As an existence determined to be at the pinnacle of Tianli, Harlequin has always regarded Tianli and its maintainers as his potential enemies.

Only by defeating them can you take revenge!

In their opinion, if it weren't for the Heavenly Principle and its maintainers who blocked the passage from Kanria to the Teyvat Continent, then they Kanria would not be finished, and they could establish their own country on land.

Kanria will not perish, but because of the actions of the Heavenly Principle and the maintainers of the Heavenly Principle, they have lost the possibility of the last ~ .

Now only a few people have escaped.

In order to take revenge on Tianli, they do not hesitate to be with the abyss.

Heavenly Reason should not have destroyed Kanria, and cast an immortal curse on the Kanria people, they will return and then take revenge on this world.

Without Teyvat, Kanria, there is no meaning in existence.

The little Ice Empress actually wanted to win herself over, on the one hand, she raised the flag of rebellion against Tianli, and on the other hand, she wanted to save the Teyvat Continent, which was simply cute.

There is no need for this whimsical god now, and as for this waste empress, she will let her fall into the abyss, and she will not need to worry about death at that time, which can be regarded as the benefit he gave to the Ice Empress.

After all, in the past five hundred years, the Ice Empress has indeed helped him a lot, and without the help of the Ice Empress, how could he have established an organization that rebelled against the principles of heaven so easily.

With the Fatui and the Abyss Order, Harlequin believes that they will inevitably overthrow the Heavenly Principle and destroy the continent of Teyvat in the future.

It's just that now after learning about the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle, the harlequin's heart can't be calmed down for a long time.

It stands to reason that the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle should be in trouble and fall into a deep sleep, even if it is revived because of Inazuma's affairs, but the power is very limited, and it should not be much stronger than the Seven Gods.

As a result, what's going on now?

The situation of the maintainers of heavenly principles seems to be much better than imagined.

Whether it is the Dragon King of Ruota or Morax, their strength is among the strongest under the maintainers of Heavenly Principles.

In the original Kanria, there was no one who could defeat Morax one-on-one.

But now the two of them have been sealed together by the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, is it because of wear and tear, or are they sealed voluntarily?

Harlequin is more willing to believe in the latter, after all, Morax is sealed by the power of the Abyss, and he is unwilling to hurt Liyue, so it becomes a matter of course to be sealed and then find a way to solve the abyssal pollution on his body.

Otherwise, even if it is the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, it is impossible to take down Morax and the Dragon King of Ruota at the same time.

It can't be that after 500 years, the maintainer of Heavenly Principle has not only not decreased in strength, but has increased in strength, right?

For this, the harlequin said that he could not believe it at all.

"Now that the maintainer of Heavenly Reason has appeared, and Morax has been sealed, are we going to take action against Liyue now?" The rich man said eagerly.

When faced with many things, the rich can face them without being surprised.

Even if the reason of heaven comes, the rich can deal with it indifferently, and it is a big deal to die.

However, after learning about Morax's accident, the rich man said that he could not be calm: "During this time, the establishment of Liyue Bank has caused us a lot of trouble in the Northland Bank.

We can take advantage of this opportunity to strike at Liyue Bank.

Liyue is not blessed by the gods today, and if we take a tough attitude, Liyue Bank will be doomed. "

The rooster looked at the rich man a little speechlessly and said, "Even if something happened to Morax, don't forget that Liyue still has a Muyang, and there is no doubt about the relationship between Liyue and Keqing and Ningguang.

Tartaglia and Rosalyn have sent information that these two seven stars are Muyang's women.

If you go to Liyue to bully Ningguang and them at this time, do you think Muyang will sit idly by? "

"Muyang is indeed a difficult opponent." The Harlequin nodded slightly in approval.

In fact, at the beginning, the harlequin was also very excited about the proposal of the rich, after all, if you want to fight against the principles of heaven, you also need to build a strong army.

Scientific research and arming the army all require a lot of Mora.

Recently, the Mora earned by the Northland Bank has gradually decreased, which also makes the Harlequin a little dissatisfied.

However, the person standing behind Liyue Bank is Morax, and the Harlequin is not easy to act rashly.

Now that Liyue has lost Morax's protection, it's time for them to take revenge.

It's just that now when I think of Muyang, the harlequin is also helpless.

The threat to them from Muyang, the adventist, was too great, and the original emptiness was already powerful enough, but the current Muyang seemed to be even better than the emptiness.

