"I will work hard to do your best in the future, and I will fight the abyss with you in the future." Ying's eyes said solemnly: "In the same way, I will not reveal your identity and ability.

I also have feelings for the world.

I also hope that this world can continue to exist.

Helping Teyvat fight against the Abyss will not only improve my strength, but also protect other worlds. "

The Abyss is the enemy of all worlds and the grave of all worlds.

If they could take out some more of the power of the abyss, it would be a good thing for the whole world.

Faced with such a thing, Ying felt that she had no reason to refuse.

If the abyss is invincible, Ying may also think about how to escape and how to keep herself safe.

But now it's different.

He can become stronger and fight against the abyss, so Ying also intends to stay in the Teyvat continent.

As for his brother, Ying is bound to stop it.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang nodded slightly: "I believe in you, and I believe that you will join us."

Otherwise, it won't pull you into the chat group.

After all, what you use is my power.

If I had to count it, you and Paimon would be my dependents right now. "

The corners of Ying's mouth couldn't help twitching, and she complained in a somewhat resentful tone: "Then the number of your dependents is inevitably too much." "

Mu Yang shook his head disdainfully: "This number is not much, the previous Ice Empress also divided her power."

The Fatui executives are also the dependents of the Ice Empress.

However, the Ice Empress was also miserable by these guys.

Teyvat is subject to wear and tear, and the more the Power 833 is used, the more wear and tear it will receive.

The Fatui are the members of the Ice Empress, and they borrowed the power of the Ice Empress, and then caused the wear and tear of the Ice Empress, forcing her to fall into a deep sleep for a long time. "

Paimon's eyes widened when he heard this, "So what is the Ice Empress for?"

Even if she defeats the Heavenly Principles, she may be useless!

Wear and tear is a law that belongs to the Teyvat continent, and although it is formulated by the Heavenly Principles, it is not something that can be changed if you want to. "

Ying glanced at Paimon thoughtfully, good guy, this guy doesn't even pretend now, does he?

I wasn't particularly clear about the wear and tear, but Paimon was clear.

What are you going to do with me like this?

"She's just rebelling against Phanes and trying to create opportunities for humanity.

Moreover, Fanes is indeed not an opponent of the Abyss, she should also suspect that they are affected by the Abyss, right? Mu Yang shook his head slightly.

For the Ice Empress, Mu Yang has no bad feelings, and the other party's original intentions are good.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, there is actually nothing wrong with the Ice Empress's thoughts, if they don't do anything, the Teyvat continent will be destroyed by the abyss sooner or later, and Tianli Fanes can't withstand the attack of the abyss.

She wanted Ying to do a new Heavenly Principle, and if it was Ying, she might be able to bring new life to the Teyvat Continent.

However, now that these plans have changed, the Ice Empress will not rebel against Mu Yang, and as for those Fatui, Mu Yang does not need to think about it herself, naturally there will be Tartaglia and the Ice Empress to deal with them.

Mu Yang is still very optimistic about the Ice Empress (CHBJ), as for the bad things that the Fatui did on the Teyvat continent, aren't they all Harlequin's pots?

Ahem, well, if you really count it, the Ice Empress herself can't shake off the pot.

After all, at the end of the day, the Solstice is a country that belongs to the Ice Empress, and the Fatui are also verbally known as the Ice Empress.

"The current Ice Empress is the Ice Empress, and the Fatui are not necessarily all Ice Empress people.

If you see the Fatui doing evil outside, you can kill them directly, and the Ice Empress will not say anything either. After thinking about it, Mu Yang continued to add.

Ying's face showed the same look as it was.

Feelings: Even the Empress of Ice has lost control of the Fatui.

And looking at Tartaglia's appearance, he should belong to the Ice Empress's faction, otherwise, Mu Yang would not have taken care of Tartaglia.

But looking at Tartaglia's appearance, he shouldn't know about chat groups.

"Later, if they invite you to join the Fatui and deal with the Harlequins, you can join one or two." As if thinking of something, Muyang whispered to Ying again.

"Am I really going to join the Fatui?" The corners of Ying's mouth twitched.

She doesn't have a good sense of the Fatui, even though the Ice Empress makes her feel good.

The idea of this ice god is not bad, but if you are human...

Ying has traveled a lot of worlds, and if he really lets humans do it, the devil knows what will happen.

