In Ying's opinion, these seven gods seem to have their own plans, and it is possible that they are calculating and using themselves.

After all, Ying has been to so many worlds, and she is not the real Tie Hanhan, she can feel that whether it is Muyang, Paimon, or even Zhongli, they all have kindness to her.

For Ying, this is enough, although she may become a laborer, but she can also get more of the remuneration she needs.

"It's the first time for you to participate in the Immortal Ceremony, remember not to disturb the Rock King Emperor too much, I made a lot of noise at the beginning. "When Keqing mentioned this matter, he was very calm, and he didn't seem to care that this matter was actually his own black history~.

Because of the relationship between inviting the immortal ceremony, Keqing also came back from returning to the original.

Although this year's Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony was not presided over by Keqing, if there is something in Qixing that cannot be reached on time, or if there is something important, there is no problem not to invite the Immortal Ceremony.

It's like in the original plot, but there aren't many seven stars who arrive at the end.

It's not that it's disrespectful to the Emperor of the Rocks, it's that Liyue is too big, and there are Immortal Ceremonies every year, and although the words of the Emperor of the Rocks are important, someone will report them later, and besides, there is Ganyu on the side to record it, so you can't fake it!

No one in Liyue dared to "falsely proclaim the Divine Decree".

"We know, last year, Keqing you questioned the Rock Emperor and the Immortals, right?" Paimon nodded repeatedly, Paimon knew about this matter.

Because of this incident, Ke Qing seems to have been accused by many people of being rebellious, and even the position of the Seven Stars was almost not kept, and in the end, it was Emperor Yan who asked Ganyu to come forward to protect Ke Qing's position and calm down public opinion.

Otherwise, even if the words Chong Keqing said were correct, they would be sprayed to death by the countless brains of the Rock King Emperor.

As we all know, Liyue only has the Imperial Kitchen and the Twisted Imperial Kitchen, oh yes, except for Zhongli!

"When I was young and ignorant, I thought relatively shallowly!" Keqing shook his head slightly, only by understanding the Rock King Emperor and them, did he know the hard work of the Rock King Emperor.

Although Keqing would like to tell the Rock Emperor that you can cut back on some of your work and stop treating Liyue as a burden to you.

But if you think about it, given Liyue's urine nature, if the Rock Emperor really doesn't care about anything, those families and wealthy people in Liyue may become capitalists one by one, and then eat the blood of the people of Liyue.

For those people's discipline, Keqing will not believe it at all.

When the time comes, even if it is them, the Seven Stars, will not be able to stop those guys, and even the power will be controlled by those guys.

That's human nature!

"Huh, Keqing, do you think so?" Paimon was shocked when he heard this.

It stands to reason that Keqing is not the spokesperson of the Renzhi faction?

"Well, the greed of human beings is unimaginable, and only a god like the Emperor of the Rock can curb the greed of these people to a certain extent. Keqing shook her head slightly.

The current Keqing is actually a little dazed.

Are you still human?

If you really want to count it, she can be considered an immortal, right?

Moreover, he became an immortal of the Seven Stars of Liyue.

After all, he still became the person he hated the most.

At the beginning, Grandma Ping also became an immortal when she was almost at her own strength!

Grandma Ping was also a human before!

Of course, humans are not unable to become immortals, at least it seems that the vast majority of humans in the chat group are already immortals.

Maybe it's because of the long time of contact with the seven gods and immortals, some of Keqing's ideas have also changed, and the pattern has gradually become bigger.

At least my eyesight has improved a lot.

Just like the Liyue Bank, it seems that Liyue Bank has taken out the interests of other countries, which seems to be a bit bad for Liyue.

That's a lot of Mora, but actually, it's definitely a good thing for Liyue.

Moreover, it can bring Liyue closer to other countries, which is not something that a few Mora can bring.

If it was before, Keqing would never have thought of this, not to mention that she would not have such a pattern even Ningguang.

But now it's different.

"Uh!" Paimon was eager to remind Keqing that you seem to be human too, right?

But seeing Keqing's serious look, Paimon also scratched his head, forget it, don't ask.

The relationship between them and Keqing is still very good. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There have been several times when I went out to eat, and I was still treated by Keqing, this is a good person.

Ying looked at Ke Qing thoughtfully, maybe Ke Qing also found out that Zhongli was the so-called Rock King Emperor, so he would say such words, right?

It's right to think about it carefully, after all, Keqing is Muyang's woman, and she should have met Zhongli usually, so it's not difficult to find out about these things.

Even an outsider like himself can know these things, and it is impossible for Keqing not to know.

"Liyue is even more lively than our Sumeru. On the other side of Muyang, Nilou and Faruzan muttered quietly.

During this time, the two of them also opened many of Liyue's teleportation anchors.

At least that's the case with the teleportation anchor in Liyue Harbor, and they'll open the teleportation anchor between Sumeru and Liyue later.

It's only temporary, and the two have no place to farm points, which is also a frustration for Nilou and Faruzanne.

The points of swiping points are too far away from them!

I just don't know if they Sumeru don't have as many demon god resentments as Liyue.

Since the issue of forbidden knowledge has been solved, there has not been much of a deal in Sumeru.

As for the demon god's resentment or something, it seems that Sumeru doesn't have such a problem, at least Nilou herself doesn't know.

Maybe even the little auspicious grass king didn't know, otherwise, she would have gone to brush these points in the first place.

Should I say it or not, the Great Mercy Tree King was too merciful at the beginning.

Although the original Sumeru was also regarded as a triumvirate, there was almost no demon god, and he would compete with the Great Cishu King for the position of the grass god.

Even the fool of the Red King is no exception.

The Red King is ambitious, and it's big!

Even in the position of Tianli, Muyang felt that the other party had thought about it.

It's just that his ability is not worthy of his strength, and he has been killed by himself.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!b).

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