[Muyang: "Forget it, I'll be fat and beaten up when I'm ready, and I'll take a photo when the time comes, anyway, the phone has such a function.]

Ying also asked me to help her beat up, which seemed like a good thing. "

Ray Movie: "Kill some more Abyss Order guys, and by the way, weaken some of the Abyss Order's power." "

Keqing: "Wait, I found something!"

Didn't you say you wanted to protect Liyue?

If you're not there, who will protect Liyue then?"

Ningguang: "Can the Rock Emperor make a move?" I guess I'm back in Liyue by now, right?"

Venti: "Sitting up in shock from a dying illness, Morax rises to open the coffin to protect Liyue. "

Ganyu: "If it's just a part of the power of the demon gods, Liyue Harbor is protected by the formation set up by the Rock King Emperor himself, as long as the immortals make a move, the formation can be opened, and then Oselle's attack will not affect Liyue Harbor." "

Zhongli: "Othello can't destroy Liyue yet.

However, it is better to wait for Oser to come out, and then it is not too late to open the formation.

Liyue always has to bear a small loss. "

Keqing: "This..."

Ningguang: "Obey the emperor's orders!"

How could Ningguang not understand what Zhongli meant?

The Rock Emperor wanted to stir up hatred among the people of Liyue against the Abyss, but it was not enough for the Rock Emperor to be calculated by the Abyss Order alone.

Then let a part of the people die in the attack of the abyss, which is the best.

After all, Osel was contaminated by the Abyss Order.

When the time comes, the people of Liyue will hate the Abyss Order since 27.

While this may kill many people, they also know that the Emperor of the Rock is protecting Liyue.

In the future, Teyvat will inevitably have to go to war with the Abyss, and although Liyue is the first to strike, it will even become a thorn in the side of the Abyss in the future.

However, Liyue, which is the first to prepare, will inevitably be the strongest in the future, and more people will be spared by it.

It's not a matter of one country, it's about saving the whole world.

Even Ningguang and Keqing, in this matter, they can't say a reason.

Liuyun borrowed the wind from the True Monarch: "When Osel breaks the seal, the immortals such as us will naturally open the formation and protect Liyue." "

Keqing: "Then it's troublesome for Zhenjun." "

In fact, at this time, Keqing wanted to ask Liuyun to borrow the wind Zhenjun, why didn't they come to open the seven stars?

After all, whether it is Keqing or Ningguang, their current strength is not weaker than that of immortals.

But Keqing was soon relieved.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that they are indeed immortals, but it does not mean that the other Seven Stars are the same.

Moreover, even the Liyue Seven Stars have traitors, and this kind of hole card to protect Liyue really shouldn't be known to the Liyue Seven Stars.

It's like the Dimensity Star before it.

Only these immortals, who have guarded Liyue for thousands of years, will always be conscientious in protecting Liyue and will not betray it.

If it was said before, Ke Qing would definitely scoff at these words, thinking that humans would definitely not be worse than immortals.

It's not wrong for immortals not to betray Liyue, but neither do they!!

In particular, they may have different political opinions in many cases, but they are all willing to give their lives for Liyue.

But later, Keqing also knew that he was still too young, and was even used by some people with ulterior motives.

The other party just said that, and he went straight to the head.

Yes, that's right, even in Liyue, there is a certain rule of man.

Perhaps there are many people in these ruling factions who want more power.

Of course, many of them don't have any problems, they just think that the Emperor of the Rock is too bitter and tired, and that they humans can manage Liyue well.

But in reality, there are too many people who hide filth and dirt.

Once the Rock Kings are gone, the shackles on their heads will be gone.

After that, didn't the whole of Liyue let them do whatever they wanted?

Keqing is not the little white who didn't understand anything anymore, and even she will take the initiative to learn, especially after understanding the darkness of human nature.

She also understands now that she may have been fooled in the first place.

Mu Yang: "But there are really a lot of masters on the side of the Abyss Sect, and the Abyss Singer I am cutting now actually has a strength comparable to that of an immortal."

Moreover, although this is not considered a weak person in the Abyss Order, there are quite a few people who can compare to this Abyss Singer.

If it's just the Abyss Order, it's still better than Liyue's. "

Zhongli: "Since the Abyss Cult wants to rebel against Heavenly Principles, their strength is naturally strong, if they can't even fight Liyue, how can they fight against Heavenly Principles?"

