In order to cooperate with Morax, the Dragon King of Ruotuo and a group of immortals can be regarded as desperate to act.

They all burst out with the strength that should have erupted, of course, compared to their real strength now, it is definitely inferior.

Because of Muyang's relationship, the wear and tear on their bodies have been solved, and coupled with the relationship between cultivating the immortal cultivation method, their strength has improved more or less, but now they can't come out with all their strength, which is itself for acting.

At this time, it is natural to help the Rock King Emperor show his strength.

Even Ruotuo Dragon King at this time also restrained his strength and cooperated with Morax to act.

Moreover, it is normal to not be able to take Morax, after all, the Dragon King of Ruoda himself is in the middle of the match with Morax, which is recognized in itself.

Now that the Emperor of the Rock King is crazy, that kind of desperate fighting style will naturally make Ruotuo Dragon King have some scruples.

After the pretending to fight between the two sides was almost over, the maintainer of heavenly reason appeared.

"What are you doing?" Ruotuo Dragon King saw the arrival of the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, and his tone was also "surprised", after all, Heavenly Principles were not very friendly to them, the Elemental Dragon Kings.

But it is also impossible to kill them all, after all, these dragon kings are the real foundation.

If the Dragon King is completely gone, then the elemental system of the Teyvat Continent will also collapse.

Although according to the current situation, even if there is a big problem in the leyline, there seems to be no problem.

After all, the spiritual veins have already begun to appear!

After that, Teyvat's power system is destined to change, and even upgrade.

For example, there is a gradual aura in the world, and some special places, such as the places that are specially cared for by Muyang, will have a lot more aura than ordinary places in the future, and then there will be a lot of mountain beasts turning into shapes and finally becoming immortals.

The appearance of immortals is actually very harsh, and there are not many immortals left in Liyue today, and most of them have fallen.

The main reason is that the birth of immortals is very difficult, and the leylines are disordered and active during the Demon God War, at that time, natural disasters, there are many monsters and demon gods, and the chaos is a little chaotic, but for the mountain elves, this is definitely the best opportunity.

Relying on active elemental power, animals like Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch obtained the best environment for cultivation.

And like before, it is actually not particularly suitable for cultivating immortal methods.

It can be said that after the formation of the Seven Gods system, the activity of the leylines has also decreased greatly, and the Teyvat Continent has also entered the era of the end of the law in disguise.

But after that, with the formation of spiritual veins, the probability of becoming immortals in the mountains and wild spirits will also increase, and of course, the possibility of becoming a monster will also increase greatly.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Dragon King of Ruotuo should have an immortal relationship with the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, well, at least on the surface.

The maintainer of Heavenly Reason glanced at Morax, who was still "going crazy", and snorted lightly: "Even the rock god has been polluted by the power of the abyss.

I'll take him away, fix the abyssal pollution on him, and in a few days, he'll be back!"

After saying that, the maintainer of Heavenly Reason stretched out his palm, and a large number of black squares appeared near Morax's huge body, heading towards Morax.

Seeing that he was about to be sealed, Morax let out a furious roar, releasing an incomparably terrifying momentum, trying to resist, endless elemental power erupted from Morax's body, and almost instantly, a large number of rocky mountains were formed under Morax's explosion.

Even the seal of Asmodeus was blocked by Morax for a while.

"Help me control him, if you want him to be okay!" Seeing this, the maintainer of Heavenly Reason also jumped and said in a cold voice.

This time, it was to help Morax lay the strong man's qualification, but he didn't need to maintain it?

If you can't solve it with even one Morax, do you still want to be the maintainer of Heavenly Reason?

However, Asmodeus also knew that at this time, he, the maintainer of heavenly principles, also needed to show weakness to the enemy.

Wanting to suppress the previous Morax was a bit troublesome for Asmodeus, but it wasn't difficult.

And now, Morax's strength has increased, but similarly, Asmodeus's strength has also improved.

This time, Asmodeus is also here to show his weakness.

If your side is weak, the Abyss Order and those abyssal forces will become more and more rampant, which is also a good thing for the Teyvat Continent.

Hearing Asmodeus's words, the Three-Eyed and Five-Eyed Immortals all looked at the Dragon King of Ruoda.

It's a play, but the acting has to be a full set.

