(_)3 Even after Yelan knew the truth, her Dao heart almost collapsed.

I almost missed such an opportunity.

I'm so stupid, really!

If she could, Yelan really wanted to slap herself two months ago at this time, so that she could come to Muyang's side to do things earlier.

You know, you can do a lot in two months.

How long has it been since Muyang came to Liyue!

Look at what strength Keqing has now, if she can join the chat group in time, she will also have the strength comparable to the previous Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka.

I'm so stupid, really!

"Is this an adventure?" Yelan looked at Muyang with a complicated expression.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang nodded slightly: "So you are thinking a little too much."

However, since you're here, wait a while and take a trip to the Chasm! "

"The Chasm?" Yelan's eyes flickered slightly.

If she could, Yelan also wanted to investigate the situation below the Chasm, it seemed that something from her ancestor had fallen on the Chasm, and that thing was very important to their family.

"Well, it's the Chasm." Mu Yang chuckled: "Five hundred years ago, your ancestor had something that fell into the Chasm, you can go and get it."

And there are also things Xiao is looking for, so let's go investigate them together! "

"Yes, I see!" Yelan is a smart person, so she naturally understands that Muyang must have a purpose in doing this.

At the same time, she doesn't need to worry about Muyang's disadvantage for herself or anything, just Muyang's strength, if she wants to be unfavorable to herself, she doesn't need to calculate herself.

Moreover, there are 640 immortal names in the chat group, and even the legendary Ruotuo Dragon King is in the chat group.

Yelan was very suspicious, in fact, the Emperor of the Rock King was also here, but he didn't reveal his identity.

I've got an opportunity that is even more powerful than the fairy fate!!

Think of her own family, who once had a lot of status in Liyue because of her immortal fate, but she herself was not interested in these so-called statuses, but instead enjoyed the pleasure of gathering information in secret.

She collaborated with Ningguang and secretly worked for Liyue, and she also made a lot of contributions.

As long as Yelan wanted to, she could become the Seven Stars of Liyue at any time, but Yelan didn't do that, and was still willing to work for Liyue in secret.

Moreover, there seemed to be more gods in the chat group, and Yelan felt as if she had entered a world that no one else, ordinary people, would ever be able to reach.

This is also what makes Yelan eager to try, which is really getting more and more interesting!

Her life will also become interesting because of meeting Muyang.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang narrowed his eyes, but he remembered that in the Chasm of Rock Formation, there was still a Yaksha obsession waiting.

If they use it well, then Liyue can have one more Yaksha on their side, and their strength will be higher than that of the former Xiao, which is also a good thing for them.

Immediately after that, Mu Yang told Yelan about the current situation of the Teyvat Continent and their relationship with the Solstice Kingdom and the Fatui.

Upon learning that the Harlequin had betrayed the Ice Empress, Yelan said that she was stupid.

You know, over the years, she has been fighting with the Fatui for a long time, and even fought with the Fatui executives.

As a result, I didn't expect the Fatui to become like this.

Harlequin betrayed the Ice Empress!

And the Ice Empress has become a person on Muyang's side, that is to say, the current Ice Empress is actually her own person with them.

Relying on the relationship of the Ice Empress, they can also learn the first-line information of the Winter Kingdom and the Fatui later.

Their enemies will be the Fatui led by Harlequin and the Abyss Order.

Yelan said it was very good!

Compared to the Fatui, the Abyss Order seems to be more interesting and exciting!

After the matter of the Chasm was over, Yelan decided to investigate the matter of the Abyss Order.

She's a thrill-seeker, investigating the affairs of the Abyss Order, and who else is better suited than her?

Of course, Yelan also knew that if she didn't have the strength, she would rashly investigate the Abyss Sect, and she wouldn't know how she would die at that time.

Her current strength is not bad, at least when facing the rich, Yelan doesn't think she will lose to the other party.

When encountering the Fatui Executive Officer, as long as she doesn't encounter the first three seats, even if she can't beat it, she can retreat.

Yelan is absolutely confident in her speed and stealth ability.

But if it's to investigate the Abyss Order, then the current strength may be a little bad.

Under normal circumstances, if she wants to continue to improve with her strength, it is difficult to continue to improve unless she gets a huge opportunity.

