"Ying, the Abyss Order and the people of Kanria are trying to use the power of the Abyss to pollute the Rock King..."Paimon looked at Ying worriedly.

Speaking of the power of the abyss, Paimon now subconsciously thought of Sora.

After all, they all knew that Sora had something to do with Kanria in the first place, and that he was still the prince of the Abyss Order, and if Liyue and the Abyss Order went to war, Ying might be caught in the middle.

The current glow seems to be Liyue's Dimensity Star.

Even if it's the reserve of the acting Dimensity Star, it is also the Dimensity Star!

During the period of acting for Celestial Star, Ying Ke has the power to act on behalf of Celestial Star.

Paimon believed in Ying and let Ying betray Liyue, which was impossible, not to mention the dangers of the Abyss Order, but Ying herself was a very kind person, and it was impossible for Ying to ignore it if she saw the Abyss Order invading Liyue.

Moreover, if the Seven Gods are polluted by the power of the abyss, then the entire Teyvat Continent will probably be doomed.

Ying Wenyan also frowned, she found that this incident seemed to be out of her expectations.

Emperor Rock is making such a fuss, does he want to see his own decision?


No one will tempt the abyss - people.

Maybe the Rock King Emperor is very powerful, but it can't be the opponent of the abyss, and with the breath of the abyss, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Sora, why are you doing this?

Could it be that because he wanted to stay in Liyue, Sora wanted to sow discord between himself and Liyue, so that the people of Liyue would not trust him and deliberately attack the Emperor of the Rocks?

Thinking of this possibility, Ying said that her fists were hard!

If you have the opportunity to see the empty, you must beat the empty one.

Ying looked at Mu Yang beside him and asked, "Have you ever seen empty, can you do it if you are allowed to empty a blank meal?"

"It can be done..."The corners of Mu Yang's mouth couldn't help twitching: "But it doesn't seem to be necessary, right?"

After all, this is not necessarily a wasted thing. "

"It doesn't matter if he did it or not, but his identity is also a problem, I need you to help me beat him!" Ying gritted her teeth and said coldly: "When I think of that guy now, my teeth are itching." "

Mu Yang looked at the sky silently, Brother Kong, this is a disaster!

However, your sister asked me to beat you, so I won't be embarrassed then.

It's just that where Sora is now, even Muyang doesn't know.

After all, if the headquarters of the Abyss Order was so easy to find, it would have been destroyed long ago.

Previously, Mu Yang marked the spatial coordinates of the sky when he ran to the wolf leader, and remembered the location of the original space teleportation, but when Mu Yang passed along the "network line", he found that it was not the headquarters of the Abyss Sect at all, and it was not even a base.

At present, the only thing Mu Yang knows is that the headquarters of the Abyss Cult is located under the Teyvat Continent, that is, the land of Kanria at the beginning, but because of the original incident, the entire Teyvat Underground has been abandoned.

This also led to Mu Yang wanting to find the headquarters of the Abyss Order, which was really difficult!

Seeing Muyang's hesitation, Ying also knew that if she wanted to beat the air for no reason, it would definitely be a very troublesome thing, and it would even bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to Muyang.

This made Ying bite her lip, and for a while, she couldn't come out with the chips that could make Muyang's heart move.

Is it possible to make a personal promise?

It is true that Muyang is really good, even if he has traveled to many worlds, Muyang is also one of the best he has ever seen.

It is also the one who takes the most care of himself.

All along, Muyang has indeed taken good care of herself, which made Ying very moved.

If the empty space was still there, Ying would naturally not be too moved, but before her, she had no relatives!

Muyang has been helping her all the time, and has also helped her find her brother.

Although they haven't brought the empty back yet, at least they know the location of their brother, and Muyang also told him how to bring his brother back, and let himself atone for what his brother did.

With such care, how can Ying not be moved?

Moreover, I don't know if it's a relationship between the adventists, Ying Zai also has an indescribable sense of closeness in the face of Muyang's opponent.

Sometimes, Ying even thinks about whether she wants to give Muyang a child, and then wonder if she will come to visit his nephew...

This time, if Muyang can really beat him up, he will...

After all, there are a lot of girls around Muyang, if she is willing to be with Muyang, Ying feels that Muyang will definitely not refuse.

She is so beautiful, and she also likes Teyvat Continent quite a lot, if it weren't for the problem of the abyss, Ying would also want to settle in Teyvat Continent, this world is really good.

Moreover, Ying is also tired of traveling between worlds, traveling, and finding a world she likes to settle in, which seems to be very good.

Of course, Muyang still needs to beat himself up.

"There's something wrong with that, we need to keep order first and then we have a meeting. Keqing said pointedly to Yingyi.

After all, the current Ying is also a Dimensity Star, and she is also going to a meeting at this time.

"Don't you doubt me?" Seeing that Ke Qing still called herself to a meeting at this time, Ying Wenyan was also stunned for a moment.

The other party also knows his true identity.

I have a brother who is the Abyss Order, and now the Emperor of the Rock King is being plotted by the Abyss Order, no matter how you look at it, there is a major problem, right?

"Why should you be suspicious?" Ke Qing looked at Ying with a serious expression and said, "It's just that even the Rock King Emperor didn't make a move on you before leaving.

He knows who you are, too!

Moreover, Yingyou are my friend, the Celestial Star of Liyue, and although you are only a reserve, you are already equivalent to the Celestial Star.

You are eligible to attend the conference.

Ying, we need your help too. "

After that, she has to face Osier, although her strength has improved a lot, but she has never fought with a strong person at the level of a demon god, and Ying is a good helper.

Keqing knows the importance of being strong in the flesh, and heard Muyang say that Ying's current strength is not as good as that of the Demon God, but it is very durable, and it is also very difficult for ordinary Demon God to kill Ying.

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