Before coming to Teyvat Continent, Mu Yang actually had a little sympathy for the Kanria people.

After all, many times, the people below are actually innocent, and it is only the high-level of Kanriya who attracts the abyss, and there must be countless people in Kanriya who are innocent.

But Mu Yang can only say that those Kanriya people are innocent, and the people of the Teyvat Continent are even more innocent!!

If it weren't for their nonsense, the Abyss wouldn't have caused so much damage to the Teyvat continent by now.

If they hadn't messed around, Fanes wouldn't have been able to hang up, and Muyang wouldn't have been able to come to Teyvat Continent to become the new Heavenly Principle.

If there were no special plug-ins, even if he came to the Teyvat Continent, Muyang felt that he couldn't mix so well.

Those guys in Kanria, one by one, are crazy, this is their own bad life, and they want to pull the entire Teyvat continent into the water.

It's no wonder that Fanes would put a curse on the people of Kanria, these guys are dead, it is a relief for them, they really deserve to die!

Don't say that this is just the behavior of the upper echelons, but if the Seven Gods died, would the people of their country have a better life?

It's all the same!

The Seven Gods make mistakes, and many times, their people are bearing the same responsibility.

So why don't the Kanrui 927 subhumans be held accountable for their king's actions?

There are no eighteen-layer hells in this world, and if there is, Mu Yang definitely doesn't mind beating the entire Kanriya people into the eighteen-layer hells.

"However, isn't there anything wrong with letting them go to Musk Reef?" Muyang couldn't help but ask.

You know, it's Musk Reef!

If one accidentally breaks the seal and allows those abyss forces to re-enter the Teyvat Continent, this is not such a simple matter as brushing points, in the current situation of the Teyvat Continent, once the Abyss invades on a large scale, Muyang is really not sure to fight it.

"In fact, the seal on Musk Reef is getting weaker and weaker, and there have been some leaks over the years.

There's also a lot of abyssal filth over there, and if you let the Seven Gods pass, it might be a little troublesome, but if it's Ying and Paimon, there won't be any problems. Asmodeus shook his head slightly and said, "After all, the prince of the abyss will not suspect some things on his sister.

Even if there is suspicion, they will not take action, and will even hide this information as much as possible. "

Not everyone in the abyss is a fool, if the matter of Ying being able to purify the power of the abyss is leaked, then what will happen to the empty as the prince of the abyss?

Of course, he chose to hide this information silently.

is even a cover for Ying, after all, this guy Sora, although there are some problems with his personality and even become paranoid, but for Ying, Sora is definitely a good brother.

It is possible for him to hurt anyone, but it is definitely impossible to hurt Ying.

This is Muyang and Asmodeus's trust in the air.

"That's true, so it's necessary to pull Ying into the water.

And, indeed, she is a trustworthy person. Mu Yang agreed.

Ying is a good person, which can be recognized by everyone.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people trusting her.

Even Muyang himself also has an inexplicable sense of closeness and affection for Ying.

Perhaps this is the bond between the gamer and the protagonist.

"yes, she's a good person!" Asmodeus nodded slightly, so he had to take advantage of it.


The days passed, and soon it was time to invite the immortals.

These days, Mu Yang didn't go out to wave, just studied how to upgrade the Jade Pavilion for Ningguang at home, Mu Yang didn't know anything about the formation, so she specially learned her formation knowledge from the Fox Zhai Palace. Of course, Morax and the Great Mercy Tree King also gave Muyang a lot of help.

As for the Ice Empress, Mu Yang also discovered that in this world, don't look at the Ice Empress is very beautiful, and now she is actually a reckless character like Lei Movie.

Ray Movies likes to use strength to solve all problems, while the Ice Empress likes to use the Fatui's powerful forces to solve problems.

Although in the face of absolute strength, the general army of Fatui does not play a role, but there are also strong people among the Fatui, and if a group of strong people go together, it will indeed pose a threat to the Demon God.

The Demon God is not invincible, just look at Oselle.

After Mu Yang's operation, he upgraded the Jade Pavilion slightly, which only upgraded his defense.

As for the attack power, Mu Yang said that he didn't know how to do it for the time being, and Ningguang himself also said that the Jade Pavilion was not a weapon, it was just Ningguang's house!

And the relationship between Ningguang and Muyang also made Keqing vent his dissatisfaction after returning home, and even took advantage of Muyang's inattention to almost let him feel what is called skill crushing!

However, after that, Keqing also turned a blind eye to the matter of Ningguang.

In this regard, Mu Yang also felt a little pity, and it seemed a little difficult to let these two seven stars compete in the same field.

"Muyang, can we wait to see Emperor Yanwang?" On the edge of Yujing Terrace, Paimon asked Muyang expectantly, "After that, should we make a wish to Emperor Yanwang and ask him to protect us?"

"Do you want to protect you?" Mu Yang also laughed dumbly when he heard this.

If Paimon really did this, I'm afraid the Rock King would die of depression, right?

After all, Paimon is still one of the four archons after all, and even if Paimon's current strength is not one in a thousand, Paimon's personality still exists.

It's like a pot, and now he seems to be just a harmless bear, but as a demon god, the pot is still there.

Now Paimon is doing the same.

At the end of the day, Paimon is a good guide and a good friend.

In a way, Paimon is also the guide who guides Ying on the "right path".

With Paimon's guidance, Ying is also "smooth sailing" all the way, and although there are countless dangers, it can be regarded as safe.

"Emperor Rock King!" Ying looked thoughtfully at the incense burner in the center, she had already guessed the identity of the other party.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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