Regardless of whether Keqing will blow up directly because of Ningguang's words, Ningguang himself is happy anyway.

Of course, Ningguang didn't really have a grudge against Keqing, she just wanted to stimulate Keqing.

In fact, the relationship between the two is still very good.

It's just that Ningguang wants to be angry, and this is just a joke.

No matter what the condensation is, Mu Yang came directly to the Sky Island, and Asmodeus is looking at the sky, if the strength is relatively low, I am afraid that it will not be felt, but when it comes to the strength of Mu Yang and Asmodeus, it can be clearly seen that in the place of the world barrier, there are a large number of abyss monsters, which are eroding the world barrier.

"The last time I came over, I didn't notice these monsters, but now when I see these guys, I'm suffering from dense phobia!!" Mu Yang walked to Asmodeus's side and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's more than a hundred times more than when I was asleep!" Asmodeus nodded slightly, "Before, I also tried to eliminate these monsters.

But the effect was not very good, and he was even besieged by a powerful monster in the abyss, so he came back.

Also, I need to see the situation of the Teyvat Continent leylines and the portals of space. "

"Well, it's really inconvenient for you to leave!" Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this: "When the thunderbolt is really their strength, they can come to the world barrier to brush points."

However, they obviously don't have this time now, and even the situation in their own territory will take a while to be resolved. "

Muyang knew that it was not that Lei Movie was unwilling to participate in the war against the abyss monsters, but that they themselves did not solve the problems in their own country.

Just like Inazuma, the problem of Yatsumi Island has not yet been solved, and the problem of Kiirai Island will be solved in the future.

At that time, maybe Raiden Sakura will go to the world barrier with Raiden Movie to crusade against those abyss monsters outside the world barrier.

And gods like Wendy and Nahida aren't really suitable for this place.

After all, Wendy's strength has not been completely recovered, and it usually consumes a lot of divine power to maintain the Millennium Movement, but now because of the chat group points, Wendy's divine power has improved, making it not as difficult for him to maintain the Millennium Movement as before.

But he still can't reach his peak condition.

As for Nahida, she may not even be able to beat the doctor now, and she still needs to slowly improve her strength.

"It's a pity that it's inconvenient for me to shoot directly, if I have the chance, I can let Morax and them come over to brush up the points. Mu Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Although there are many places to farm points in Liyue, there are also many people who can't stand it. "

If the Dragonlord, Morax, and Three-Eyed Immortals had been swiped all the time, sooner or later, the abyssal filth that emerged from the Liyue Abyss Node might not be enough!

Of course, this is also based on not attracting the attention of the abyssal side.

"Morax, if they're willing to come and clean up some monsters, that's fine. Asmodeus did not refuse.

Asmodeus knew Morax's strength very well, even if it was not comparable to them, it was also far from the ordinary Seven Gods.

Now the seven gods on the Teyvat continent, I'm afraid that only the thunder movie is ahead of Morax, and even stronger than Morax.

But Asmodeus himself knows that Thunder Movies are not ordinary people, Thunder Movies and Thunderbolt are really divided by one of the four rulers at the beginning.

At that time, Raiden really fell, and Thunder Movie absorbed the power and origin of the other party, and now it has gradually transformed into a new ruling of life.

Under such circumstances, it seems to be a matter of course for Ray Films' strength to distance themselves from Morax.

In the future, letting Morax come here to brush up some points can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

"Is there something you're here for this time?" Immediately after, Asmodeus asked Muyang.

Muyang, this guy, is definitely going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

According to Asmode's understanding, Muyang has also come to Sky Island three times in total.

The first time was when Muyang had just come to the Teyvat Continent to become a celestial principle, and at that time Asmodeus was still asleep, and Muyang left Sky Island directly.

The second time was when she came to wake her up, and the third time was now.

"Ahem..."Being said by Asmodeus, Mu Yang was also a little emotional, it stands to reason that Sky Island is his own territory, and it seems that he really rarely comes to Sky Island!

This is more or less undeserved........

After all, in the end, the scenery on the Isle of Skye is still very good.

It's just that Asmodeus is the only one here, and Muyang doesn't like the feeling of being here all the time.

"I'm wondering if we can build a new system, such as continuously gathering the abyssal aura of the entire Teyvat continent..."Mu Yang whispered to Asmodeus.

"Gather all the abyssal pollution from the entire Teyvat continent?" Asmodeus frowned, "Is it right here on Sky Island?"

If it was just the abyssal pollution, the current Asmodeus did not have the slightest fear.

After all, now they are all existences that can resist the pollution of the abyss, and even Asmodeus usually wishes that the abyss could pollute itself more.

Compared to the past, the abyssal pollution aura on Asmodeus's body has almost dissipated, even the wear and tear has disappeared.

You must know that the wear and tear on her body at the beginning was one of the most serious in the entire Teyvat continent.

This is still based on the fact that she doesn't do much, otherwise, she is afraid that she will fall or become a fool like some stupid person at this moment.

"I don't mind being on Skye. Mu Yang spread his hands: "We can publicize it to the outside world, the abyss is too difficult to deal with, and we can only gather the power of the 5.2 abyss, and then seal it together."

At that time, the Abyss Sect and even the people of the Abyss will not be very suspicious. "

"This—" Asmodeus also showed a thoughtful look when he heard this.

There is one thing to say, it seems that what Mu Yang said is really a way, at least this way can also deal with some of the abyss stages of the Teyvat continent openly.

Anyway, it will be her who will be cheaper at that time.

"I plan to forge something similar to the Holy Grail and gather all the abyssal aura of the Teyvat Continent to Sky Island, I believe that the Abyss Order will not miss this opportunity!" Mu Yang continued.

Asmodeus: What's the Holy Grail!?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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