That brother of mine also has a problem with his brain, so what is he doing to get involved in Kanria's affairs?

The emperor of Kanria was an ambitious person at first glance, and in Ying's opinion, the main reason why they didn't seek protection from the gods was because they were worried that the gods would control them too much.

The emperor could no longer enslave his people.

If the other side is really for the sake of all mankind, why not engage in people's democracy?

After all, it's not for its own power?

Don't you know these things?

It is estimated that nine times out of ten, they were also fooled by those guys.

The previous Ying was full of dissatisfaction with the Fatui, and as a result, Muyang wanted to make himself the person he hated the most!

"Well, you can join the Fatui." Mu Yang nodded slightly and said, "In the final analysis, there is still a bit of a shortage of manpower on the side of the Solstice Winter Country.

If you want to deal with the Kanriya, you are the most suitable person, and you will not let the other party jump off the wall. "

"Me?" Ying pointed at herself, and then showed a sudden look: "Are you asking me to be the target?"

Because I'm Sora's sister, wouldn't even the people of Kanria, even the top of the Fatui, dare to exterminate me? "

"Well, you can say that, too!" Mu Yang nodded slightly: "According to our investigation, the doctor who was destroyed by us at the beginning was actually following the orders of the harlequin.

A lot of the techniques he has at his disposal come from Harlequin and Kanria, and even from the Abyss. (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Thinking of the doctor who was destroyed by himself, Muyang also remembered a certain bishop.

Compared to that, the doctor is simply too inferior.

Muyang felt that the doctor didn't even have a little bit of personality charm, and he was too inferior.

It's almost the same to say that the Doctor is a-stirring stick.

Soon, Mu Yang removed the doctor from his mind, and that guy didn't even have the qualifications to appear in Mu Yang's mind.

Dr. Cricket is a scumbag!

"So harlequin is what makes people feel disgusting?" Ying said that she knew a lot of secrets.

That's learned!

So it's all Kanria who is at fault!

My stupid brother, look at what kind of people you are with.

"It's really disgusting. It says it's for humanity, but in reality? Mu Yang snorted lightly, but did not continue.

Human beings are duplicitous creatures.

Even though the demon god has more powerful strength than humans, in terms of moral bottom line and despicable shamelessness, the demon god is far from being comparable to humans.

"Forget it..."Ying sighed lightly, then looked at Mu Yang with resentment and said, "What are you going to do to me in the future?" "

"Didn't I say that before?" Seeing Ying like this, Muyang was also a little confused.

Could it be that Ying Ying is too old to have Alzheimer's disease, or amnesia?

Does wear and tear also have an effect on Yingying?

"Of course I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about, what are you going to do to me in the future?" Ying stared at Muyang with her hands on her hips: "There are so many women around you, I am so beautiful, you will definitely not let me go, right?"

Besides, you've been helping me all the time, so you should be planning to soak me, right? "

Well, the male protagonist of the novel has always helped the female protagonist, generally in order to pursue the female protagonist.

These things, Ying said that she is still very familiar with them.

I did fall under Muyang's sugar-coated cannonballs.

Moreover, elemental power or something, Ying doesn't care, since she can cultivate immortals, Ying also plans to focus on cultivating immortals in the future.

As for the elemental power, it is best to unlock it, and as for exercising the elemental power, Ying will not think about it for the time being.

Looking at Ying like this, both Muyang and Paimon were speechless.

I didn't expect that Ying would still be so narcissistic.

But this special meow makes sense, Ying's appearance is still very good, although it is a little silly, the appearance is still quite good.

"Well, I do covet you!" Mu Yang looked at Ying and said softly, "Moreover, I feel that your brother needs some blows.

Why don't we make him a nephew?

Let's see what he chooses when the time comes. "

When Ying heard Muyang's words, she was also angry, good guy, really good guy.

At this point, Ying really didn't expect that she was still the sister of Muyang's enemy, which is another attribute!!

For many men, the enemy's family seems to have special attributes and bonuses.

I'm just an empty sister.。

If you have a wife or something, won't it be doomed?

However, the current Ying is also very unhappy to be bearish, and if he can teach the empty a lesson, Ying will not refuse.

Do you want to give birth to a nephew in the air?

It doesn't seem bad, and besides, this kid can inherit a world...

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) )。

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