Naturally, it was impossible for them, the subordinates of the Rock King Emperor, to help the maintainers of Heavenly Principle deal with their own Rock King Emperor.

Although the Rock King Emperor is also a subordinate of the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, for the Three-Eyed and Five Visible Immortals, they only recognize the Rock King Emperor, as for the others, not to mention the maintainers of Heavenly Principles, even if Heavenly Principles come, it will not work.

Of course, this is only on the surface, in fact, they still recognize Muyang very much.

Under the leadership of Mu Yang, the Teyvat Continent is also getting better and better, and the world that was originally destined to be destroyed is now also alive, as long as Mu Yang is not going to deal with the Rock King Emperor, they immortals will naturally support Mu Yang.

But the others don't know about these things, so they need to consult the Rhoda Dragon King, who is a dependant of the Rock Emperor, who is as powerful as the Rock Emperor, and is the only one of Liyue's "immortals" who has his own people.

This is a transcendent existence, and there is no problem in saying that the Dragon King of Ruotuo is the head of all immortals.

At this time, the Emperor of the Rock King went crazy, and the immortals naturally wanted the Ruotuo Dragon King to command.

"I'll go in and help suppress Morax!You help the maintainers of Heavenly Reason!" The Ryodron King took a deep look at Asmodeus in the sky, and then launched a physical reload against Morax, slamming into Morax's body, using his own body to resist Morax's burst of power.

Seeing this, Asmodeus hurriedly sealed these two directly in one go. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it weren't for the fact that they didn't know that this was a show, they would have to wonder if Asmodeus had come to Liyue to buy the goods, so they would buy one get one free, and take away their high-end combat power in Liyue in one go.

"When the power of the Abyss is gone, I will send Morax back to watch over Liyue during this time. After Asmode's indifferent admonition, he directly dragged the huge black-red seal lattice towards the location of Sky Island.

The three-eyed and five-visible immortals who left the scene looked at each other, worthy of being the maintainers of heavenly principles, and they were really indifferent enough.

But they didn't have much anger, Asmodeus, as the maintainer of heavenly principles, came out to act at this time, which was already very face-saving.

They can't ask for too much either.

And all this was also seen by some abyss mages.

On the Teyvat continent, almost all the abyssal mages are related to the abyss, and most of them are sent to the continent by the Abyss Order.

The Abyss Order allowed these Abyss Mages to observe the continent of Teyvat.

[Ruota Dragon King: "How's it going?

I've even been sealed away this time!"

Keqing: "So what did you guys look like? I saw a huge red lattice flying towards the sky here in Liyue Harbor. "

Zhongli: "This is to seal me and the Ruotuo Dragon King...

What's going on in Liyue Harbor now?"

Ganyu: "Before, I could barely maintain order, but because your battle was too noisy, and the symptoms of your sealing were too obvious, now it's chaotic again...

A lot of dark things are starting to bubble up. "

Muyang: "Do you dare to believe it? I was walking on the street and was robbed." "

Ray Movie: "Is Liyue so messy?"

Venti: "Which brave man is so brave?"

Grandma Ping: "There are good people and darkness in every place, maybe Mr. Muyang, you make too many people envious, right?"

Muyang: "I can understand, anyway, the other party (good, good) was directly dismantled by Shenhe's bones, in other words, this is the first time since Shenhe became my guard."

If it weren't for Kamisato Ayaka's dissuasion, I would have doubted that she would have buried people directly.

I doubt very much that this is the first time Shenhe has buried someone. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "It's not the first time, there were many treasure thieves who would go to the Absolute Cloud to make trouble before, wanting to find treasures, and many times, Shenhe would take action, dig a pit, bury them, and leave only one head outside, and wait until five days later to let them go."

Because of Shenhe's behavior, there are now very few Treasure Hoarders in the Absolute Cloud Circle. "

Like you, Shen Baobao!

Muyang: "I see, it's understandable.

Even for outlaws like the Treasure Hoarders, they wouldn't dare to do it again.

It's a process of slowly feeling death. "

Don't underestimate the despair of being buried alive, even if your head is outside, but you yourself are extremely desperate.

I didn't expect that Shenhe, who could break a boulder in his chest, would have such a side.

It seems weirdly cute.

Ningguang: "What do we need to say now?"

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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