Self-attack is the deadliest.

However, neither Keqing nor Kamisato Ayaka said anything.

For Ying, they are very recognized, and they regard each other as their friends, even if Ying enters Muyang's house later, there is no problem.

Moreover, Ying is their real own person.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

"I'll go back and organize the restoration of order in Liyue first." Ke Qing glanced at Ying and Muyang and whispered a word, and left.

This time, their Liyue losses weren't huge, and everything was within a bearable range.

After that, the development of the original side will also be much smoother.

It's just beautiful.

"Then I'll go back first!

With such a big deal going on in Liyue, we in Inazuma need to make some statements. Kamisato Ayaka nodded slightly at Ying, and also stepped on the ice to leave.

"This..." Seeing Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka leaving, Paimon was also a little dumbfounded, why did they all leave.

She felt that Muyang and Ying were in danger now.

"What do you need me to do next?" Ying didn't pay much attention to this, but just looked at Muyang and asked.

"Go to Inazuma to unlock the thunder elemental power, and when you get there, the thunder movie will test you until your strength is approved by her.

The weapon I built for you with her will give you quite a boost.

After that, you may need to run between Sumeru and Liyue.

After all, you are now a Dimensity Star. Mu Yang looked at the location of Liyue Harbor and whispered.

"Sumeru?" Ying Wenyan was also stunned: "Do you need my help over there?" "

Ying now also knows that she is afraid that she is a hard life, and it is impossible for Muyang to sit back and watch herself be idle.

I'm a proper tool man.

However, if there is a benefit to take, then Ying will not refuse.

"Well, Sumeru's Great Mercy Tree King and Little Auspicious Grass King are actually in the chat group, they are the incarnation of the World Tree, and they can't have an accident.

However, due to some historical reasons, Sumeru has a lot of problems to deal with, the Great Mercy Tree King does not show up, and the Little Lucky Grass King does not have many people under his hands, and you need to go over to help solve the problems of the rainforest and desert in Sumeru. Mu Yang explained softly.

There are still some things that need to be solved by Ying.

In fact, for many plots of Sumeru, Muyang doesn't have much good feelings.

Especially for several consecutive versions of the desert plot, there is no dubbing in the plot, which is really annoying.

He remembered that he seemed to have only brushed some of the tasks with Mother Lettuce, but he didn't brush most of the maps, and he didn't even do the tasks...

He really didn't like the desert area, and Nahida didn't have a helper over there, so he let Ying go.

As for Ying, who is the Seven Stars of Liyue, why did she want to go to Sumeru, isn't that a very simple matter?

Ying traveled to Sumeru as Liyue's diplomatic envoy, and the two sides discussed the use of computers and mobile phones, as well as software.

After all, Sumeru's side specializes in technology.

Nahida is already training technicians.

"Is that so? I understand. Ying Wenyan nodded thoughtfully.

Sure enough, there are a lot of gods in the chat group.

It may even be that most of the gods in the Teyvat Continent have actually gathered in the chat group, and at this moment, Ying feels that she has actually entered the center of the entire Teyvat Continent.

"What's the matter with the Ice Empress?" Immediately afterward, Ying asked again.

"The Ice Empress is the Ice God, she saved Piero the Kanria before, and then together she founded the Fatui to overthrow the Heavenly Order, and she wanted to create a possibility for the Teyvat continent.

Although the previous Tianli was to protect the Teyvat Continent and protect the human race, it was restricting the development of the human race, and she did not want the human race to continue to be suppressed and controlled by the Heavenly Reason.

But now that Fanes is dead, and the Heavenly Reason has become me, I will not restrict the development of humanity, and the Ice Empress has no ambition to overthrow me.

And Piero has cooperated with the Abyss Order and the people of the Abyss, which can be regarded as a dog that can't change eating, the remnants of Kanria are really not credible, they control most of the Fatui, and now the Fatui are also divided. Muyang briefly introduced some of the current situation.

"So Tartaglia belongs to the Ice Empress?" Paimon hurriedly asked.

"Well, Tartaglia is loyal to the Ice Empress.

Because the Ice Empress is on our side, Tartaglia is also on our side. Muyang grabbed Paimon and Rua got up.

Well, Paimon's food seems to be a little better during this time, and his little face is a little more rounded than it was a month ago.

"Looks like you have a lot of bad feelings towards Kanria." Ying asked softly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Looks like his brother is on Kanria's side, right?

Could it be that the current emptiness has degenerated to the point where there is no distinction between right and wrong?

Ying didn't think that Mu Yang hated Wu and Wu for Kan Ruiya.

It must have been Kanria who did something that made Muyang dissatisfied.

Muyang didn't hide it, and told Ying about some of his investigations and speculations.

Ying was silent in an instant, she had no contact with the Kanria people, so naturally she would not have any pity for the Kanria people, after hearing Muyang's words, Ying really wanted to say that these people in Kanriya are really damned!!

For the sake of his own ambitions, he even touched the power of the abyss, and if such a country does not perish, who will perish?

And, because of their ambitions, the entire continent of Teyvat will have to endure great calamities.

This is to pull the rhythm of the funeral of the entire Teyvat continent.

If it weren't for Muyang becoming a celestial principle, the current Teyvat Continent would have almost entered the level of slow death.

Fortunately, there is Muyang!

If it is possible to continuously strengthen the Teyvat Continent and strengthen the power here before the Abyss reacts, then the Motivat Continent is not completely without the power to fight in the face of the Abyss.

The Kanria are damned, though!

Ying very much recognized Mu Yang's behavior, if it was herself, she might have a curse on the Kanria people who had no way to survive and not die.

"The Ice Empress was the Empress, because she had mercy on the Kanria people, and now she is in the air.

Even the other party tried to use the power of the abyss to pollute her as the Seven Rulers of the Earthly World.

If the Ice God is polluted by the power of the Abyss, then the entire Teyvat Continent will encounter a crisis. Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang reminded again.

Ying Wenyan also nodded silently.

She also feels like the harlequin guy now, and she can't escape the blame for her death.

Hey, my brother is too stupid to be a slave with such a person.

Is this giving up on your bottom line?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) )。

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