Mu Yang wasn't worried about Keqing and Ningguang making a fuss, he just knew that Ningguang was just complaining and complaining.

When it comes to the overall situation, Ningguang is very strong.

Moreover, Keqing himself didn't think about competing with Ningguang for anything.

For Keqing, as long as she can build Liyue well, as for the rest, follow Muyang is also everything, she man, but the whole Teyvat continent is the heavenly principle!!

"Alas, obviously we first met, and the time I met you should have been before Keqing, right?"

"Indeed, I came to invite you first, and then I invited Keqing!" Mu Yang nodded slightly and did not hide it: "After all, at that time, it was easier to approach than Keqing." "

"Am I easier to approach than Keqing?" Ning Guang also smiled dumbly when he heard this.

"After all, you are a businessman, and it is difficult to really be friends with you, but I want to get close to you and want to cooperate with you.

But it's very easy, as long as you show your own value, after all, you are a businessman, a qualified businessman. Mu Yang spread his hands: "Of course, this doesn't mean that you have a problem.

After all, this is a quality that must be possessed as a competent businessman.

It's hard for someone like you to be a real friend, but it's still nice to be a superficial friend.

Relatively speaking, Keqing is relatively simple and difficult to approach, but if she can make friends with her, she can still easily become friends26. "

"I have friends!" Mu Yang's words made Ningguang a little dissatisfied.

What happened to the merchants?

He is not the kind of capitalist who can abandon a lot for his own interests, or the kind that can even have a bottom line.

"Well, you have friends! Yelan, Beidou, and even Keqing are all your friends.

Oh, by the way, you and Jean are still pen pals, and sometimes I really wonder why you can be pen pals with Jean. When Muyang said this, he was also a little surprised.

It stands to reason that these two are among the best people in their respective countries.

But why do they have a good personal relationship?

"I just feel that Jean has a very noble quality, which may not be good as a leader of the country.

But it's very good to be a friend, and to get along with such a person, you don't need to care so much about deceit.

Moreover, as Liyue's celestial power, as the acting head of the Knights of Favonius, it is also a good thing for us in Liyue, at least we don't need to worry about the other party stabbing them in the back. Ningguang looked at Muyang speechlessly, in Muyang's eyes, did he have no friends like this?

In fact, she still has a lot of friends, but it's just that those people are inconvenient to show up.

Well, many of Liyue's children are their friends.

"The quality of the piano is noble, and in this regard, there is really no need to worry about her being a villain behind her back. Mu Yang approved of Ningguang's words.

"Muyang, I have one thing I want to ask you. Suddenly, Ningguang asked a little mysteriously.

"Oh?" Mu Yang raised his eyebrows, what was it that made Ningguang look like this.

"If you happened to see me taking a bath when you came to the Jade Pavilion, what would happen between us?" Ningguang teased Mu Yang as he stretched out his foot and "accidentally" touched Mu Yang's leg under the table.

"Uh..." Mu Yang looked at Ning Guang a little speechlessly: "Could it be that you still expect me to see it!?"

Of course, I'm actually quite hungry for you.

It's just that you're too good a woman, and it's much more difficult than Keqing to make you truly your own. "

Do you have a feeling for Ningguang?

That must have a feeling, after all, who doesn't like long legs?

One thing to say, if you don't look at Hi Si, Ningguang's long legs are definitely the symbol of the entire Genshin Impact, look at the leg shape, among all the girls, she should be the most slender kind, Bai Fumei, the typical white thin beauty is Ningguang.

Although Ningguang doesn't have a high silk, it is also long legs.

Who doesn't love such long legs?

Moreover, it's still white-haired!

But then again, when he first started playing Genshin Impact, he once thought that Ningguang was a super villain.

After all, when the Immortal Ceremony was invited, the Emperor of the Rock King fell down with a snap, and then Ningguang seemed to be very powerful, how to look at it, there was a conspiracy.

It was only later that Ningguang's actions made him change his mind.

The Rock King Emperor is just acting in a play.

However, Ningguang's attitude towards Ying is more in line with the attitude of an excellent leader towards Ying.

Try to show kindness and kindness, but don't get too close to Ying.

