"Sending the Immortal Ceremony?" Hu Tao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Still can't!"

Although the Immortal Ritual can help us become famous in the Afterlife, I still hope that the Rock King Emperor can do well.

Of course, if the immortals are gone, I can still accept it..."

"Haven't the Immortals also guarded Liyue for thousands of years?" Looking at Hu Tao like this, Muyang couldn't help but complain.

Where did the immortals offend Hu Tao?

You know, they've been guarding Liyue for countless years.

If Liuyun borrowed the wind and Zhenjun and them knew about this, they would definitely be...

Well, even if you know, there is nothing you can do, after all, even Emperor Yan is also an employee of Hu Tao, they really can't say anything, Hu Tao is the Emperor of Yan Wang has seen since he was a child, and even from a very early age, Hu Tao was raised by Zhongli.

To some extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that Hu Tao is the goddaughter of Emperor Rock.

It's just a bit of nonsense, as long as Liyue is not demolished, everyone who knows the inside story will turn a blind eye to Hu Tao's naughty mischief, there is no way, who makes Hu Tao special?

"It's different! Moreover, whether it is a mortal or an immortal, there will be a day when old age will die. Hu Tao shook his head slightly and said, "This is what Zhongli told me, everything in the world has its own death, and death is also a part of life." "

"Is that so?" Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this: "Do you want to live forever?" "

"Immortality?" Hu Tao also shook his head slightly when he heard this: "If you can live forever, who doesn't like it, but if you want to live forever, you have to change your life against the sky, and as the hall master of the Afterlife Hall, I can't take the lead in violating it."

Yin and yang are orderly, and fate is impermanent. Death is unpredictable, but it has its rules. No matter when, where, no matter what the reason, people should not easily provoke death. Only by knowing and respecting it can we understand the value of living. "

"In that case, it seems that there is no need for me to teach you how to live forever." Hearing Hu Tao's words, Mu Yang nodded slightly.

Unexpectedly, Hu Tao still had such a mentality, which moved Muyang.

The vast majority of people can't refuse such benefits after knowing such a thing.

As a result, Hu Tao refused, should it be said that it is worthy of Hu Tao?

At a young age, he looked down on life and death, and such a thing is not something that ordinary people can do.

At least Muyang can't do it now.

It's just that before Muyang could continue to think about it, Muyang felt that her sleeves were pulled by Hu Tao, she looked at Muyang pitifully and said, "Please also teach me the method of immortality!"

I just feel that the Hall of the Dead should not be broken in my hands, and besides, I don't really see through life and death.

It takes more time to see through.

Immortality is not eternal life, I think I can! "

Muyang: "..."

Good guys, really good guys!

Before Hu Tao swore that he didn't need to live forever, but Mu Yang just said that he had a way to help Hu Tao live forever, and Hu Tao directly wanted to live forever.

The feeling is that Hu Tao thought that he couldn't live forever before, so he said that he didn't need to live forever!!

It's you, Hu Tao!

Forget it, anyway, pulling Hu Tao into the chat group is something that has been said a long time ago.

"Ding, welcome Hu Tao to join the chat group.~."

"What is this?" Hu Tao instantly understood the intention of the chat group, and looked at Muyang with some pain, this is what you call the method of immortality?

"The basic immortal method in the chat group, as long as you use points to pile up, it can also help you cultivate, as long as you cultivate into the Jindan chapter, your lifespan will be at least a thousand years, and with the improvement of your cultivation, you can continue to increase your lifespan." Mu Yang explained softly.

Hu Tao was also stunned when he heard this: "Although I will deliberately pursue points in the future, this is indeed the method of immortality."

As long as I don't deliberately improve my strength, there is still a limit to my lifespan.

Even in the Jindan period, which is currently the highest realm, there is still a limit to lifespan.

This is not a violation of the way of life and death. "

[Hu Tao: "Hello everyone, is there anyone who wants to handle the package of the Afterlife Hall?"

The Hall of the Dead has recently received a big reward, buy a monument and get a monument free! "

Zhongli: "..."

Ruoda Dragon King: "..."

Keqing: "..."

Muyang: "..."

Asmodeus: "..."

Ying: "..."

Raiden Zhen: "Afterlife?" It seems that Morax is serving as a guest secretary in the Hall of the Dead, right? "

Hu Tao: "Huh? The Emperor of the Rock King in our Hall of the Dead? "

Hu Tao: "Zhongli, are you actually the Emperor of the Rock King?" "

Hu Tao is an extremely intelligent woman, and she instantly understood the true meaning of thunder and lightning.

She was also angry.

Even her mediocre airfield is up and down at the moment.

Good guys, really good guys.

I actually raised a rock king emperor?

You're the Emperor of the Rocks, why do you still spend my Mora?

It's just that in the face of Hu Tao's inquiry, Zhongli directly chose to escape at this time.

