Sumeru didn't need to worry about the Demon God's resentment, and he didn't even worry much about the filth of the Abyss.

Before, there was only the problem of the Demon Scale Disease and the Dead Domain.

Of course, if Sumeru needed to face the contamination of the abyssal filth, those guys in the Akademiya wouldn't have so much trouble.

However, it is also possible that they started their plans earlier.

After all, when Nahida faced the abyss pollution, there was not much she could do!

Nilou and Faruzan are frustrated that they can't find a place to farm points, and they plan to find out if there is an undiscovered abyss passage in Sumeru.

Maybe you can find it in some of the ruins.

You know, when it comes to exploring the ruins of Sumeru, I'm afraid there are no more people in Sumeru than Farusan in the whole world. "Four-Eighty-Zero"

If there really is no way, Nilou and Faruzan will only be able to come to Liyue to earn points, and the Emperor of the Rock will not refuse this.

In terms of the strength of Faruzan and Nilou, how many points can they rub even if they want to!

When they grow up, I'm afraid the way to brush the abyss won't be like it is now, right?

"Didn't Zhongli and the others come?" Paimon glanced around, Keqing and Ningguang were there, Kamisato Ayaka was there as the representative of Inazuma, Faruzan and Nilou were there as the representative of Sumeru, Barbra was here as the representative of Mondstadt, well, she was also staying at Muyang's house these days.

Even Tartaglia and Lady Rosalyn came to the scene, but Zhongli, who has been inseparable from Tartaglia almost all the time?

At this time, where did Zhongli go?

()~, Ying glanced at Paimon a little speechlessly, sometimes, Paimon looked like he didn't know anything, but every time he seemed to be able to point to the point.

"Well, for many Liyue people, the Immortal Ceremony is held once a year, so there doesn't seem to be any need to come here in particular. Mu Yang explained softly.

Paimon nodded abruptly, his strange knowledge increasing.

Ningguang stood on the high platform, scanning everyone at the scene, for no reason, Ningguang was also nervous in his heart at this moment.

They all knew that Emperor Rock was going to do something big this time, but this time, they didn't know how Emperor Rock was going to do big things.

Everything is unknown, even Ningguang is apprehensive when facing these things.

If they mess up this matter, then at that time, their own Tianquan Star will really be stinking for 10,000 years!

"The auspicious time has arrived, please emperor!" Ningguang took a deep breath, glanced at Ganyu not far away, and after the preparation time was almost complete, he said loudly.

Almost instantly, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

"Something is wrong!" Ying looked at the breath in the sky with an ugly expression: "The breath of the abyss, why is there such a strong breath of the abyss here?"

When Mu Yang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, good guy, Zhongli, the sixth child, is going to make trouble!

Like Muyang and them, even Tartaglia and Rosalyn are confused at the moment.

They were naturally no strangers to the abyssal aura, especially Tartaglia, who had lived in the abyss for a while.

Before, Tartaglia and Rosalyn didn't know why the Ice Empress would ask them to come to Yujing Terrace to see the Immortal Ceremony.

After all, the Ice Empress didn't let them continue to snatch the Heart of God before.

They were also reluctant to bring a strong enemy like the Rock King Emperor to the Solstice Kingdom.

The Fatui were too easy to deal with just the Harlequins, let alone Liyue and the Rock Emperor.

Especially the lady Rosalyn, she is confused at the moment, and Rosalyn also guesses Zhongli's identity.

Wasn't Zhongli okay before?

Why is it that at this time, there is so much abyssal aura here, could it be that the seven gods have directly chosen to fall now, and they want to join the abyss?

But that's not possible!

According to their own investigations, the seven gods all hate the abyss.

Could it be that these things were arranged by Muyang?

It seems that Muyang has the trouble of solving the pollution of the abyss, and the plan of polluting the Rock King Emperor was designed by Muyang?

It can't be either!

Even Rosalind was confused at this time, and for a while, they couldn't find the truth, after all, if they didn't join the chat group, they couldn't have imagined that now for them, the so-called abyss pollution is not worth mentioning at all........

"It does seem to be the abyssal breath, I'm too familiar with it.

An abyssal aura appeared on the Immortal Ceremony, this is impossible!" Tartaglia muttered.

"Let's keep watching, remember to wait, don't act rashly. Rosalyn glanced at Tartaglia and admonished.

At this time, Rosalyn was really worried about Tartaglia Hulai, if Tartaglia saw that the Rock King Emperor was polluted by the abyss, it was difficult to guarantee that he would not make a move against the Rock King Emperor, then even Tartaglia might be implicated at that time.

For them, the matter of the Ice Empress is the most important.

"It seemed like something big was going to happen, and I had a bad premonition. Keqing muttered. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It seems that the Rock King Emperor is playing bigger than he thought, but if his induction is not wrong, it seems that the breath of the demon god has come from the other side of the sea.

[Keqing: "I felt the breath of the demon god, and Oser was released at this time?"

Ningguang: "This time, I may be in real trouble. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Wait until I'm going to show up, don't panic." "

Muyang: "Appearing as a villain?After all, in the current Liyue story, you have an accident and have been sealed by the Rock King Emperor 1.5. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Of course, it's to find trouble with Morax, a thousand years of resentment, and An can be calmed!"

If I were to show up in Liyue Harbor at this time, I'm afraid all of these people in Liyue would be scared to death. "

Muyang: "It's hard for someone not to be scared!"

But Oser seems to be coming out, so be careful. It is estimated that in less than two hours, Osal's seal will be completely opened. "

Keqing: "Completely opened?"

Muyang: "Well, get ready, I'm afraid it will have a big impact on Liyue Harbor at that time." d"】

(Good guys, a new chapter of the pirates is out, Shanks turned out to be a Draconian, a descendant of the Knights of the Gods, this comic is really an adventure game for the second generation!).

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