Feeling the situation on his body, Ningguang also showed a surprised look: "Is it so powerful?"

Muyang muttered in his heart, I'm not powerful, don't you know?

However, on the surface, he said quietly: "As a heavenly principle, I can do this, isn't it a matter of course?"

Ning Guang was also stunned when he heard this, it seemed that he was really rare and strange, the man in front of him was a heavenly reason, and he was an existence higher than the Emperor of the Rock King!!

It doesn't seem strange that he can do that.

Even those immortals in Liyue possess some special immortal methods, so it is only natural that Muyang, as a celestial principle, has such abilities.

What's more, Mu Yang is a person who can even study the cultivation of immortal exercises, if he can't even study such a small method, it would be a strange thing.

"By the way, do you have any favorite weapons?" After thinking about it, Mu Yang asked Ningguang again.

Hearing this, Ning Guang looked at Mu Yang with a smile: "What's the matter?, are you planning to give the ticket~?"

"What are you talking about?, where do you say that?" Mu Yang looked at Ningguang a little speechlessly.

Although after slapping others, it is indeed a feeling of benefiting others.

But are you that kind of person?

He felt that he might need to teach Ningguang some small lessons, well, let Ningguang not be able to step on it for three days.

After all, with the way Ningguang likes to play, it seems that all kinds of hanging methods are also possible!

"Hmph!" Seeing Muyang like this, Ning Guang also snorted lightly, and after thinking for a moment, Ning Guang said, "If you can, I hope you can help me upgrade the Jade Pavilion."

At least strengthen the Jade Pavilion. "

For the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang was very concerned, after all, this was also the hard work of the first half of her life, and she spent almost all of her wealth on the Jade Pavilion.

This is also a symbol of Ningguang, if it was before, Ningguang would not worry about what would happen to the Jade Pavilion.

After all, this is Liyue, and with the Rock Emperor guarding Liyue, what kid would dare to come to Liyue to cause trouble?

But now it's different, even the Rock King Emperor is trying to improve his strength, and those madmen of the Abyss Order are constantly trying to do something, and maybe Othello will be released later, and they want to show off their strength.

At that time, the Jade Pavilion was undoubtedly the best flying fortress.

The defensive formation in the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang was very confident before, at least ordinary people couldn't destroy it, and even when building the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang also consulted the immortals, at that time, as Zhongli's Rock King Emperor, he also instructed himself, but if he asked Ningguang to ensure that the demon gods could not destroy the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang himself had no confidence.

That's a demon god!!

It's just a group of jade pavilions, is it possible to smash the demon god?

Fortunately, there is still Muyang here, if it is him, he will definitely be able to continue to upgrade the Jade Pavilion!

Sooner or later, he will upgrade the Jade Pavilion to become a fortress for the entire Teyvat continent.

Well, it is said that the Isle of Skye is actually a fortress in the sky.

If Fanes can do it, then why can't I?

The Jade Pavilion is its own, but it is also Muyang's!

Muyang has been on the Teyvat Continent for so long, and it seems that he almost never goes to Sky Island, and it is also because he has no feelings for Sky Island, and he does not regard this place that theoretically belongs to Tianli as his home.

Ningguang said that then he would build a home for Muyang!

Well, the new Sky Island is called the Jade Pavilion!

Although the current Jade Pavilion is nothing compared to Sky Island, Ning Guang believes that as long as he and Mu Yang continue to work hard, sooner or later they can build Jade Pavilion into a new Sky Island?

Didn't Muyang want a home?

She is willing to share the Jade Pavilion, and then it will become the common home of Muyang and his women.

For Ningguang, this is not a struggle for power or anything, but an inner thought, isn't it good for everyone to build a sky island for Muyang together?

"Upgrade the Jade Pavilion?

I need to think about this, after all, I am not very good at formation or something. Mu Yang thought for a moment and said, "Upgrading is definitely something that can be upgraded."

But this may require some special materials, and then I need to study the formation knowledge.

But it's not that hard for me. "

Mu Yang was thinking about who among the people he knew was good at formations.

Ray Movie definitely won't, this is a reckless man who only knows how to chop and chop.

Barbatos may or may not be, but according to Mu Yang's estimate, Barbatos may not be very good at the way of formation.

Morax may be good at formations, this guy, except for emotional problems, is almost a billion points, he is indeed an all-round guy, and these people in Liyue are indeed their honor to have such a rock god.

