"If it had been before, the Emperor of the Rock might not have been able to make Mora all the time.

According to the words of the Rock King Emperor, he only needs to inject divine power into the Golden House once every six months.

But for now, it's quite possible once a month. Ningguang explained to Muyang.

"For him, this consumption of divine power is nothing!" Mu Yang nodded slightly: "In the past, you need to care about the consumption of divine power, after all, the more ~ divine power is consumed, the greater the wear and tear."

But now Morax doesn't need to worry about wear and tear, and naturally he can use divine power without scruples. "

Mu Yang said and picked up Mora's mobile phone and said softly: "Although this thing is not as convenient as a chat group, it is the best way for ordinary people." "

"That's what I thought, and the way Liyue works will change in the future. Ningguang hurriedly explained: "To be honest, I've been really tired and happy lately.

During this time, I was exhausted, not only mentally but physically, but I was happy again when I thought about what I was doing now.

Liyue will continue to get better and better under our leadership.

Even if it's a sudden death, I'm willing!"

Looking at the condensation that seemed to be glowing on his body, Mu Yang had no doubt about Ningguang's words.

Perhaps Ningguang likes Mora, and has the mindset of a businessman and a capitalist a lot of the time, but she is no less passionate about Liyue than anyone else.

For the sake of Liyue, even if it is to abandon the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang will not hesitate to do so.

Now that Ningguang said that he was willing to work even if he died suddenly, Muyang would not have the slightest suspicion, and besides, all of Liyue's people were all Roll Kings except for Zhongli.

Keqing, Ganyu, this is a famous willing combination.

The original Ningguang was actually not considered liver, but now because there are too many things, Ningguang is also involuntarily rolled up.

Usually, Ningguang is actually willing to strategize.

But in the current situation, even if Ningguang wants to strategize, he is very tired!

"You can call Ganyu over, if it's her, she can help you. Muyang immediately thought of Ganyu.

Don't look at Ganyu who is usually dazed and likes to doze off, but her ability is really powerful.

This can be seen from Ganyu's legendary quest, those things that the secretary of the Moon Sea Pavilion can't solve, can be easily solved in Ganyu's hands.

It's not that those Yuehai Pavilion secretaries are not capable, although many of the people who enter Yuehai Pavilion rely on relationships to get in, but those people are also capable, if they really don't have any ability, they won't put it in front of Ganyu and give Ganyu eye medicine.

Isn't this looking for death?

The main thing is that Ganyu's ability is really good.

"Ganyu's words, the affairs of Yuehaiting can't be handled now, and as the secretary of the Seven Stars, many of the jobs that originally belonged to Tianji Star now also fall on Ganyu, which is also the reason why Ganyu rarely appears now. Ning Guang also showed a wry smile when he heard this, "I think it's better to decide on the other Liyue Seven Stars as soon as possible."

Otherwise, we'll have two of them available all the time, and we'll be too busy. "

"Seven stars don't mean that appointments can be appointed, whether it's Xingqiu or Ying, if you want to become seven stars, it will take a long time. Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "However, if Xingqiu is in the air, he may be able to fulfill your requirements."

It's just that Ying's ability is sufficient, but she can't be like the ordinary Liyue Seven Stars, who has been handling business in Liyue all the time. "

Ning Guang looked at Mu Yang with resentment: "As for the traveler's ability, I don't doubt that some of the tasks given to her before can actually be regarded as a seven-star assessment."

She's undoubtedly the best one to handle.

Even the original Keqing was not as good as what Ying did. "

"This is natural, after all, Keqing at that time was only a few years old.

How old is Ying now?

Even I don't know Ying's real age, and it's said that she's probably over a few thousand years old.

Even long live is not impossible.

She only lost part of her memory, not her abilities. If you want to deal with these things, it is naturally easy. Mu Yang explained.

He had never doubted Ying's abilities, after all, in another plane, Ying was the princess of the Abyss Order.

What the empty place can do, Ying can do, and even better.

Now there is absolutely no problem with letting Ying be the Seven Stars of Liyue.

"If you let the traveler know what you're thinking, I'm afraid they'll quarrel with you.

Even if it's her, I'm afraid I can't accept you talking about her age. Ningguang subtly reminded, "There's no problem with Ying becoming the Seven Stars of Liyue.

But she may not be able to devote her mind to the work of Liyue Seven Stars in the future.

