By this time, Oser was already desperate.

It thought of the image of itself being sealed away by Morax.

I was sealed by Morax at the beginning, and now I am going to be sealed again?

Moreover, it was still Morax's moves~...

That's a lot of fun!

Morax: Is this a way to get along with himself?

I couldn't get along with myself during the Demon God War, and I sealed myself for thousands of years, even if it was a demon god, I was sealed like that, and I was going crazy.

Thousands of years, who knows how they have come over these thousands of years.

Also, what are those guys from the Abyss Order for, letting themselves out?

Could it be that you want to be beaten up?

Not only did the strength of those humans and immortals exceed Osier's expectations, but this was undoubtedly fat.

It's just that soon, Oser quickly realized that something was wrong, and this time the attack was aimed at killing himself.

"Boom!" The meteorite landed on Osser's body from the sky, and instantly exploded, and the endless sea water spread in all directions, faintly producing a tsunami hundreds of meters high.

However, considering the situation in Liyue Harbor in the distance, Muyang and the others did not have the slightest concern.

Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch and Grandma Ping are now maintaining their formations to protect Liyue Harbor, and unless the sea water increases several times more, it may harm Liyue.

[Zhongli: "This time, the Celestial Star is already more destructive than mine. "

Mu Yang: "In the application of the rock element, I can't compare to you.

This time, I killed Othello.

Sealed the resentment of those demon gods.

Later, when you have time, you can purify these demon god grudges.

Oselle's demon god resentment may not be less. After all, it is indeed very aggrieved. "

Venti: "Hey, who knows!

Osel stated that he only lost to Morax and was then sealed for thousands of years.

was released by the people of the Abyss Sect, but he was controlled by the other party with the power of the Abyss, and he couldn't run if he wanted to, and he was directly killed by Muyang.

If this resentment is less, then something is wrong! "

Muyang: "Indeed, after all, it has been sealed for thousands of years, if Ossail directly blew himself up after coming out, the resentment of the demon god caused by it would make countless people's scalps tingle."

After that, Keqing and they can also go here to purify the demon god's resentment, if they really want to convert, there is no problem in brushing millions of demon god resentment. "

Ningguang: "Are millions of demon gods resentful?"

It seems to be good, and it seems that you can brush points nearby after that. "

Keqing: "I'll leave it to Ningguang and Ganyu here."

I won't join in the fun, and I still have to live in Guiliyuan.

The points over there are enough for me to use for the time being. "

Ningguang: "Okay, leave the demon god's resentment here to me, and I can also purify it for a while." "

Mu Yang: "Well, you don't need to care, if you need the demon god resentment, I can continue to slaughter a few demon gods at that time, there are not a few demon gods who have been suppressed in front of Your Excellency Gu Yun, most of them have been worn out."

To die is to die. It can also be used as nourishment.

The most important thing is that after Othello's death, I can feel that the continent of Teyvat has strengthened...

Obviously killed those demon gods on the other side of the dark sea, and he didn't feel this way. "

Asmodeus: "I guess it's because it doesn't belong to the jurisdiction of Heavenly Reason!" "

Muyang: "Hey, this is also a matter of no choice, the former Tianli can't govern the place, and now it's a little difficult for me to govern."

But I feel like I've gained a little more power with Othello dead.

Moreover, as long as I want, I can completely consume some of my power and give birth to a new Vortex Demon God. "

With the fall of Osier, the speed of purifying the power of the abyss on Muyang's side was also from 500m to 501m.

This growth doesn't seem to be a lot, but this also allows Muyang to see another way to increase the speed.

Could it be that if he wants to slaughter in the future, he still needs Mu Yang to catch the demon god from the dark sea to the false heaven first, and then carry out the shock killing?

Asmodeus: "You are better than Fanes in this regard."

At the beginning, the demon gods of the Teyvat continent were all naturally bred in this world, and Fanes had no control over what demon gods were born.

In this regard, you already have more control over the continent of Teyvat than Phanes. "

Muyang: "And, I feel like I can give power to someone.

This can also be regarded as being able to open up for everyone and improve their strength.

Wait until I kill a few more demon gods to see if I can continue like this, if so, I can kill more demon gods.

Then the power is given. "

Zhongli: "Is this to make everyone a demon god?" "

He was also stunned, and he naturally saw the battle between Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka before.

Cultivating immortals is very powerful, if Xiao can really enter the Jindan Chapter and then walk a little distance, it will not be difficult to defeat Oselle.

