Today's emptiness, although it is a little extreme.

But it's good for Yingke.

The main reason for falling into the abyss now is also to preserve Ying.

But if Ying becomes Muyang's woman and gives birth to a child for Muyang, then she must consider Muyang's affairs.

At least you can't let your child be born without a father, right?

However, these things are not easy to say at this time.

As the Abyss Mage chanted the incantation, a spatial door opened, appearing right next to Mu Yang's side, and Mu Yang's eyes flickered slightly, not expecting that a mere Abyss Mage could open the passage from Liyue to Kanria.

At this time, Mu Yang also knew why Sora regarded this abyss mage as his confidant.

An Abyss Mage who is good at using spatial abilities is precious even among the Abyss Order.

Regardless of whether this spatial ability can be added to the battle, but in terms of life, it is still very useful.

However, it is just right to go to Kanria before "Nine Eighty-Seven" to take a look, for entering Kanriya occupied by the power of the abyss, Muyang does not mind, anyway, the power of the abyss cannot affect him.

Moreover, this time the abyss mage "plotted" against himself, and Mu Yang did not have the idea of stopping it, but cooperated, and accidentally fell into the abyss.


Seeing Muyang fall into the abyss, he didn't know what to say for a while, looking at the smug abyss mage.

This guy is really smart!!

But if you think about it carefully, this seems to be good, maybe you can let Mu Yang know the horror of the abyss, and then he will find a way to take Ying out of the Teyvat continent.

Maybe Muyang can't bear this world, and he can't bear his confidants, but men, they should care more about their children, right?

Wait, I have to teach Muyang a good lesson.

That's my sister!

His own cabbage was gnawed by Muyang, which made Sora unacceptable!

"You're here to release Osier!" Sora's eyes became extremely gloomy, and he shouted to the abyss mage, and then stepped into the abyss.

It's impossible to kill Muyang, but your anger needs to explode, and if you can't kill Muyang, you need to destroy Liyue.

Now that something has happened to Morax, it's time for their Abyss Order to take revenge on Liyue.

"Yes!" the Abyss Mage hurriedly replied.


[Ding, Muyang turned on the live broadcast function.

Muyang: "I didn't expect that this guy in the sky was actually on the side of Guyun Pavilion, and he didn't talk for more than half a sentence, and when he fought, they actually opened the portal and brought me to the abyss."

This should be the base of the Abyss Order or something. "

Venti: "Looking at the ruins behind it, it should be Kanria, which is the original architectural style of Kanria. "

Raiden Zhen: "It's really nostalgic, I fell here in the first place."

Kanzria, it's a pity!"

Ice Empress: "I felt sorry for the Kanria before, but now, I just want to say that Kanria is a good death!"

If the Ice Empress in the past still has some sympathy for the Kanria people, and even wants to help Kanria.

But now, because of the Harlequin, the Ice Empress doesn't have the slightest affection for Kanria.

These guys are a bunch of white-eyed wolves that can't be raised.

If she could, the Ice Empress wouldn't mind killing them all.

Because Muyang is the relationship between heaven and reason, the Ice Empress believes that human beings will have a better future in the future, and their previous plans and goals have changed, and there is no need to worry that Muyang will restrict the development of human beings.

Muyang, as a heavenly principle, is promoting the development of human beings.

Then you just need to develop well on your side until the Winter Country.

It's a pity that the harlequin is no longer big enough, which makes the Ice Empress also hurt for a while.

It is necessary to solve the wear and tear problems on their bodies as soon as possible, and then eliminate them from the harlequins.

Asmodeus: "I also think Kanria is innocent of death. "

Ray Movie: "Indeed! Now that we know the base of the Abyss Order, should we attack them directly and annihilate them all." "

Nahida: "It shouldn't be easy, right? Besides, for the Abyss, the Abyss Order is just a pawn.

If the Abyss Order is destroyed, we will suddenly face an even more powerful Abyss army. "

King Dacishu: "That's true, we still have to take our time step by step, and besides, our strength has been improving very quickly."

At that time, if everyone succeeds in cultivating the Jindan chapter, I believe that everyone can become a demon god level, and even reach a stronger strength in the future, plus the power sent by Mu Yang, our strength will become stronger and stronger, and the threat of the abyss to us will become smaller and smaller.

Therefore, the matter of destroying the Abyss Order is not in a hurry at all. "

Raiden Zhen: "I also want to destroy the Abyss Order, and it is too dangerous to let them cause trouble on the continent of Teyvat.

It is an indisputable fact that they wanted to pollute Barbatos with the power of the Abyss.

It's okay if the people in our chat group are calculated and polluted, but if the gods of other countries, the god of water, and the god of fire are polluted, then it's troublesome. "

Zhongli: "When this is over, it's almost time for the other gods to join in." "

Asmodeus: "Looks like the Vulcan is still asleep, right?"

Ice Empress: "Indeed, the Vulcan is still asleep, and it will not be able to recover completely in a short time, we Fatui have investigated the situation of the Vulcan God and found it difficult to find the place where she is sleeping...

Moreover, speaking of the god of water, according to the information that the servant had sent before, she found that the god of water, Fcarus, did not seem to be a god of water.

This is true even if she is recognized by many people as the god of water. "

Nahida: "Probably not, right?"

Judging from the information of the World Tree, the water god should be Fukalos!"

Ray Movie: "No matter what, when the time comes, just let the other party hand over the heart of God."

Once he gets the Heart of God, Muyang's strength will also be greatly improved at that time, as long as Muyang has a strength comparable to Phanes, even if the abyss wants to invade the Teyvat continent, it will become difficult.

Coupled with the improvement of our strength, the abyss is not enough to worry about!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lei Movie really thinks so, she has confidence in her own strength, and she also has confidence in Muyang.

They're all improving their strength right now.

It has been less than half a year since Muyang appeared on the Teyvat continent, and everyone has made significant progress, as long as they are given another year or two of strength, not to mention that their strength has recovered to its peak, and it can even go further.

Lei Movie is worried that his sister will fall again, and he wants to make great progress in his real power, so he must be stronger.

Sooner or later, she will also be a maintainer who can match the principles of heaven, and even become stronger!

Fox Palace: "According to the current trend, in another three months, I should be able to recover my original strength." After that, you can go further.

You were right before, as long as we are given time, we are enough to face all difficulties.

Mu Yang: "Forget it, 4.2 I'll beat up the people here first, and by the way, see how much strength the Abyss Order has."

Since Sora wants to start a war against Tianli, he wants to be prepared.

With his current strength, even the maintainer of Tianli can't beat it, so how can he defeat Tianli?"

Asmodeus: "..."

Asmodeus: "I think I want to weaken the authority of Heavenly Reason, since the fall of Kanria, Fanes and I have actually been somewhat weakened.

Because of your relationship, I'm almost back to my heyday now, and as for Phanes..."

Now, Asmodeus himself doesn't know whether it is better or worse to say that Fannes is dead.

Because of the fall of Fanes, Muyang came to the Teyvat Continent, bringing new possibilities to the Teyvat Continent.

If there is no Muyang, even if Fanes is still alive, the Teyvat continent will usher in a slow death. 】

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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