The most important thing is that Muyang is not just a person, and his relationship with Inazuma's Raiden General is also something they have to face.

Lei Movie is not a god who is easy to bully, the Harlequin is very suspicious, if it weren't for the fact that they are still under the guise of the Ice Empress, Lei Movie has some scruples, and the internal problems of Inazuma have not been solved, Lei Movie may have been killed to the Winter Country.

As far as the current situation of the Winter Country is concerned, it seems that it is a little troublesome to block the Lei movie.

Muyang and Lei Movie, these two people are enough to make Harlequin feel tricky, maybe he has to find a trip to Sora and Reindot, so that they can think of a way to deal with Muyang and Lei Movie.

It's definitely a good opportunity for them, and if they miss it, they won't have it.

Harlequin believes that Sora should also want to kill Muyang. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

During this time, Ying lived in Muyang's house, and no brother could tolerate his sister and other men being unclear.

"Muyang's matter will have to be solved sooner or later, but it's not something we can solve now!" Harlequin rubbed his temples and said in a deep voice: "According to Tartaglia's intelligence, after Morax was contaminated by the power of the Abyss, the Abyss Order used the power of the Abyss to pollute the demon god Osir, who was sealed by Morax. "

"Liyue is gone?" The rich man is happy again, as a native of Liyue, the rich man naturally understands the power of the Vortex Demon God Othello.

It is said that this was once the overlord of the sea, and even Morax spent a lot of effort against Othello.

Now that Osel has broken the seal, and with the bonus of Abyssal Power, even if Liyue still has the protection of the Three-Eyed and Five-Visible Immortals, I'm afraid it will be over.

"No, no, Liyue's Jade Hengxing Keqing and the Demon Slayer Great Sage have shown great strength and cooperated with Traveler Ying to contain Othello.

At the same time, Liyue also has a magic circle arranged by Morax to protect Liyue at a critical moment. Harlequin recounted what he knew: "In order to better understand the situation, Tartaglia also joined the battle.

He estimated that Keqing's strength was even stronger than that after he opened the Demon King's armament. "

The harlequin's words made everyone quiet now.

Although Tartaglia is the last executive of the Fatui, they will not deny Tartaglia's strength.

The reason why he ranked last was only because he couldn't use the Demon King Armament when he was in this ranking.

If it were really about strength, Tartaglia would probably not be inferior to the eighth seat of the Fatui of the Lady.

Now hearing that Keqing is even more powerful than Tartaglia who opened the Demon King's armament is enough to shock and inquire.

Why is this happening, that moment Qing is just a few Liyue Seven Stars.

"Does this have anything to do with Muyang?" Arechino pondered for a moment and asked, "According to our investigation, Yuheng Xingkeqing's strength is not bad.

But logically speaking, it is not so strong. "

The rich man snorted coldly: "If Muyang has the strength to improve the people around him, then he will become our biggest enemy."

We must get rid of him as soon as possible. "

The harlequin gave a meaningful look at the rich man, this guy is really paranoid about Liyue!

Actually, for the harlequin, Muyang or something, he really doesn't care.

Maybe Muyang's personal strength is very strong, but in the face of the general trend, no matter how strong Muyang's strength is, it has no effect.

Teyvat will be destroyed!

At that time, no matter how strong Muyang's strength is, it will have no effect.

Thinking of this, the harlequin didn't think much about it, as long as his own affairs were not exposed, then he would be safe.

He and Muyang are not enemies.

At this time, the harlequin also had to sigh, the target of the Ice Empress is really useful.

Harlequin believes that Morax should have told Mu Yang about the Ice Empress's plan, and as long as he doesn't expose it, then Mu Yang won't really go to war with their Fatui, otherwise, Mu Yang will attack them if he rushes to what the Doctor did before.

If it weren't for the fact that he might not be able to beat Mu Yang, the harlequin would also want to find Mu Yang for revenge, after all, the doctor is still very useful.

Now, a lot of research needs to look to Reindot.

I also need to worry about whether the matter of Reindot will be exposed, this is a woman who is on the entire Teyvat blacklist.

"The main thing is that Rosalyn is not good!!" At this time, the rooster also said helplessly: "If Rosalyn can become Muyang's woman, our future plans will be much easier."

If Muyang is willing to join us, our plan to rebel against heavenly principles will be easier. "

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) pills).

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