"Ordinary people can't have long-term contact with elemental creations?" Mu Yang was also stunned when he heard this, and soon understood.

Looks like he's really forgotten about it.

Not to mention ordinary humans, even ordinary holders of the Vision of God, if they are exposed to such elemental substances for a long time, they will not be beneficial to the body.

If Ningguang hadn't brought it up, Muyang would have really forgotten about it.

"Yes, Muyang, do you have a way to solve it?" Ningguang asked Muyang with a little expectation.

If Muyang can solve this problem, it can reduce a lot of trouble for them.

"Solve this trouble?" Mu Yang thought for a moment: "As far as I know, a long time ago, humans could actually use elemental power.

It's just that I don't know when humans began to be unable to use elemental power, even the Vision of God only appeared because humans couldn't use elemental power.

Perhaps it is also because of the emergence of the Vision system, which makes it impossible for humans to use elemental power. "

"Humans can use elemental power, but because of the appearance of the Vision of God, it can't be used?" Ningguang is a smart woman, she quickly guessed something, and hurriedly asked, "Nine Three Three" asked, "I've heard before that the Vision of God has some hidden dangers, is this true?"

"What do you know about the Vision of God?" Mu Yang stretched out his palm, and a water elemental Vision gathered in his hand.

Then the Vision of God quickly transformed, water, fire, rock, wind, grass, ice, thunder, these seven elements changed like a lantern.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Ningguang's mouth couldn't help twitching, the Vision of God is a coveted treasure in the minds of countless people.

It is said that the rich man, but because he can't get the Vision of God, he will resent the Rock King!

Well, these secrets were also heard by Ningguang from the Ice Empress.

Knowing that he is invincible, Ningguang has always regarded the rich as his competitors, whether it is national or commercial.

In particular, the establishment of Liyue Bank is an out-and-out rival relationship between the two sides, and there is no room for relaxation.

And the Ice Empress naturally won't keep it a secret for the rich, after all, the rich are real harlequins.

Now the Ice Empress wants to target the forces on the Harlequin's side, and the rich are naturally within the scope of the Ice Empress's attack.

If Ningguang is willing to fight the rich, the Ice Empress is also acceptable.

"I remember when you got 100 million Mora from me with your Vision. Ningguang said with a sigh.

She never imagined that the person who made the deal with her in the first place would have such a big background.

It's just that for Muyang, the Vision of God is just beckoning, right?

Muyang earned 100 million from his own hands in this way, and of course Ningguang also knew that this deal was worth it.

That Divine Vision, Ningguang did not sell, but kept it, after all, for Ningguang, this Divine Eye is still very valuable.

Moreover, it is also the eye of God pinched by Muyang himself.

"I've only made three Visions so far, and the first one is on your side!" Mu Yang chuckled and said, "Using power, naturally, there is a price, relatively speaking, the price of the Vision is already very small.

At most, after death, the soul will become the nourishment to protect the Teyvat continent. "

Ningguang was stunned when he heard this, and then he laughed dumbly.

I see!

But Ningguang herself has nothing to fear, after all, although she has the Vision of God, but because of the relationship between cultivating immortals, she doesn't need much lifespan.

Moreover, that is also a matter after death, using the soul after death to contribute some strength to the Teyvat Continent, in Ningguang's opinion, there is no problem.

After all, before he died, he did enjoy the benefits of the Vision of God, didn't he?

"Aren't you sending the Divine Eye now?" Ningguang asked Muyang curiously.

If this is good for Teyvat, then Ningguang does not exclude the existence of the Vision either.

Moreover, Teyvat Continent really needs everyone to protect it, and the matter of the Vision of God, although it is not fair and open, but in essence, it is also a fair deal.


Generally, it is automatically distributed, and if there is a person with enough soul quality, when there is enough belief or desire, the mechanism of the Vision will be triggered, and what I am talking about is actually the Vision that I distribute myself. Mu Yang eventually turned the Vision into the Eye of the Grass God and threw it to Ningguang.

Ningguang hurriedly took the Vision of God, and said with a wry smile: "It's useless for you to give me the Vision of God."

I have a Vision now. "

As he spoke, Ningguang shook his Vision.

