[Zhongli: "Just say that the Emperor of the Rock King was polluted by the power of the abyss and was plotted.

With the help of the Three-Eyed Five Immortals and the Dragon King of Ruotuo, the maintainers of Heavenly Principle temporarily sealed the Emperor of the Rock King.

The Emperor of the Rock King temporarily went to Sky Island to get rid of the pollution of the abyss, and the Dragon King of Ruotuo went to accompany the Emperor of the Rock King. "

Asmodeus: "Do you want to spread the word about Skye?"

Although Asmodeus didn't care about this matter, Fanes tried his best to hide the truth of the Teyvat continent before, even the existence of Sky Island was a secret in the eyes of most people.

Muyang: "For this, there is no need to hide it too much.

In the future, the continent of Teyvat will also slowly expand, and the false sky will also become the real sky, and I want to shape the real stars and moons. "

Asmodeus: "..."

You said it directly in the chat group, do I still have the right to refuse?

These will change over time, the pollution of the abyss, Teyvat Continent is not afraid, this is just Teyvat's nourishment.

All they lacked now was 007 time.

I hope that this time the enemy will be weak, and at the same time highlight part of the background can be effective.

Sometimes, Asmodeus himself wondered why Morax did this, not only to make Liyue not have the power of the Seven Gods on the surface, but also to show that Keqing was comparable to the power of the immortals.

It is even up to the humans to defeat Othello.

But since Muyang agreed, Asmodeus naturally didn't care too much.

Moreover, as the maintainer of heavenly principles, she also hopes that this world can get better and better.

If the world can become stronger, the one who benefits the most is Muyang, the Heavenly Principle, followed by the Great Cishu King, Nahida and her, the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle.

They are closely related to Teyvat.

In the future, if Lei Film can truly become one of the four rulers, she can also achieve such benefits in the future.

Of course, if this world becomes stronger, as the Seven Gods, it can also become even more powerful, and the Seven Gods themselves hold the authority of the world, but the benefits are far less than that of Asmodeus.

Keqing: "Is it a real starry sky? Maybe Mona will be very happy after knowing about it!"

Ganyu: "I've already released this information, Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch, please explain the situation as a representative of the immortals, if it was just Qixing and me, the people of Liyue might not believe it." "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Wait a minute, because of the previous battle between the Emperor of the Rock King and the Ruotuo Dragon King, the leylines on the side of Nantianmen have been disordered, and we need to suppress the leylines."

I hope that after having a spiritual vein in the future, the leyline can be stabilized. It doesn't make us stabilize from time to time. "

Ningguang: "The leylines are disordered, this is fine, right?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "In the end, it is the battle between the Rock King Emperor and the Ruotuo Dragon King, if they don't fight more fiercely, those rats hiding in the dark will not believe it." "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Huh, it's finally out, the most hated feeling in my life is the feeling of being sealed."

It's the first time I've come to Sky Island, and I didn't expect that I, as the Dragon King, would one day go to Sky Island. "

Muyang: "Has the lockdown been lifted?"

In fact, the impact is not very big, and there is no problem for you to come back directly. "

Zhongli: "Well, we're already on our way back. "

At the end of the day, neither the Dragon King nor Morax liked the atmosphere on Skye.

Even once upon a time, Morax was a real opponent of Skye.

Ice Empress: "Now it's time to see how Liyue performs."

Based on my investigation, it seems that the Harlequin has noticed the fight on your side and may do something about Liyue in the future. "

Keqing: "We're not afraid of fools. "

Ice Empress: "Well, it's hard for me to guarantee what the Fatui will do now, but Rosalyn and Tartaglia are not against you. "

Jean: "If you need help, please let me know and I'll be able to help at any time." "

Ray Movie: "Do you need a helper to fight a demon god like Oselle? Isn't this a one-knife solution?"

Hearing the words of Ray Movie Versailles, no one else knew what to say as well.

However, with the strength of Lei Movie, he is indeed qualified to say such words.

Raiden Zhen: "Ei, Auxer's strength is not bad, and it is a good opportunity for Liyue to experience it.

If Oser is dealt with too quickly, this battle will not be necessary. "

Muyang: "Actually, there are already immortals in Liyue who have cultivated to the Jindan chapter, and it is not difficult to deal with Oselle, so it's good to watch the show slowly." "

Keqing: "Huh, has anyone cultivated to the Jindan chapter? so fast?"

Zhongli: "It should be Ah Ping, right? She was also the first person to join the chat group, and she was also purifying the abyss filth at night."

With her own strength and the hard work of this time, she should have been promoted to the Demon God level. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "??? Aping is already at the level of a demon god?"

Madame Ping: "Actually, it's not a demon god, to be precise, it should be a monk in the Jindan period, and he has indeed reached the level of a demon god in the essence of life."

But we don't have power. "

Xiao: "I should be fast, but even so, I feel that my strength has improved a lot during this time. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "It seems that I can't slack off. "

Muyang: "Interesting, Sora has also come to Liyue, and he may need to meet him." "

Zhongli: "That guy?"


"I didn't expect you to come, but it's also because Morax itself was contaminated by your Abyss Order, right?" Mu Yang suddenly appeared on the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, startling the sky and the abyss mage.

There is no way, such a means of coming and going without a trace is even more tricky than the means of empty space.

In particular, Sora felt a huge pressure when he saw Muyang.

Why does when facing Muyang at this time, Sora has a feeling of facing the maintainer of heavenly principles?

Could it be that Muyang has already reached that level?

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