The rules of Teyvat are based on those of the Seven Dragon Kings.

At the beginning, Fanes also plundered some of the power of the dragon king, and only then did the seven elements, the seven divine visions, and even the system of the seven gods appear.

The demon gods that appeared on the Teyvat continent before were basically born based on these seven elemental powers.

But since Muyang came to Teyvat Continent, he has been slowly tampering with the rules of Teyvat Continent.

The seven elemental forces were the rules that could not be changed in Teyvat before, but with the rise of the internal force system, the rules of Teyvat have begun to change slowly.

However, it will be difficult to completely change the rules of Teyvat, at least not in a short period of time.

It will take at least a thousand years to do this.

As for the people in the chat group who can cultivate immortals, they can't change the Teyvat continent too much, after all, it's just a few people, and they can't change too much.

However, the last time Mu Yang cooperated with the Great Mercy Tree King, he changed the rules of the Teyvat Continent with the help of the rules brought by the forbidden knowledge, and now Mu Yang's authority as a heavenly principle has even surpassed the original Fanes.

This is also the main reason why Asmodeus feels that Muyang may surpass Fanes at his peak after Muyang.

After all, at the beginning, the "Seven Five-Zeros" of Fagne did not really have the authority to control this world.

[Muyang: "It's a pity, there is not enough forbidden knowledge now, otherwise, you can continue to change the world." "

Collect the Heart of God and increase your authority and strength as much as possible.

Buy time for the people in the chat group to continue to improve their strength, while you are the real enemy who has come to fight against the abyss.

Anyway, when these people are improving their strength, Muyang himself is also improving his strength.

He is the Heavenly Principle, and in the future, he will become the Heavenly Dao of the Teyvat Continent, and the stronger the creatures of the Teyvat Continent, the more benefits he will get.

Alice: "This time, I'm back with forbidden knowledge!"

If you need it, when I leave Teyvat and head to the Abyss, I can find the forbidden knowledge for you. "

Muyang: "Well, that's bothering you. I'm still very interested in forbidden knowledge. "】

Mu Yang's sudden power directly "sealed" Oser with one move, which also made Ying and Tartaglia stunned, you know, this is an opponent that they can't defeat no matter what they do before.

As a result, he was defeated by Muyang so lightly.

The gap between people is inevitably too big.

Even Ying is beginning to doubt at this moment, as Mu Yang showed before, can she stop it?

"That's the end of it?" Ying asked Muyang with some stumbling.

"Well, that's the end of it.

Maybe in the eyes of some people, Osser's strength is very strong, but in fact, it is just like that, whether it is me or Morax coming, it is also a part of suppression. Mu Yang nodded slightly, and didn't seem to put Oselle in his eyes.

"But in Liyue's legends, Oselle is a demon god who can compete with the Rock Emperor!" Paimon looked at Muyang in a bit of a daze and asked.

Muyang looked at Paimon speechlessly: "In the novel, if the villain is not forced and everyone can be bullied casually, then how can the protagonist show his forced style?" "

Paimon scratched his head, "Looks like it's all really."

It's no wonder that the villains in those novels seem to be very powerful. "

Ying glanced at Paimon speechlessly, and then looked at Muyang again.

If Oser is just a villain to foil the protagonist, then what is himself?

If you go on like this, won't it be difficult to keep the position of the heroine?

After all, the role he played before was not as good as Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka.

If you delay this, won't you have to hold back?

Even if they collect almost all the elemental power in the future, I am afraid that it will be difficult for them to be the opponent of Keqing.

After all, Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka are only because of Muyang's relationship, and their strength has improved so quickly.

In those novels, even if the heroine has strong potential, it is difficult to improve without the help of the protagonist.

Without Muyang's help, it may be difficult for him to catch up with Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka in the future.

Even at this time, Ying is very suspicious that she will be surpassed by Ningguang in the future, so it will be a little embarrassing, okay?

Ying's heart has her own pride, and sooner or later she will surpass others!

Obviously, he was the strongest before!

Oh, by the way, Mu Yang also said before that he and Raiden Shogun created a weapon for himself, but he needs to get Raiden Shogun's approval, it seems that it should be related to the weapons used by Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka.

When you get a weapon like this, you should be able to become much stronger.

When you unlock the thunder elemental power and get that weapon again, your strength will not be worse than the current Keqing, right?