But if an immortal cultivator fights with a demon god of similar strength, then in a protracted battle, the winner must be the demon god.

After all, the other party has power and has been blessed by the world.

On the Teyvat continent, it is not particularly friendly to the Demon God, after all, the problem of wear and tear is a threshold that cannot be reached.

Tianli is also worried that the demon gods will recklessly consume the energy of the Teyvat Continent.

But in the same way, in the same way, because of the bonus of power, in the Teyvat continent, they also have some bonuses more or less.

This is a bit like in the Flood Desolation, those saints may not be stronger than the Mixed Yuan Da Luo Jin Immortal, but under the blessing of the Flood Desolation Heavenly Dao, they can be comparable to, or even surpass, the Mixed Yuan Da Luo Jin Immortal.

That's pretty much the same thing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

But Mu Yang can now directly hand over his power to one person, that is, the other party will become the own son of the Teyvat Continent.

Muyang: "I don't have this kind of idea for the time being, and even if I give them power, it is impossible to improve my strength overnight, power needs to be developed, at most it is to give them an introduction."

Those who gain power after that do not directly become gods.

This is not the same as Nahida. "

Nahida: "..."

Originally, Nahida was still watching the play, but when she suddenly mentioned herself, she felt as if she was being despised.

But thinking about it carefully, Nahida was relieved, even though she had become a god not long after she was born, at that time, she actually had the strength of the demon god level.

It's just that she doesn't understand anything, she is ignorant, and then she is used by those guys, and finally she is trapped.

In fact, at that time, if Nahida wanted to resist, there seemed to be no problem.

Muyang: "As for what to do, let's think about it slowly after that."

And, again, find the right power for the right person. "

Keqing definitely wants the power of thunder and lightning, but now it is Lei Movie and Thunder and Lightning that have the power of thunder and lightning, so it is naturally impossible to give Ke Qing.

Therefore, Muyang is ready to settle for the next best.

Raiden Zhen: "Actually, I haven't heard of the power that can return to heaven and earth after the fall of the demon god, and when I fell, the authority should have been absorbed by the shadow." "

Asmodeus: "It should have something to do with being killed by Muyang."

The grudge of the demon god is difficult to eliminate, and it is also related to power.

If the prediction is good, in the future, if you can completely eliminate the demon god's grudge, I am afraid that the power will also return to the continent of Teyvat. "

Mu Yang: "I plan to expand the area of the world in the future, not only to improve the level of the world, but to expand the false sky towards the location of the dark outer sea.

If the area of Teyvat can be expanded, then the demon gods killed at that time can also return to Teyvat. "

The False Heaven guards the Teyvat Continent, and it also represents the authority of the Heavenly Principle, and only in the False Heaven is the true Heavenly Principle.

After leaving the False Heaven, Muyang's authority had a problem, so the Demon God killed in the Dark Sea, the Teyvat Continent did not gain much benefit.

But if the False Heaven is expanded and the Teyvat Continent is expanded, then the resentment of those demon gods in the dark outer seas will naturally become nourishment.

Muyang: "Lei Movie, are you in the dark outside the sea now?" "

Ray Movie: "Well, when Othello appeared before, the demon gods in the dark outer sea also seemed to sense it, and besides, some demon gods were a little dishonest, and even some demon gods have now been assimilated by the power of the abyss, which we have discovered when we were in the dark outer sea before."

I've killed some demon gods, and I'm now confronting the Thunder Dragon King. "

Muyang: "Is it the Thunder Dragon King again?" Be careful..."

Muyang didn't worry too much about Lei Movie, just if it was the Thunder Dragon King, Lei Movie would go as long as he wanted.

can't hurt Lei Movie, and moreover, the strength of Lei Movie has always been getting stronger.

Especially in the recent period, the progress of Lei Movie has accelerated a lot, although the Thunder Dragon King is still slightly ahead of Thunder Movie, but Muyang believes that if Lei Movie is given a few more months, she will catch up and even surpass Thunder Dragon King.

If you kill the Thunder Dragon King, will your authority increase?

Mu Yang's eyes flickered slightly.

Today's Muyang is the Heavenly Principle of the Teyvat Continent, but he does not have 100% control over the Teyvat Continent.

If it is really calculated, the foundation of the Teyvat continent is actually still in the Seven Dragon Kings, and even Fanes has not changed. 】

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) spoons).

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