[Muyang: "Zhongli, Ruotuo Dragon King, how is your battle? Do you want me to participate in it?"

After all, Morax, as the Seven Gods, was polluted by the abyss, and it was impossible for Sky Island to turn a blind eye. "

Asmodeus: "Why don't you let me come!"

Zhongli: "Are you going to make a move? In this way, the Rock King Emperor can also disappear for a while!"

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Then what should I do? Didn't you say before, let me and you both lose?"

Zhongli: "Let the maintainer of Heavenly Principle also hurt you." "

There is indeed a hatred between the Dragon King and Tianli, and there is nothing wrong with it, but the Ruotuo Dragon King does not have such a problem.

If the Heart of God really had the authority that belonged to the Rock Dragon King, Zhongli wouldn't mind giving the Heart of God to the Dragon King of Ruoda, but the Heart of God didn't seem to have any effect on the Dragon King of Ruoda, at least not the Dragon King himself.

Rata Dragon King: "!!"

Morax, you don't have a heart!

He can't beat Asmodeus!

Muyang: "Ahem, you guys should solve this as soon as possible, I can feel that Oser is about to break the seal."

It's almost time for you to get ready. "

Zhongli: "Okay, I'll have a wave with Ruotuo. "】


On the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, Sora came here with the Abyss Mage, and according to the 27 words of the Abyss Mage, Osier can break through the seal today.

It's very close to Liyue Harbor, and Otir, strengthened by the power of the Abyss, will inevitably cause some trouble for Morax, or at least some for Liyue Harbor.

It's impossible that after Ossell came out, he met Morax, and then he was seconds away.

Osel is also the overlord of the sea, the demon god of the whirlpool, it can't be like this, right?

However, whether it is an empty or an abyss mage, he is still confused at this time.

They all already knew about the matter of inviting the Immortal Ceremony before, not to mention that Ying had become the reserve of Tianji Star, that is, the Rock King Emperor Morax was polluted by the power of the abyss, and they also noticed this.

Morax says that their Abyssal Church designed to pollute him, and Sora says that he is innocent.

There is absolutely no way they did it!

At least Sora and his own subordinates didn't do it.

However, Sora suspected that Reindot or the Harlequin had done it.

The people who want to take revenge on the Seven Gods are not only their Abyss Order, but also many Kanria people, but most of these people are helpless against the Seven Gods.

There are not many really strong people, but there are actually so many people who want to do this.

For example, Gold Rheindot, Sora has no doubt that the other party can do this.

Let the Seven Gods fall into the abyss, Sora said that he only wanted to make the wind god Barbatos fall before, but he didn't hit the rock god Morax with his idea.

After all, Morax's temper is not very good, and it is said that during the Demon God War, Liyue was the place where the Demon God fell the most, and there were a large number of Demon Gods sealed under the clouds.

Even if it's empty, he doesn't think that he can defeat Morax one-on-one, and when the time comes, Morax has no scruples, and his side is really going to be finished.

Moreover, he also has a younger sister, and Sora doesn't dare to touch Morax's bottom line, at least at this stage, Sora won't do it.

But now Morax is polluted by the power of the abyss, and he will definitely not be wrong about that.

Who the hell is so fierce!!

Whether Morax can recover after that, Sora will not doubt this, he has not seen that after falling into the abyss, he can recover.

However, now that Morax has a problem, Liyue will be in chaos, and if Osir is added, then Liyue will almost be destroyed.

Even if there are three-eyed and five-visible immortals, Sora doesn't think they are Osier's opponents, after all, this time, what they brought is a strengthened version of Osier.

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Sora discovers a blind spot, and he finally realizes his previous problem, as if he has forgotten the existence of a person.

(╯)╯┻┻, if that man makes a move, it seems that Osel is not enough to see at all!

I'm afraid that he was cut by Mu Yang with a sword just after breaking the seal.

For Muyang's strength, Kong still has some understanding, this person is definitely not under him, and in the case of not being able to kill the other party, Kong is still unwilling to offend Muyang.

Forget it, let's go find Muyang, maybe you can win over Muyang, after all, even the Rock King Emperor Morax is polluted by the abyss.

This Teyvat continent is really hopeless.

At this time, Muyang should also think about leaving the Teyvat Continent, and only by cooperating with them can Muyang have hope.

Just as Sora was about to do something, his expression became solemn, and a ray of light descended from Sky Island, which made Sora tremble.

