganyu.

Zhongli usually just observes Liyue and discovers Liyue's problems. If you really want to talk about work, Zhongli is not particularly busy.

Even if it was Keqing, at this time, he felt as if he had misunderstood Muyang.

Although Muyang is a 1SP guy, he still lets himself learn new knowledge from time to time, and since he met Muyang, Keqing finally understands that his mouth can not only eat and drink, but also do other things...

But if you think about it, Muyang may be really busy.

After all, these things can't be studied overnight.

In order to study these things, Muyang must consume a lot of brain power, so Muyang wants to be happy, in fact, it is also to relax his heart and make better deductions.

Thinking of this, Ke Qing also slapped her head in annoyance.

Maybe he really pays too much attention to work, and he doesn't even see Muyang's exhaustion, it seems that he still has to pay more attention to Muyang in the future, after all, he is his own man.

Also, you have to repay Muyang well, no matter how much you suffer, you still need to make Muyang happy.

[Wendy: "Hey, if you want to relax, why don't you come to Mondstadt?] Poetry and wine are the most relaxing and enjoyable.

Why don't we hold a festival, and next month, after Liyue's Immortal Ceremony, we'll hold the Wind Flower Festival?

This time, the event was held on a larger scale, and all people from other countries were invited to participate. "

Jean: "Is there a big Wind Flower Festival? Mondstadt seems to be understaffed at the moment. "

Venti: "Isn't there still Traveler Ying, when the time comes, I will entrust her with some tasks, and it will be completed!"

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscription, Mo Da, love you!

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