"Can you send me back to Liyue?" Before Ying could say anything, Tartaglia asked Muyang.

He smiled self-deprecatingly, "I don't have much strength right now. "

"Yes!" Mu Yang didn't refuse when he heard this, and directly opened a spatial passage in front of Tartaglia: "Opposite is the Northland Bank, you go directly!" "

"Thank you." Tartaglia glanced at Ying, "Traveler, don't forget our previous deal. "

After speaking, he walked directly into the spatial passage.

And Xiao also left at this time, nodding slightly at Muyang.

It's over here, and there's no need for him to stay and do anything.

Instead of staying here, it would be his duty to help Liyue destroy more monsters!

"I promised him some conditions before, and I owe him a favor." Seeing that Dadalia was leaving, Yingying said with some embarrassment: "At that time, I didn't expect Keqing and Ayaka to have such good strength. "

Now Yingyi can only hope that Tartaglia's request will not be difficult to fulfill.

It's just that it doesn't seem possible.

After all, the previous Tartaglia was desperate.

"It's fine, as long as it doesn't affect Liyue's side." Ke Qing waved his hand: "If nothing else, it should be an executive who wants you to do something in the Solstice Kingdom, or deal with some Fatume." "

"But Childe, isn't he also the executive officer of the Fatume?" Paimon asked in disbelief with a look of shock that Paimon had been giving him a hundred years.

"Is there infighting among the Fatui?" Ying frowned and asked Muyang.

"Something is wrong within the Fatui! I'm going to put you in a place now, remember not to tell people outside........."Mu Yang felt that he needed to make a setting in the chat group in the future, that is, the members of the chat group were not allowed to mention things about the chat group to others.

["Ding, congratulations to Ying for joining the chat group. "

"Ding, congratulations to Paimon on joining the chat group."

Paimon: "This, this, what's going on?" Why do I have these voices in my head? "

Ying: "I'm shocked, this seems to be a direct plug-in!" No wonder Muyang and Keqing, your strength has improved so quickly.

It turns out that you are hanging.

Muyang, is this your golden finger? "

Muyang: "Have you read a chat group novel? This chat group is not as powerful as the one in the novel.

This is a chat group that I made myself.

For the rest of the features, I'll have to expand it slowly. "

Ying: "This can be done?" Directly hand-rubbed chat group?

Are you so powerful? However, how many big guys do you have here, and how are you preparing?

When do we rebel against heaven? "

Ray Films: "..."

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "..."

Zhongli: "..."(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Venti: "..."

Asmodeus: "???? "

Muyang: "Why do you want to oppose Tianli?" "

Ying: "As a protagonist, as a person who has traveled into this world, can you endure it?"

The eldest husband lived in heaven and earth, how could he be depressed and live under the people for a long time?

For you, Tianli is also a hidden danger, right?

You have such an ability to fight against the abyss, if you don't do Tianli, who will do Tianli?

Muyang, you don't want the Teyvat Continent to be polluted by the abyss, do you? "

Yae Miko: "Such a familiar word, should it be said that it is worthy of the Advent?" "

Ray Films: "Why is there a tone of our Inazuma voice? I seem to have heard similar words somewhere. "

Lei Dengzhen: "Ahem, sure enough, these adventers are all arrogant, and they are still thinking about how to overthrow the principles of heaven.

But if you think about it, it's understandable, after all, many people 5.2 don't want to have an unstable factor in their heads. "

Ice Empress: "Actually, it's mainly Fanes's rejection of the knowledge of other worlds.

Although this can be regarded as protecting the world, sometimes it is indeed a little too domineering. "

Paimon: "The Ice Empress? Is this the Ice God of Solstice? "

Ying: "It turns out that Muyang, you have already won over the Ice Empress, but what's going on?"

The Fatui are still messing around. "

Ice Empress: "There have been problems within the Fatui, and some of them have taken refuge in the Abyss Order.

I'm in some trouble right now, and I might need you to solve some of the trouble then. "

Ying: "Is there civil strife among the Fatui?" It seems that my previous guess was not wrong.

Although it was shocking, it seemed to make sense. "

Paimon: "Ying, we should be happy, at least when we go to the Solstice in the future, it seems that we won't run into trouble or danger." "

Muyang: "No, it's just going to cause you more trouble, and, Paimon, don't you want to regain your strength?" "】

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) )。

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