"Who told you that there can only be one Vision of God?" Mu Yang asked with a chuckle.

"What?" Ningguang looked at Mu Yang in disbelief, and then looked at the Eye of the Grass God in his hand, this Eye of God was actually activated.

It's incredible!

"The soul of an ordinary person can be bound to a vision.

It's also a waste to distribute too much, but you've already stepped into the cultivation ranks, and your physical fitness has also begun to get stronger, enough to use two Divine Visions. Mu Yang explained softly.

Speaking of this, Mu Yang was also surprised for a while, at first, he also thought that the Vision of God could only be one per person, but when he demonstrated it to Ningguang before, Mu Yang found that the current Ningguang could use two Visions.

Of course, this time, Muyang actually regarded Ningguang as an experimental subject, but there is no problem, for Ningguang, this is a good thing, at least Ningguang himself is a benefit.

"Grass? Unfortunately, I can't react with my rocks. Ningguang said with some regret.

Although they had cultivated the Immortal Cultivation Technique, if they wanted to fight, the first thing that came to mind was elemental power.

It's a pity that the rock system is so orphaned, even Ningguang sometimes can't help but want to complain about the rock element.

I don't know how the original Rock King Emperor fought team battles, could it be that he just opened the shield and then threw the rock spear?

"The grass system can react with a lot of elements, and the elemental reaction or something is actually not particularly advanced. Mu Yang shook his head slightly: "Later, you will naturally understand that cultivating immortals is the most important thing, and the elemental reaction or something, the bonus to you is very limited........"

Ningguang played with the Vision in his hand, chuckled and said, "Maybe, I'm not really into fighting.

Even when it comes to cultivation and points, I'm not as enthusiastic about Keqing, and now I'm even more enthusiastic about building and prospering Liyue little by little.

Since I came to the chat group, I have set myself a small goal. "

"Oh?!" Mu Yang looked at Ningguang in some surprise, after all, small targets or something, many times, they are not shocking and endless.

"Well, I intend to be the best Seven Stars Liyue has ever seen!" Ningguang's eyes shone brightly, "I used to want to be the best businessman, but now, I think of Liyue as an industry, an industry that I want to work my life on."

I want to make Liyue the most prosperous nation in Teyvat. "

"It's a good idea, even if Morax hears you, he will approve of you. Mu Yang nodded slightly.

"But I found that I couldn't seem to be the best Seven Stars. Only then, Ningguang's tone became extremely resentful.

"Hmm? It's just Liyue Bank, and some future industries, if they develop well.

Ningguang, you're eligible to compete for the best Liyue Seven Star spots. Muyang looked at Ningguang with some doubts.

And what does Ningguang's resentful little eyes mean?

How do you make yourself like a negative person?

One thing to say, although I am also hungry for Ningguang's body, I haven't done anything to Ningguang!

Muyang is still very principled in this regard, at least he will not use his identity and status to untact others and others.

At this point, Lei Movie and Dacishu King can testify for themselves, he Muyang, Tianli, is a righteous man and a gentleman!

"But Keqing has done much better than me during this time. Ning Guang sighed lightly, "Some time ago, due to the blockade of the Chasm, there were actually a lot of 3.9 questions in Liyue.

After all, without the Chasm, more than 100,000 miners have lost their livelihoods.

In other industries, it is also very difficult to attract so many people.

Keqing's plan to rebuild the Returning to the Origin is a good way to absorb these people, and if it weren't for the plan to rebuild the Return, these people would have been in Liyue Harbor long ago.

In the future, the more developed the Guili Yuan is, the greater Keqing's contribution will be.

There is no doubt that, for now, Keqing has surpassed me.

Even I have to admit that for now, my contribution to Liyue is not as good as that of Keqing. "

"But no, you established Liyue Bank, stabilized Liyue's finances, and suppressed the Northland Bank, and without the financial help of Liyue Bank, it would not be enough to rebuild Mora.

After all, the two of you should be inseparable from each other. Mu Yang said to Ningguang Zhengse.

He wasn't worried about Ningguang and Keqing fighting for power, after all, it wouldn't be his turn.

The Rock King is not dead!

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