For Muyang, Mona has naturally heard of it.

The legendary descendant, and the strength may be even greater than that of the Seven Gods.

When he was in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion before, Mu Yang killed Oser with one move.

It's just that I didn't have the opportunity to meet Muyang before, and yesterday Ningguang asked herself to come to Muyang's side to meet Muyang, and Mona didn't hesitate to come.

Mona was very curious about what level Muyang's strength had reached, and whether her divination skills were effective for Muyang.

When she saw Muyang, Mona secretly divined Muyang with water divination, but she had just started divination, and Mona's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Her heart was terrifying, unpredictable horror!

"Didn't your master tell you that some people are not allowed to do divination indiscriminately?

Dead people! Seeing Mona like this, Muyang was also speechless.

Good guy, Mona is really bold, she dares to divinate herself directly, you know, Muyang is not a nobody.

The entire Liyue region, and indeed the entire continent of Teyvat, are well-known beings, not to mention Mona herself, but even her master, who can't tell anything about herself.

It is even very likely that he will die because of the divination Muyang being counterattacked.

Fortunately, Muyang didn't want to kill Mona, otherwise, the other party would probably be dead.

It's also a matter of heaven for you to be good or bad, you just divinate me like this, isn't there a little disrespect for me?

Mona didn't need Mu Yang's reminder, and she also gave up her divination, just knelt on the ground, panting constantly, her face was full of palpitations, and the distracted 740 muttered: "How can this be?"

It doesn't make sense..."

Shamefully, Mona had never seen anyone like this before.

It stands to reason that such a person should not exist.

Oh, by the way, Muyang is indeed not a native of the Teyvat Continent, he is an Adventist!

But that's a bit too exaggerated, isn't it?

Mona had also used water divination to divinate another Adventist Ying before, but at that time, she had not been subjected to such a backlash.

Is there such a big difference between the Adventist and the Adventist?

"Curiosity kills cats. People are not the same, and when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. "One thing to say, Muyang doesn't have a good impression of these curious guys.

At the beginning, the Kanriya people were curious about the power of the abyss, and then they tried to use the power of the abyss, but in the end, they were swallowed up by the power of the abyss, and the whole country was gone.

It even has to pull the entire Teyvat continent into the water.

"Shhh Mona covered her forehead, she naturally knew about it.

Even her master had warned her, but was it possible for an astrologer not to explore these secrets?

If they weren't interested in these things, they wouldn't be good astrologers.

"You're dangerous." After Mona's condition improved, Mu Yang spoke.

"Perhaps, I just didn't expect to meet such a terrifying person as you.

When I was in Fontaine, I had met Funina, the goddess of water, but there was a world of difference between her and you. Mona said with a wry smile.

(chaa) "The god of water, Fcalos?

It seems to be a very interesting deity, and after a while, I would like to witness it. Thinking of a certain conspicuous bag, the corners of Muyang's mouth also showed a hint of a smile.

Cream puffs, he's done!

"The god of water?" Hearing Mu Yang's words, the corners of Mona's mouth twitched slightly, she was very suspicious that Funna would make the whole Fontaine embarrassed at that time.

After all, although the other party is the god of water, everyone understands the personality and other aspects...

"This time, I called you over, in fact, I also wanted to know more about Fontaine, and I wanted to ask if you would like to join the organization I formed." Mu Yang didn't hide it from Mona, and asked directly.

Mona is still relatively promising, and the other party's divination skills can be ranked in the top five in the entire Teyvat continent.

This is based on the fact that Mona is still relatively young, and in the future, Mona may not be able to catch up with her teacher.

Muyang is still very optimistic about Mona, after all, this is also the permanent light, and the nuclear explosion scene is generally inseparable from Mona.

It's just that when he entered Fontaine, Mi Fuyu seemed to have forgotten this character, didn't he say that Fontaine characters all have reckless attributes?

Mona is also a Fontaine character, her hometown is from Fontaine, but Mona is the same as an ordinary Vision holder, which is somewhat helpless, and there seems to be some problems with Mi Yu in terms of after-sales.

"The organization you founded?" Mona was also stunned when she heard this.