There is no way, Hu Tao, this child, he can't cope with it.

As early as the moment he planned to let Hu Tao enter the chat group, Zhongli knew that his identity was going to be exposed, and he was ready, and after a while, Hu Tao would naturally be like usual.

Muyang: "It's not all, in fact, Zhong Kui is the Dragon King of Ruotuo, you can't think of it, right?" "

Hu Tao: "..."]

Hu Tao wanted to ask the ancestors of his family at this time, how did they invite Zhongli to the Hall of the Dead?

It's too... The cow broke a little. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Legend has it that the inheritance of the Afterlife Hall comes from the Emperor of the Rock King, and at first Hu Tao thought it was just the self-boasting of his ancestors, but now it seems to be true.

And he even invited the Ruotuo Dragon King to the Hall of Death, no wonder he saw that Feng Shui was so powerful, if it was Ruotuo Dragon King, it seemed that there was no need to be surprised.

Although Hu Tao is not interested in why the Ruotuo Dragon King appeared, according to legend, didn't the Ruotuo Dragon King and the Rock King Emperor have a quarrel?

However, this is beyond the scope of Hu Tao's thinking.

It's just that the Emperor of the Rock and the Dragon King of Ruotuo appeared together in their Hall of Death, is the ancestral tomb of the Hall of Death burned?

"Actually, you don't have to, at least with Zhongli's existence, you can have a lot easier to negotiate business with Liyue officials, can't you?

Keqing, Ningguang and Ganyu are all in the chat group, and they also know Zhongli's true identity.

Some business will be handed over to you, and when the time comes, it will be regarded as the pension money for the Emperor of the Rock King. Seeing Hu Tao's ever-changing complexion, Mu Yang also comforted softly.

This kid shouldn't be stimulated to be stupid, right?

"No, I'm just wondering if we're going to raise the price of the Afterlife.

After all, Zhong Li and Zhong Kui are the Emperor of the Rock King and the Dragon King of Ruotuo. Hu Tao then shook his head again: "No, they don't want to expose their identities, and I can't expose their identities either."

It's just a pity.

If they let others know their true identity, I'm afraid someone will give them all their possessions and ask them to deal with their own aftermath. "

Mu Yang was also speechless when he heard this, this is really the rhythm of letting Zhongli carry the coffin.

Muyang has no doubt that with Hu Tao's brain, if Zhongli's true identity can be exposed, she will definitely not mind launching such a business.

Fortunately, Hu Tao is still the people of Liyue, and they have the least respect for the Rock King.

Don't do such a big rebellious thing.

"No, I'll have to go find that guy Zhongli." Immediately after, Hu Tao gritted his teeth and said.

"Hmmm! Walking! Seeing Hu Tao like this, Mu Yang did not choose to leave Hu Tao behind.

Hu Tao still has a lot of information on his body, but these things, it is not impossible to get answers to ask Zhongli.

The Innocent Slope is too weird.

If he could, Muyang also wanted to go to Wuyu Slope for a walk.

By the way, sooner or later, the territory of Kanria will have to be recovered, after all, this is also part of the Teyvat continent.

At that time, Mu Yang didn't plan to let the country and civilization continue to be established over there, he planned to establish the future six realms of reincarnation over there, and the place over there was big enough, and it would be good to have a sergeant prison at home at that time.

However, the specific situation will have to wait for later.

At least for now, Muyang has not found the corresponding rule fragments, and it is difficult to make Teyvat Continent have a system of six reincarnations!

Moreover, even if the six realms of reincarnation are established, the human (king) hand is still insufficient.

At present, the people in the chat group have built several countries, and they are already very reluctant.

Now, even if he wants to establish the six realms of reincarnation, Muyang does not have many manpower to re-establish it.

Hu Tao left in a hurry, Muyang's busyness continued, and about half an hour later, another person came to Muyang's house.

Looking at the astringent woman in front of him, Mu Yang nodded slightly, it is worthy of Mona, it is really better to see than to hear.

It had been more than a month since the other party had been in Liyue, and under Ningguang's money offensive, Mona was willing to stay and work in Liyue.

In her words, she wasn't corrupted by Mora, but she saw another way and what could be done with the art of water divination, and in Liyue, she might see another possibility.

Moreover, the old woman also asked her to come to Liyue to do things, although she didn't say what she was asked to do, but only asked her to stay.

In this regard, Mona will not disobey her master's instructions.

Overall, Mona feels like she's had a pretty good time in Liyue, with less work, more money, and more freedom to work! Flattered!

(I rarely go to the supermarket anymore, but today I went to the supermarket to buy some drinks to drink, and it turned out that the Red Bull was gone, and most of them had become devil's claws, so I bought some devil's claws to taste them.) There is one thing to say, some people are not used to drinking! )。

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