Muyang once told Keqing that he had to bring a meat shield to play a group.

Especially when fighting a demon god like Oselle, a strong person like Ying can definitely bring benefits to himself, and Ying is also the best meat shield.

It is said that Ying's physical body resistance level is definitely at the level of a demon god.

Although Keqing is often attacked beyond the level of the Seven Gods, Muyang is more often restrained, after all, Muyang can't let Keqing break his bones at every turn, right?

And to deal with Oser or something, Keqing also knew that Muyang would never be able to deal with Osier, and Oser did not have this qualification.

Ying was also in a trance when she heard Keqing's words.

Is this to help yourself?

But at this time, what can I do?

"Keqing, we are friends, what do you know, please tell me!" Ying's eyes flickered slightly, staring at Keqing and said seriously.

"We are friends, although I want to use your strength, but please believe me, we will not hurt you, and what happens next will be good for you!" Keqing saw Ying's appearance, and looked at Ying with the same serious expression.

The two sides looked at each other for a long time, and Ying nodded slightly, for Keqing, Ying naturally recognized "Nine Five-Zero".

This is a man of integrity, and apart from some moments, he is a very good person.

Moreover, Ying didn't think that Keqing was calculating herself.

In any case, the current Ying is also the reserve of the Tianji Star recognized by the Emperor of the Rock King, and even if it is a reserve, it has been approved by the Emperor of the Rock King!

Out of recognition of the Rock King Emperor's recognition of herself, Ying felt that she also needed to repay the other party's trust in her.

"I understand!" Ying glanced at Keqing deeply, then glanced at Muyang on the side and nodded and said.

"I'm here to maintain order, Ganyu, please convene the Seven Stars Conference. Ningguang also whispered to Ganyu at this time.

Ganyu nodded slightly, and agreed with an extremely subtle expression.

I am professionally trained, and I will never be able to laugh!

There is no way, even Ganyu thinks that the acting skills of the previous Emperor of the Rock King are really poor.

Emperor Rock doesn't know how to act at all.

Maybe ordinary people will believe what Emperor Rock did before, but the people in the chat group really can't believe Emperor Rock King!

Just after Ningguang began to maintain order on the scene, the sound of an earthquake came from a distance, and even an extremely terrifying aura was heard.

This caused chaos in the whole of Liyue, the Rock Emperor had a problem before, and now the ground was shaking wildly, and the whole of Liyue could erupt with such a terrifying aura, I am afraid that the only one who could erupt with such a terrifying aura was the Rock Emperor Emperor.

Is the Rock King at war with the Abyss?

The whole of Liyue instantly became panicked.

Hu Tao looked at the northwest with a worried expression, and then looked at Xingqiu and Chongyun beside him: "You say, should we go over to help Emperor Yanwang!"

"The Rock King Emperor has the reputation of a martial god, and he is one of the best existences among the seven gods, can we participate in such a battle?" Xingqiu looked at Hu Tao a little speechlessly.

It was a battle at the level of the Seven Gods, and it was not something they could participate in.

"Indeed, what we should be doing now is to help keep the situation in Liyue in order. Chongyun nodded approvingly.

During this time, his strength has improved a lot.

Although Shenhe did not return to the family, he would occasionally find Chongyun to guide him in his cultivation.

Shenhe's strength is definitely the first in today's family.

Even if they didn't join the chat group, the Shenhe Inheritance, who was an immortal disciple, didn't know how much higher they were than Chongyun.

It is precisely because of Shenhe's teachings that Chongyun's strength has improved a lot during this time, and his vision has also improved a lot.

The battle of the Rock King Emperor is not something they can participate in, and when they get there, they can't help the Rock King Emperor, not to mention, they are likely to lose their lives in vain.

"Well, I'm going to a meeting! Ganyu they seem to be calling me. Xingqiu nodded slightly and said softly.

He had been in the General Affairs Division for a period of time, and he had also worked for Yuehaiting, so he naturally knew Ganyu.

In the past, Ganyu would assist Qixing in his work, but at this critical moment, Qixing had to listen to Ganyu...

Muyang: "You guys seem to be playing a little big! Liyue is starting to mess up. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind from the true monarch: "There is no way, after all, it is to create an illusion for some people, and it is impossible for the Emperor of the Rock King to be suppressed at will."