"Here you can meet the gods of various countries and the knowledge of the world, and of course the price you need to pay is loyalty to me and to the continent of Teyvat.

The kind that can give everything for the continuation of Teyvat. Mu Yang said meaningfully to Mona.

Mona was also stunned when she heard this.

Know the gods of each country and knowledge beyond the world?

God, if it's just the previous content, Mona doesn't care very much, after all, she has seen Funina before.

As far as Funina's performance is concerned, it is really difficult to make Mona expect too much from the so-called gods.

But if it's knowledge outside the world, Mona is also excited at this time.

To be precise, it's hard to find an astrologer who isn't interested in knowledge outside of the world.

It's just that her master also warned her that knowledge outside the world is very dangerous, and if she makes hasty contact, the final outcome will not be much better.

Her master is also a member of the Witches' Society, and she is a close friend of the famous Golden Rheindot.

The ability of Reindot is not inferior to his master, and the result is that because of the power of the abyss, he fell into the abyss, and now it seems that he has become not like a human and a ghost, and even five hundred years ago, he almost destroyed the Teyvat continent.

Mona is self-aware, and now she will never touch the power of the abyss.

She didn't want to be like that.

Now Muyang said that he would let himself get in touch with knowledge outside the world, and for a while, Mona's heart was also a battle between heaven and man.

She wanted to know that knowledge, but she was worried that she would be influenced by it.

Moreover, being loyal to Muyang or something, it still feels weird.

After thinking about it, Mona divined herself, Mona couldn't divinate Muyang, after all, Muyang's strength was too strong, and it was not something she could do at will.

I'm afraid that the starry sky of Teyvat will not be born into his destiny. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

She couldn't divinate Muyang either.

But she can still do it by divining herself, well, Daji!

In other words, joining Muyang's side has huge benefits for himself.

At the moment, Mona chose to betray herself without hesitation, isn't she loyal to Muyang?

Let's talk about it after you get the benefits!

Moreover, Muyang has a relationship with the Seven Gods, and the purpose is also to protect the Teyvat Continent, so it seems that he can join.

"I'd like to join your organization." Mona stared at Mu Yang and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? This was beyond my expectations, and I thought it would be a little difficult to convince you to join. Seeing Mona so simply, Muyang was also obviously stunned.

"I can feel that joining you is good for me." Mona said bluntly, "Moreover, you should want to protect the Teyvat continent, right?"

If it's to protect the world, why can't I join? "

Wait, the organization that the Seven Gods have joined, is it going to join an organization that opposes Heavenly Principles?

Mona has a teacher's inheritance, and she is also one of the few people who knows that there is a heavenly principle above the seven gods, and she also knows the restrictions of heavenly principles on human beings and various countries.

Muyang's organization, shouldn't it be against Tianli?

If that's the case, it's troublesome.

But now that he has joined Muyang's organization, if he wants to live, it is impossible to go against his words.

"Ding, welcome Mona to the chat group."

There was no surprise in letting Mona join the chat group, and it was even very easy, and Mona herself was shocked by the ability of the chat group and the knowledge on it.

It is completely different from Teyvat's elemental force system.

They are going to embark on the path of cultivating immortals!!

Faced with such a situation, not to mention herself, Mona believes that even if her master comes, she will not be able to refuse.

Later, Mona also learned some truths from Muyang's mouth, which made Mona's heart surging for a while, she was doing things for Tianli.

They don't need to go against the Heavenly Principles, they don't need to go against the Seven Gods, they need to face the power of the abyss.

For these enemies, Mona naturally will not have the slightest problem, they are all her own enemies, and they are also the enemies of the Teyvat Continent.

"Your Majesty, I can divinate some abyssal bases, do I need to take action against them?" After knowing Muyang's preparations, Mona also asked Muyang.

Although she could also scry the location of those abyss mages and monsters before, it would also cause her a lot of trouble, and it was also thankless.

But now the situation is different.

She can cooperate with Liyue officials here, which is also what makes Mona eager to try.

When the time comes, let others hunt down the people of the Abyss Order, and then let some people give them a certain amount of points as a reward, wouldn't they be able to become stronger?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) )。

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