It's that woman!

How did the maintainer of Heavenly Reason come about?

Sora also knew about the awakening of the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, and when he found out that he had messed up the world and been eroded by the abyss, he planned to leave the Teyvat Continent with Ying, but he was stopped by this woman.

At that time, he and Ying, who were in their heyday, joined forces, and when facing the maintainer of heavenly principles, Sora also felt powerless.

Maybe compared to the powerhouses of other worlds, the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle may not be nothing, at least Sora has also seen a stronger existence than the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle.

But in this world, the maintainer of Heavenly Reason is indeed very powerful, and even Sora has never seen a stronger existence than the maintainer of Heavenly Principle.

Fortunately, in order to seal the power of the abyss before, the power consumption of the maintainer of Tianli was too great, otherwise, Sora really didn't have the confidence to face the maintainer of Tianli.

Only now, why has the maintainer of Heavenly Principle also appeared?

Could it be for Morax?

Thinking of this, Kong's heart couldn't help but feel worried, if their plan was discovered by the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, would this be a failure?

At this time, Sora himself didn't know what to say.

Have you been cheated?

Of course, Morax's descent into the abyss seems to be worth more than destroying Liyue.

The main thing is that this is not my own plan!

If the maintainers of Heavenly Reason find out about their plans, then the pot will fall on them. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your Royal Highness, what should we do now?" the Abyss Mage asked, looking at the void in a bit of a daze.

If it weren't for the fact that he had been by Sora's side all the time, knowing that Sora hadn't arranged for them to pollute Morax, he would have wanted to slap Sora at this time.

After all, this is Morax!!

It is said that he is the strongest of the Seven Gods, and if the Abyss Order starts a war against Teyvat in the future, then the rock god Morax will definitely be one of their most difficult enemies.

Well, Morax isn't a threat anymore.

Regardless of who did this, the Abyss Mage wanted to praise the other party for doing a great job.

"Let's hide ourselves, if the maintainers of Heavenly Reason find out about us, we may be in a lot of trouble.

I'm not afraid of her, but it's not the time for a decisive battle. "It's impossible for Sora to tell these subordinates of his that he and his sister can't defeat the maintainer of Heavenly Reason when they join forces!

There is still a lot of force, if they let them know their black history, it will be difficult to bring this team in the future.

"What His Royal Highness the Prince said is extremely true!" the Abyss Mage was convinced.

After all, the strength of the sky is indeed strong, if it wasn't for the help of Sumeru to fight the dark calamity, I'm afraid that Tianli and the Seven Gods would not be able to destroy 620 Kanria at all.

Although they couldn't figure out why Kanria had so much power to protect Sumeru at that time, weren't they Kanria's enemies?

If it weren't for the fact that they had sent a large amount of power to help Sumeru solve the dark calamity, they would not have necessarily lost to the Seven Gods and Celestial Reason.

It's just that the abyss mage seems to have forgotten that the Seven Gods and Heavenly Principles needed to face not only Kanria, but even the demonic beasts of the abyss were also the objects they needed to destroy.

Even the abyssal demonic beasts that appeared in the Seven Kingdoms were so terrifying, let alone the monsters that appeared in Kanriya.

Raiden is really strong, although it is a little worse than the thunder movie, but it is definitely not a weak and deceitful god.

She still has the average strength of the seven gods, but even such a thunderbolt is true, she still fell in that disaster.

The machines and powerhouses of Kanria do have good strength, but the demons of the abyss also greatly consume the strength of the Seven Gods and Tianli's side, and finally they have to give up Kanria's side.

"Hmm!" Sora looked at the side of the maintainer of Heavenly Reason, and he didn't know if he would startle the snake this time!


On the side of Nantianmen, the battle between Zhongli and Zhong Kui has also come to the white-hot stage, and the three-eyed and five-visible immortals have also joined the battlefield, it can be said that this time, it is Ruotuo Dragon King, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch, Moon Cutting Zhuyang True Monarch, Lishui Stacked Mountain True Monarch, Gechenlang City True Monarch, and Demon Suppressing Great Sage, joining forces to fight the Rock King Emperor Morax.

Even in the face of so many strong men, Morax still showed extremely terrifying strength, and the two sides fought an inseparable battle.

In order to prevent Zhongli from being eroded by the abyss, this point has been made, but the combat power still has to be preserved!

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