[Muyang: "Do you still plan to continue to exploit Ying?

If they join the chat group later, Ying and Paimon will cry!

Moreover, after inviting the Immortal Ceremony, it is time to find an opportunity to bring Ying and Paimon into the chat group. "

Wendy: "You can wait for the Wind Flower Festival to pull them into the chat group, and then you can arrange an honorary captain for Ying." "

Jean: "Honorary Captain?" it seems that the Knights of Favonius don't have such a position, right?"

Wendy: "Naturally, the Knights of Favonius do not have honorary captains, and there are only honorary knights, and it seems that before this, there were only two honorary knights, right?"

But if there is an honorary knight, why can't there be an honorary captain? as long as the status is equal to the captain.

If Ying's contribution is enough, it's not impossible to make Ying the honorary leader!"

Muyang: "It's worthy of you! "

Jean: "... Why do I feel that the position of the head of the regiment does not seem to be so important?

If there is an honorary leader, I am afraid that people will gossip, if Ying is willing, I can let her be the head of the Knights of Favonius, and I am willing to assist her. "

Eula: "Hmph, the position of the head of the Knights of Favonius is not something you can give to "Eighty-Two-Three" her.

She's not as good as me right now!

Although her future strength will be comparable to that of the Seven Gods, but with the chat group, our strength will not be worse than her, and, depending on the current situation, which of her or us will reach the level of the Seven Gods earlier, it is really not necessarily!"

Eula is very floating during this time, and like everyone else, Eula has also found a place to fix the brush experience, Longji Snow Mountain!

Durin's heart, even now, is still beating, and it contains a lot of abyssal aura.

Moreover, according to Eula's observations, this thing will also absorb the elemental power around it to resurrect, especially the power of the abyss!

In order to resurrect Durin and give Mondstadt a big one, the Abyss Order also opened a special node for Durin, just below Durin's heart.

However, it doesn't matter, now Durin's heart has become the nourishment for Eula's points, and from time to time to purify Durin's abyssal filth, this can be regarded as a small base for Eula's points.

Jean and the others also know this, but they will not compete with Eula for anything.

Diluc: "Eula's point makes sense, I'm almost at the end of the Ember Sea.

When the time comes, the strength can also enter the stage of rapid improvement.

Our strength may not progress at a slower rate than Yingying, but of course, if the Traveler is dealing with the Abyss Order, I can also provide some help. "

Ice Empress: "I heard that you are going to arrange Ying into the Fatui, and based on what I know about Harlequins, it may be possible, but it will be five or five."

There's a good chance that the Harlequin will turn it down, but it doesn't matter much to us whether it's failure or success.

Of course, if Ying can help deal with Harlequin, it's not impossible. "

Although the Ice Empress wants her people to deal with the Harlequin them, if it's Ying, then there is no problem.

After all, in the original plan, they also wanted to use Ying's strength.

If there is no Ying, even if you defeat the abyss, it is useless.

Maybe when the time comes, you can also pull the void over.

Muyang: "There is still hope for Ying to become the second seat, I just think so."

Anyway, it's not us who will have a headache at that time, but the harlequin and the emptiness.

As for the honorary captain and the honorary captain or something, it's actually pretty much the same for Ying.

There's no need to be particularly concerned about it. Just deal with the Abyss Order and the Abyss.

I'm still looking forward to the scene of the battle between Ying and Kong. "

Muyang's words made them not know how to complain.

Is it to see brother and sister cannibalism?

However, there is one thing to say, what Sora did on the continent of Teyvat, if it wasn't for Ying to solve this matter, it would definitely be dead.

But if Ying performs well, she may be able to leave an empty dog's life.

can only hope that Ying can behave well, and they don't want to face each other with Ying Dao Sword, after all, if Mu Yang kills Kong, no matter how good the relationship between Ying and Mu Yang is now, they will be enemies

Exiting the chat group page, Mu Yang asked Kamisato Ayaka next to him, who was packing up his clothes for himself, "Do you have any favorite weapons?"

Why don't I get you a set of armor?"

"Armor?" Kamisato Ayaka was also stunned when she heard this, is there anything else like this?

It seems that on the continent of Teyvat, I have not heard of particularly powerful armor.

Could it be that Muyang wants to make armor himself?