It seems that Thunder and Lightning is really good at formation, and there is also the Fox Palace, when the Pitch Black Calamity was at the beginning, the Fox Palace relied on the formation to resist the Pitch Black Calamity.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Fox Palace, it would be difficult to fight against such an abyss monster.

Even the Fox Palace at that time seemed to have a demon god level, which was no exception.

Maybe you have time, you can ask the Fox Palace.

Muyang will not look down on the other party because of the strength of the other party, and the peak of the Fox Palace also has a demon god-level existence.

You must know that Fox Zhai Palace is not a natural demon god level, but a demon god level that has been slowly cultivated, and she is not even an elemental creature.

This point, even if Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun, they didn't do it, even now, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and they still maintained the strength of the immortal level, maybe it won't be long before they can cultivate to the demon god level and cultivate the Jindan chapter well.

But now, they are really not as good as the Fox Palace.

It is worthy of being able to become the first prime minister of Inazuma.

At present, who in the Teyvat Continent can transcend their own limits and cultivate to a higher realm?

Wendy is one, he was originally just a wind elemental elf, and then he became Barbatos, the wind god.

Grandma Ping is one, she was originally just an ordinary human, but now she is the best of Liyue's immortals, and she is the most capable of fighting among Liyue's immortals.

Don't look at Grandma Ping, who is usually inconspicuous, and rarely bubbling, it seems that she is also taking children during the day, but no one can underestimate this true monarch of Gechenlang City.

After all, Gechenlang City Zhenjun is one of the first people to join the chat group, and she often goes to purify the abyss filth or the aura of the demon god at night, if you want to talk about the current overall list of points, Gechenlang City Zhenjun can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

If one day, Grandma Ping also succeeded in cultivating the Jin Dan chapter, and Mu Yang would not doubt it at all.

Maybe she is the first of all the immortals to reach the level of a demon god!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Muyang is very optimistic about her.

In addition to Madame Ping and Wendy, it seems that there are only Fox Palace, as well as the doctor and the harlequin.

Oh, by the way, the captain also seems to be a demon god-level being, and besides, he also seems to be a human.

If you really want to count it, it seems that there are such people in every country of Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Solstice, and Kanria.

Well, there is one thing, even the King of the Great Cishu must pinch his nose and admit that the original doctor was a Sumeru person...

Just because of what the doctor did, he would definitely be expelled from Sumeru's nationality, and of course the doctor himself didn't care about Sumeru.

Not to mention Sumeru, if you really want to count it, even the nationality of the Solstice Country, the doctors of the people are not necessarily how rare.

But the Doctor was indeed a Sumeru in the beginning.

There are too few beings who can go beyond their limits.

Mu Yang was going to find an opportunity to ask about the formation of the Fox Palace.

"The question of the upgrade of the Jade Pavilion, let me go back and brainstorm something, and even ask Asmodeus to see if there is any good way. After thinking about it, Mu Yang still whispered to Ningguang.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry!" Ning Guang didn't pay too much attention when he heard this.

One thing, she was thinking, should she send some valuable things to Muyang's house on her side?

After all, when the time comes for the Osel War, if the Rock King Emperor and the immortals don't make a move, the Jade Pavilion is very likely to suffer, and it seems that there is no problem with moving things to Muyang's house first, and what place is safer than Muyang's house?

Even the Hall of the Dead is not as safe as Muyang's home!

Moreover, moving things to Muyang's house by himself can be regarded as a disguised oath of sovereignty.

At least you can be angry until the moment is clear.

I'm digging into your corner!

Muyang sat on Ningguang's side for a while, and then left.

As the Seven Stars of Liyue, there are still a lot of things to deal with in the Condensation, especially the Immortal Ceremony with less than a week to go, and there is a lot of preparation to be made for the Condensation.

Moreover, no one knows what kind of big movement the Rock King Emperor is going to make this time, even Ning Guang and Keqing only know that the Rock King Emperor is going to use Osel to test them, as for how to do it, they don't know!!

Therefore, the preparations that should be made are still done, and they are even busier than the previous ceremonies for inviting immortals.

After seeing Muyang leave, a smile appeared on the corner of Ningguang's mouth, picked up his mobile phone, and launched a text message to Keqing's mobile phone: "You man, it's really good!"

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!

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