But now, Yelan saw the way and the opportunity, and naturally it was impossible to miss such an opportunity.

Improve your strength first, and cultivate to the foundation building chapter!

"After that, you can go to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion with Ningguang and them to purify the Demon God's resentment and earn points to improve your strength." When Muyang saw Yelan's eagerness to try, he reminded Yelan.

"Thank you!" Yelan didn't refuse when she heard this.

In Yelan's opinion, Oselle is probably calculated by Muyang and Emperor Yanwang, and in the end, he will not only fall, but also become nourishment for their growth.

It is impossible for Yelan to have the slightest mercy on this, after all, Othello himself wants to deal with them Liyue.

If they didn't have the cards and the protection of powerful gods, Liyue could have been destroyed by Othello.

If Oser hadn't intended to do it himself, he wouldn't have died.

It's a pity that Yelan doesn't know that this is not something that Oser can control, and Oser did die a very aggrieved death...


In the Solstice country, the Harlequin General's Fatui executives in the territory of the Solstice country shouted to their side to hold a meeting.

The puppet Sandogne, the rooster Puccinella, the rich Pantarone, and the servant Arecino have all arrived.

Seeing these people, the harlequin sighed silently, there are still some deficiencies!!

Captain Capitano is still in the Ember Sea, Rosalyn and Tartaglia are in Liyue, and Columbia needs to guard the Ice Empress.

Piero and Torre have fallen, and before you know it, the Fatui who were originally full of talents seem to be a little insufficient!!

Arechino glanced at the harlequin and asked softly, "Commander, what are you looking for us for?"

You know, I've been busy with Fucarus lately. "

The clown didn't get angry at all when he heard this, after all, Arechino was busy for the cause, and the harlequin could still tolerate a little impoliteness.

He also needed these people to gather the hearts of the gods for themselves, and to obtain the authority that symbolized the dragon king.

Only when there is a problem with these authorities can there be a real threat to the Heavenly Principles.

"There's no rush in the matter of Fukalus for now.

I have just received information from Tartaglia and Rosalyn that the Rock Emperor Morax has a problem with the Immortal Ceremony, and it is suspected that it was designed by the Abyss Order and contaminated by the power of the Abyss. The harlequin said without being shocked.

"What?" Everyone was stunned at this moment.

The Abyss Order designed the Rock Emperor?

Are they so brave?

They are still very jealous of Morax's strength.

The Fatui are free to come in other countries, but in Liyue they have to follow Liyue's rules, mainly because they don't have the confidence to defeat Liyue.

The strength of the Rock King Emperor Morax is the top existence among the Seven Gods.

As a result, the Abyss Order turned out to be so heroic that it calculated the Rock King Emperor, which... For a moment, they didn't even know what to say.

But soon, the rich man laughed mockingly: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect Morax to have such a day."

It's so much fun, how's that? Is Morax polluted by the power of the abyss? "

If there was anyone who hated Morax the most among all the people present, it was the rich man, who wanted to kill Morax and destroy all of Liyue, even if he was once a Liyuer.

But sometimes, Erwuzai is the most ruthless.

The rich are clearly such people.

Even if Morax is polluted by the power of the abyss, I'm afraid he will die in the end!

"According to Tartaglia's intelligence, it seems that the Dragon King of Ruoda and the Three-Eyed Five Immortals have joined forces to suppress Morax.

Eventually, the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle appeared and sealed Morax and the Ryuking of Rata together. Harlequin said with a solemn expression.

"Didn't the Dragon King of Ruota be sealed by Morax because of wear and tear?

Even the Dark Calamity of 500 years ago, he didn't appear. The rooster raised his own questions.

Over the years, they have never stopped gathering intelligence on Liyue.

"Well, maybe there's some secret method!" Harlequin pondered for a moment and said, "The information that Tartaglia and Rosalyn have found together can't be wrong.

Moreover, yesterday, there was indeed a strong fighting aura, and it should be that Morax and the Ryodo Dragon King were not wrong. "

Although he was talking about Morax and the Dragon King of Ruoda, the most feared thing for Harlequin was the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, and the maintainer of Heavenly Principles seemed to be in good condition and could seal these two powerful existences.

If you meet each other yourself, I'm afraid it's over.

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