"Well, let me study and study..."At this time, Mu Yang also remembered a very important thing, it seems that he has not seen the holy relic yet?

It stands to reason that the system of relics is crucial to the continent of Teyvat.

There seems to be nothing to do in addition to brushing the holy relics in my daily physical strength.

The life of the long grass period, and the lazy to open the treasure chest and brush the map, is so unpretentious and boring.

[Alice: "Muyang, do you want forbidden knowledge?"

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "(*.) Д)o"

Muyang: "You have forbidden knowledge?"

Alice: "Well, I've studied forbidden knowledge before, and forbidden knowledge isn't as harmful to me as it is to others.

But I can't decipher the forbidden knowledge either. "

Muyang: "You can't decipher the forbidden knowledge? This is not right? It stands to reason that you should be able to understand the forbidden knowledge." "

Alice: "I do seem to have some resistance to the power of the abyss, and I can read something out of this world.

But there are some things that have entered the abyss, and after being eroded by the power of the abyss, if I come into contact with them, they will also be affected. "

Muyang: "So is it the abyss that adds weight?"

Damn extra bastards!"

Alice: "Why do you feel that there is something in your words, I have just come into contact with a lot of forbidden knowledge in the abyss, and I brought it back to you?"

Muyang: "Yes, but you shouldn't be affected, right?"

Muyang is not afraid of these extra knowledge, but it doesn't mean that others are not afraid.

Looking at Alice's appearance, it seems that she can't analyze these forbidden knowledge, that is, she can't decode it except for herself?

It's magical.

Alice: "Don't worry, forbidden knowledge is indeed dangerous, but I have a certain resistance to the power of the abyss...

Moreover, because of your power, I will not be affected, but I will not be able to decipher the information inside.

If you need it, I can bring some back for you. "

Muyang: "Yes!"

Although that knowledge may not be useful, the most important thing is to bring it back and see it, and it may be useful for Teyvat.

I've found a lot of forbidden knowledge and even fragments of a broken world.

Some useful rules have been incorporated into the continent of Teyvat and will help our world. "

Zhongli: "Is the world broken?"

The more you understand this world and the outside world, the more you will feel small, the original Fanes, I'm afraid it was just worried that everyone has no strength, and he yearns for the outside world, and he is worried that we will feel hopeless in the future, right?"

Asmodeus: "It does have an impact on this, the gap between the Teyvat continent and the abyss is too big, there are many worlds that are more powerful than the Teyvat continent, and they have been destroyed by the abyss..."

Ice Empress: "I don't think I did anything wrong in the first place to rebel against the Heavenly Principles.

But I also think that Phanes deserves respect.

If I don't do anything, it seems that Fanes will still be affected and eroded by the abyss, and if we do nothing, when Fanes falls, the continent of Teyvat will also be doomed. "

Wendy: "It's a dilemma, it's really unsolvable, but fortunately Muyang came." "

Ray Movie: "Although I don't particularly understand what you're calculating, but now the ending is good!"

Hearing the words of seeing Lei's movie, Muyang was also stunned for a while. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the game, some clues can also be seen in the attitude of the Seven Gods towards the traveler.

Wendy: I know everything, but I don't say it.

Zhongli knows everything, but I can't say it.

In the case of Ray's movie, I told everything I knew, and as for the rest, I didn't know anything.

Nahida's side turned into something I don't know.

As the embodiment of the World Tree, Nahida can know a lot of things1.6, but some people have difficulty observing it completely, even if they are World Tree.

The World Tree's record will also be revised, and Nahida can find traces of emptiness, but she doesn't believe in those things herself...

Forget it, now that there is the Great Mercy Tree King, I don't really need to worry about the World Tree being modified.

In the World Tree, the strength of the Great Ci Tree King is actually very strong, if something really happens, the Great Ci Tree King can also summon Mu Yang over, there is no danger.

If he could, Muyang also wanted to get more forbidden knowledge.

If he could, he would even want to acquire knowledge like Pokémon, Digimon, Hokage, and Pirates, and it would seem good if he could have the Grim Reaper.

For now, Teyvat really needs to build a Reaper force.

He also wanted to establish the six realms of reincarnation, but after trying it before, he found that the rules of the world were not perfect enough, and the system of the world was not enough, so it was completely impossible to establish the six realms of reincarnation.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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