Of course, it's much better than the guys who used to be on a vegetarian diet.

At least Ying is capable of doing things, and there is no need to worry about her holding back. "

Mu Yang nodded slightly: "Well, Ying is indeed a person who can be trusted."

I also believe that she can do a good job of Liyue Seven Stars.

You can also arrange some diplomatic matters for her first, such as Liyue's embassies in Inazuma and Sumeru, which can be handed over to Ying.

For her, it wasn't that hard. "

Ningguang thought about it a little in his heart when he heard this, and he recognized Muyang's words.

Indeed, if it was Ying, she could indeed leave this matter to her to deal with.

"By the way, prepare a few mobile phones for me, and prepare mobile phones for Kamisato Ayaka, Shenhe, and Klee.

and Yaoyao and Grandma Ping also came with two mobile phones. Mu Yang thought for a moment and said to Ningguang.

Klee can't join the chat group for the time being, which is what Alice meant.

But if you have a cell phone, you can let Klee contact Alice at any time, and you can also contact Jean and them.

It seems that Jean still misses Klee very much.

"Now that the phones are already being made, I'll give them the first ones. Ning Guang did not refuse when he heard this.

Among these people, Yaoyao was originally not on Ningguang's list.

It's not that Ningguang looks down on Yaoyao or something, which one can become an immortal disciple and which one is simple?

In the future, Yaoyao will inevitably become a pivotal figure in Liyue.

At least the Seven Stars of Liyue won't ignore Yaoyao.

It's just that Yaoyao is too small, which makes Ningguang ignore Yaoyao at first. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In Ningguang's plan, the first batch of mobile phones could not fall into Yaoyao's hands, and Yaoyao didn't need a mobile phone to do anything.

But since Muyang said so, it seems necessary to give Yaoyao a mobile phone.

As for the others, they all want mobile phones.

And like Zhongli and Keqing, Mu Yang didn't say it, and they are all the ones who must have mobile phones.

"By the way, Liuyun has researched some household appliances during this time, do you want to take a look?" As if thinking of something, Ningguang asked Muyang.

"Oh, what kind of appliances?" Mu Yang remembered the fully automatic rice cooker that Liuyun borrowed from Feng Zhenjun to study, that guy was indeed a talent.

I don't know if this time, what Liuyun borrowed from Feng Zhenjun to research, whether it was a good thing or a waste product.

"An artifact that can cook rice using Mora, and an electric fan similar to your world.

But it's also powered by Mora. Ning Guang said with a sigh at this: "However, if you want to research air conditioners in our world, I'm afraid it's very difficult." "

"Oh, why is it difficult?" Muyang was also visibly stunned, it stands to reason that with Liyue's technology and Albedo's alchemy, it would not be such a difficult thing to research an air conditioner.

Perhaps in terms of chemistry, there is still a long way to go on the side of the Teyvat Continent, but Muyang believes that with Albedo's ability, it will not be difficult to do this.

"It's hard to find a source of cold air for a long time.

In the beginning, we wanted to find the Phaseless Ice.

It is rumored that some of the materials in the Phaseless Ice will hardly melt and can bring cold air for a long time. Ningguang said eloquently.

"Very good idea!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, in this world, there is also the existence of Phaseless Ice.

This kind of monster will only appear in certain locations, and after defeating it, it will re-spawn after a while.

At first, there were many people who would crusade against these monsters, but later humans also discovered that as long as this kind of monster did not come close, it would not actively harm people.

Moreover, even if it is defeated, it will be resurrected after that, which is somewhat more than worth the loss.

Normally, Ningguang would not have thought of the phaseless ice.

Now it is very rare to think of the phaseless ice.

"This kind of monster is actually related to the original seven dragon kings, and it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

However, for you, if you can defeat them, those materials can also bring a lot of benefits. Muyang also told the truth to Ningguang.

"Well, I know, Albedo knows the location of the Phaseless Ice, and Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch to personally defeat a Phaseless Ice and brought the materials back.

But after our research, the phaseless ice, although a good thing, can also bring cooling.

But at the end of the day, there is elemental power on it, and the wielder of the Vision is fine, so there is no problem holding it.

But if it is an ordinary person, if it is long-term contact, it will be harmful to the body and not beneficial.

Ordinary people, even those who have been cultivating for a long time, can't get in touch with these things for a long time. "

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!and).

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