It can only be the Dragon King of Ruotuo, with the help of our immortals, to suppress the Emperor of the Rock and solve the pollution of the abyss. "

Ningguang: "My heart is a little delicate, I have heard that the Emperor of the Rock King and the immortals suppressed the Demon God, even the Ruotuo Dragon King has been suppressed, but I didn't expect that this time it was the turn of the Emperor of the Rock King to be suppressed." "

Ryuda: "This time it's a scene, I was deliberately suppressed by Morax and them, and now it's my turn to suppress Morax.

I'm still a little cautious!"

Zhongli: "Ahem, remember to pretend to lose both!!, and don't hit me in the face!"

The Dragon King: "Who told you to pull my tail!"

Venti: "By the way, is it too late for me to come over now?"

Mu Yang: "Shocked! The Rock King Emperor and the Ruotuo Dragon King both fell, and the mastermind behind it turned out to be the wind god Barbatos!"

Venti: "I didn't, I wasn't, don't talk nonsense, even if you tie me up, you can't be the opponent of Morax and the Rhoda Dragon King!!"

Muyang: "The plan to assassinate the Emperor of the Rock was formulated by Barbatos! "

Ray Movie: "I just don't know, will there be other movements on the other side of the abyss, they first want to pollute Barbatos, and now Morax is also pretending to be polluted by them, do I have to pretend on my side?"

Muyang: "You can pretend that you are worn out, and then run to the Solstice to cut it, or you are in a bad mood and seek revenge from the Solstice and cut off the harlequin."

With your strength, it's not difficult to cut off the harlequin. "

Ice Empress: "Wait, if Balzebu messes around, most of the Winter Kingdom will be gone!"

They had all seen Lei movies shoot before, and even the Ice Empress had to admit that the current Lei movies were much stronger than they were at the beginning.

Even if it is the Thunder Dragon King, today's Thunder Movie can be played into a five-five, Thunder Movie has the ability to kill the Harlequin, and also has the ability to demolish the Solstice Kingdom!!

Ray Movie: "It's the Ice God thing...

However, it is necessary to kill a few Kanria people, but now it is difficult to find the high-level of Kanriya at the beginning..."

If he could, Ray would naturally want to kill Reindot.

If it weren't for Rheindot's careless research, the dark calamity would not have erupted, his sister would not have died, and his friends would not have died.

Although now my sister and Fox Palace have been resurrected, I still have a lot of friends who were also sacrificed because of the dark calamity.

These guys, who want to resurrect them now, can't find their souls.

This is the eternal pain in the heart of the Ray movie.

Kanria, damn it!

Asmodeus: "Some of them were killed, but there are many remnants of Kanria. "

Diluc: "Ahem, there are still some people who don't deserve to die... I have a friend who once told me that he has a friend who is a descendant of Kanria, but they really want to join the Seven Kingdoms, and they even go so far as to oppose Kanria. "

Muyang: "... You don't need to make friends out of nothing, either.

Although he will not regard the other person as his real person, he will not target that person. "

Diluc: "Thank you. "

Venti: "Hey, it seems that our Lord Diluc still cares about his brother-in-law." "

Diluc: "..."

Well, it seems that the identity of his brother-in-law is not a secret at all.

Muyang: "But, Alice, I'm going to report it."

Kaeya, that guy often teaches Klee some of the crap.

He also often tricks Klee into trouble. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Alice: "... I know, when I get back from the abyss, I'll go to him for trouble. Evil Guy!"

Although Alice herself didn't mind Klee making a fuss, otherwise, she wouldn't have taught Klee to play fried eggs at such a young age.

She herself is a lawless lord, but Alice also 5.9 hopes that Klee can have a happy childhood, and it is better to learn a little knowledge, not like herself.

Alice said that she gave Klee to Albedo, but it was Jean who really asked for it.

She thinks Jean can give Klee the best care she can give.

As it turns out, Klee is having a good time in Mondstadt, but she seems to be messing around, just like she was at the beginning.

She doesn't hate Klee like this very much, and she is even very relieved that she deserves to be her daughter.

But she's also dissatisfied with Kaeya, that evil imp is definitely bewitching Klee into trouble!

There is a difference between Klee taking the initiative to get into trouble and being bewitched into trouble.

Jean: "Looks like I'm still giving him too little work!"

At this moment, Jean's heart is not very good, Kaeya usually touches the fish, it turns out that Klee is still bewitched by Kaeya, thinking about the picture of how she handled things for Klee before, Jean is a little painful!]

(Recently, I have conjunctivitis in my eyes, and my eyes feel uncomfortable when I look at the screen, and the number of code words may be reduced, I hope you can understand.) According to the saying, try not to look at the computer. It may be that the computer was used too much some time ago. )。

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