It's not like Kamisato Ayaka even her heart was captured by Ying...

"Are you saying Keqing is so foolish?" Ningguang blinked, and she felt as if she had heard something interesting.

But if you think about it carefully, Keqing is indeed very easy to fool in many ways.

At least Keqing is a simple girl in terms of feelings.

It's not like yourself...

Although he didn't have any emotional experience, Ningguang said that he knew these things!

As a businessman, Ningguang said that he knows a lot.

"That's not what I meant. Muyang spread his hands: "At least when I was with Keqing, I had a feeling of falling in love, and this feeling made me like it very much." "

It is true that Keqing will talk to Muyang about work many times, and these things happen to be things that Muyang usually doesn't like.

There is no way, I have come to Teyvat Continent to become a heavenly principle, and you still want me to 996, let me work with you, and work overtime with you?

It's a bit torturous indeed.

Of course, putting aside the matter of work, Muyang still likes the youth and vitality of Keqing, and when he is with each other, he does have a feeling of falling in love.

This is something that the Great Mercy Tree King and Lei Movie do not have.

Originally, she may have felt this way in Kamisato Ayaka, but because of Muyang's identity, the relationship with Muyang now is a bit like the relationship between the boss and the little secretary...

This in itself shouldn't be Kamisato Ayaka's character.

However, Ke Qing is different, as a person who dares to trespass on the Emperor of the Rock King, Ke Qing will not care about Mu Yang's identity, and usually does not treat her as a god.

After all, Keqing said that she was Muyang's person, and looking at Muyang's appearance, she was definitely Muyang's first woman.

He's just a theoretician. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is that so?" Ningguang nodded thoughtfully: "Keqing's personality is a bit girlish in many cases, maybe this is the main reason why you are optimistic about Keqing." "

Mu Yang nodded slightly: "Of course, if I saw you at that time, I would think about how to launch a strategy against you."

At that time, it may be me who shows my talent and makes you look at it differently. "

"This is impossible!" Ning Guang shook his head slightly when he heard this: "Although I never thought about what my future partner would look like.

But if the other party is too good, it will also make me feel distressed.

After all, it is not easy for two excellent people to be together..."

Are you complimenting yourself on being excellent?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that what Ningguang said also makes sense, just like Jean and Diluc, both of them are also very good, and in many cases, they can give their backs to each other.

Diluc, as the hero of the night, also solved a lot of trouble for Jean.

If Diluc needed help, Jean wouldn't mind it.

But emotionally, the two never thought of each other, after all, both of them were too good.

The idea of protecting Mondstadt is also the same, but there are differences in the way of protection.

There is a sympathy between the two 823, but if you talk about the kind of emotion between men and women, it is absolutely none.

It's not just Diluc who doesn't, Jean doesn't either, that's comradeship.

Many times, the two of them are so good, but it is easy to cause conflicts.

Unless someone can completely overwhelm the other party.

But if Muyang just wants to attract Ningguang's attention through his excellent talents, and then fall in love with the other party, it is almost impossible.

This will only make Ningguang want to treat Muyang as a tool and accept him as a subordinate.

Of course, at that time, Muyang would not disguise himself, and directly exposed his identity.

"That's true. Mu Yang pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, and then asked with a strange expression: "So, Ningguang, are you teaching me how to attack you?"

He felt that Ningguang, this woman, was definitely teasing himself.

This can be seen from the fact that Ningguang's feet are about to touch his thighs.

"Don't you like it?" Ning Guang looked at Mu Yang meaningfully and said softly, "You don't reject this, do you?"

"Of course I don't exclude it, after all, you are indeed a beauty, and I don't reject it, and even sometimes I fantasize about the scene where you and Keqing are together..."

This directly made Ningguang not know how to complain, is this man so upright?

If the man in front of him was not Mu Yang, he would definitely make the other party look good, or throw the other party off the Jade Pavilion.

Together with Keqing, this is also a loss to you dare to think.

However, if it is to compete with Keqing on the same stage, it seems that it is not impossible to compare who can make Muyang like it more.

As for liking Muyang or something, it's not that much, she only likes Mora!

It's just a good feeling.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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