Rhoda Dragon King: "At least Liyue's apparent strength, right?"

As far as Liyue is concerned, I don't think Liyue is much weaker than the Abyss Order...

Of course, the countless hilichurls don't count. "

Ray Movie: "Sometimes these monsters are the ones that make us feel the most tricky. "

It is true that as the seven gods, if they smash down one by one, these monsters will kill and injure a large number of people, but what if the other party has endless monsters?

There are too many ants and they bite the elephant to death.

Even if it is the Seven Gods, in the face of countless monsters, they will be injured and die.

This point, the original thunderbolt really verified this very well.

Muyang: "So the basic internal strength still needs to be cultivated."

In this way, they are more or less safeguarded.

If you really cultivate the basic internal strength to the limit, you may not be worse than the holder of the Vision of God. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After that, I will also perform some of the exercises...

At that time, perhaps the practice of martial arts will become a shortened version of cultivating immortals. "

Keqing: "Then I'll trouble you, at least the current Millelith Army is difficult to fight against those powerful abyss monsters, and it needs more powerful strength to fight against future crises." "

Ningguang: "But, then again, is it really good for you to be like this? Anyway, you are also in the base of the Abyss Order, and you are still chatting while broadcasting, so it is better to be careful."

After all, it's an abyss..."

Muyang: "It's okay, after all, this is just the former Kanria, and it can't threaten me yet." "

Wendy: "Don't forget that Muyang's spatial ability is comparable to that of a certain spatial ruler. "

Asmodeus: "..."

Ganyu: "Ying came looking for me, how do you explain it now?"

Zhongli: "Is it because of the explanation?"

Let's just say that the abyss is at work behind this matter, and Muyang has already gone to investigate the truth. "

Wendy: "The old man deserves to be an old man, this is to confirm the crime of the abyss!"

Everyone knows that in the near future, Ying will also become a member of the chat group, and in the future, they will also fight the abyss together.

But some pots still have to be thrown to the empty or other abyssal powers.

Even if it is acting, it is necessary to act in a full set, even if there is an element of concealment from Ying, but it will not really deceive Ying.

After all, Osier's matter was indeed done by the people of the Abyss Order.

It's made of nothing!


"What? You said Muyang went to investigate the matter of the Abyss Order?" Paimon was visibly stunned when he heard Ganyu's explanation.

The matter of the Rock King Emperor was related to the abyss forces, and they had guessed this before.

If they could, they would want to do something for Liyue.

"Yes, Mu Yang suspects that this matter has something to do with the Abyss Order, after all, you also know that the Abyss is the enemy of our Teyvat Continent, especially the Abyss Order, which is almost a pawn of the Abyss.

This time, the Rock King Emperor was polluted by the power of the Abyss, although it can be solved, but even if it is the Rock King Emperor, I am afraid it will take a while to recover 750.

There's a good chance that the people of the Abyss will strike at Liyue at this time.

Mu Yang went to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion to investigate, after all, a large number of ancient demon gods were sealed over there, all of which were sealed by the Rock King Emperor during the Demon God War.

If they break the seal, Liyue will be in great danger. Ganyu patiently explained to Ying and Paimon.

"Does Muyang have any information?" Ying's eyes flickered slightly.

Liyue's mobile phone is no secret at the moment, and she has seen Muyang use it at home.

Ying never thought that Muyang and the others would really promote the technology of other worlds in this world.

Nowadays, almost everyone in Liyue's upper echelons has a mobile phone, and Ying also got one some time ago, although it is not as good as those smartphones.

But Ying believes that mobile phones and computers will also develop in the future.

At that time, my job will be much easier.

As an Adventist, Ying knows that communication can speed up work efficiency a lot, not to mention work tools such as computers.

There are many people in Liyue today, and there may be more in the future.

Nowadays, Liyue's system will gradually fall short of the times.

Especially on Ganyu's side, it is said that this seven-star secretary has been a seven-star secretary since the establishment of Liyue, but how many people were there in Liyue at that time, and how many people are there in Liyue now?

If you continue to give Ganyu the same work as before, even Ganyu as an immortal can't stand it!!

For this, Ganyu herself didn't seem to find out, it stands to reason that she wouldn't be so tired.

After the successful construction of the original return in the future, Ganyu's workload will inevitably increase.

Fortunately, mobile phones and computers will appear, and then slowly become popular.

However, the most important question now is about the abyss.

Ying is empty, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to do useless work.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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